A reminder of what is at stake at the Primates’ meeting
Posted on January 9, 2016
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON
In March 2015, GAFCON General Secretary Archbishop Peter Jensen gave the Richard B. Gaffin Lecture at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
His topic was “Beginning in Jerusalem: The Theological Significance of the 2008 Global Anglican Future Conference”. You can watch it on Vimeo.
Dr. Jensen explains the reasons for the formation of GAFCON, giving a glimpse of the pain involved, and the strong gospel hope for the future.
This is a sobering encouragement to watch, and is very helpful background for understanding why the GAFCON Primates are not likely to compromise at next week’s meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury.
See also:
GAFCON Final Statement and the Jerusalem Declaration – 29 June 2008.
The Jerusalem Declaration formatted as a PDF file.
The Anglican Communion is at a Crossroads– GAFCON website.
Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, Primate of Uganda, Pastoral Message – January 2016.