Anglican Communion ‘Secretary-General’ affirms Lambeth 1.10
Posted on August 9, 2015
Filed under Anglican Communion
Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, the new Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion, affirms his commitment to Lambeth 1.10 in an interview on the BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Programme and speaks against criminalisation of homosexual behaviour.
“Any resolution from any province that does not take Resolution 1.10 seriously is against the agreement within this church….. As Secretary General my job is to present and execute the decisions of the four instruments of unity we have…. I stand by Resolution 1.10…. This Communion has a position.”
BBC 4 Sunday Programme August 9, 2015. The segment begins 11:50 into the programme, with the interview starting at 18 minutes. (via Anglican Mainstream.)