An Overview of the Anglican Communion Today – From Communion to Coalition

Posted on September 19, 2013 
Filed under Anglican Communion, Opinion

Vinay SamuelA presentation by Vinay Samuel, last Monday 16th September, at St. Mark’s Battersea Rise in London, to a pre-GAFCON 2 meeting –

“The Anglican Communion as it exists today is not a single communion – it is more a collection of coalitions.

The centre (Lambeth) has no meaning in defining the Communion. Archbishop Justin Welby has inherited a broken communion he cannot heal. The role of Lambeth has enormously diminished. The instruments of communion as the governing centre are irrelevant for dealing with communion matters. People will not accept a communion that promotes things that are heretical. Instead of Lambeth legitimation we need mutual legitimation. This leads to coalitions. …”

– Read it all at Anglican Mainstream. More on the meeting from Andrew Symes.