A date with disaster

Posted on July 1, 2008 
Filed under News

John Calvin bobbleheadMeeting in San Jose, California, the Presbyterian Church USA, the liberal branch of American Presbyterianism, moved to approve homosexual clergy on June 27, 2008 – a date that may well mark a final blow against biblical orthodoxy in that denomination.

The PCUSA has debated sexuality issues for decades now, with activists for homosexual ordination pressing their case until they finally got their way at the denomination’s General Assembly. In that historic meeting, the General Assembly actually approved several proposals.

Even before dealing directly with the question of ordination standards, the General Assembly approved a first step toward revising the denomination’s official translation of the historic Heidelberg Catechism. …

Al Mohler points out what else the PCUSA had to change. (Photo of a John Calvin bobblehead at the PCUSA GC – by Joseph Williams and PCUSA.)