2024 Annual Moore College Lectures

Posted on June 4, 2024 
Filed under Moore College

The 2024 Annual Moore College Lectures are just two months away:

The Battle for the Truth of the Gospel.

In Galatians, Paul is engaged in a battle for the truth of the gospel. Over five days this August, Tom Schreiner, the Associate Dean for the School of Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky, will be opening the book of Galatians at the 2024 Annual Moore College Lectures.

Tom will be focussing on the centrality of the gospel in the face of opposition.

In Galatians, Paul responds to certain opponents and adversaries who have distorted the gospel and sought to influence the church. He responds by emphasizing the gospel he received from Christ. Paul centres on the cross of Jesus Christ, the inauguration of the eschatological age, the correct understanding of justification, and what it means to live as believers in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Join us from 5 – 9 August for a week of insightful lectures from an international Pauline scholar.”

All the details are here.