Archbishop Williams writes on Lambeth

Posted on May 13, 2008 
Filed under News

Archbishop Rowan Williams and KJSThe Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, has sent an open letter to the bishops of the Anglican Communion in advance of the 2008 Lambeth Conference, set for July 16 – August 4 at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England.

“I indicated in earlier letters that the shape of the Conference will be different from what many have been used to.… At the heart of this will be the indaba groups … close to what Benedictine monks and Quaker Meetings seek to achieve as they listen quietly together to God …

The hope is that over the two weeks we spend together, these groups will build a level of trust that will help us break down the walls we have so often built against each other in the Communion. And in combination with the intensive prayer and fellowship of the smaller Bible study groups, all this will result, by God’s grace, in clearer vision and discernment of what needs to be done.”

– via the Episcopal News Service. (Photo credit: Jim Rosenthal, Anglican World.)