Appellate Tribunal Matters November 2020 — Statement from the Board of Gafcon Australia

Posted on November 17, 2020 
Filed under Australian dioceses, GAFCON

“Gafcon Australia exists to promote the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Anglican Church of Australia. We are convinced that the fullness of life that only Jesus gives is experienced through hearing, trusting and obeying his word of grace and life, in the power of his Spirit and the fellowship of his people.

For this reason, the Board of Gafcon Australia expresses its deep regret that the recent majority opinion of the Appellate Tribunal of the Anglican Church of Australia relies upon a disputed definition of the meaning of ‘doctrine’ rather than on a whole-hearted and glad embrace of the life-giving Word of God. In doing so, they have seriously undermined the basis of national unity in our church.

We regard their conclusions as erroneous and unconvincing. …”

– Read the full statement released today by the Board of GAFCON Australia.