Archbishop sends message to Kenya after attack
Posted on April 3, 2015
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON, World news
Public Statement
Friday 3rd April, 2015
Archbishop Glenn Davies this afternoon sent a message of condolence to the Anglican Primate of Kenya, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, after the attack on Garissa University which killed more than 140 students.
The text of the message reads:
We are shocked and dismayed by this wanton and deliberate attack on Kenyan citizens in Garissa where Christians in particular seem to have been singled out.
The violence and loss of life is sickening.
We grieve with the families of students who have lost loved ones, some of whom were deliberately targeted because they own the name of Jesus.
May God enable you and the church to stand firm in this time of testing.
You may be assured of our prayers for peace in the nation of Kenya, for healing for those injured and bereaved, and for our brothers and sisters to stand firm in the face of persecution and to be filled with a spirit of love, the perfect love which drives out fear (1 John 4:18).
– source