The Christmas Countdown: from Speak Life

Speak Life in the UK has released this year’s Christmas video – The Christmas Countdown.

It’s something you could share with a friend, and then encourage them to consider the 321 course –

“321 comprises of 8 interactive video sessions designed to be completed at your leisure. Each session is around 20 min long and can be played, paused and accelerated to suit.

Presenter Glen Scrivener leads each session and offers the opportunity to think, question and test different worldviews.”

See also the Speak Life Christmas Video Rewind where Glen Scrivener and Nate Morgan Locke take a look at Speak Life’s previous Christmas videos.

This remote town feels like heaven to some, but it has a great gospel need

“Photographs of Exmouth show endless clear blue-water beaches, with expansive horizons.

The nearby Ningaloo Coast is world heritage listed. It is known for its reef, for whale sharks, sea turtles, rays, humpback whales, and a network of underground caves.

The town is gateway to the reef, where people dive and swim.

It’s in a 6504 square kilometre municipality, but most people live in Exmouth itself, a town of 2800.

Its population swells in winter, as people visit during the cooler months. Many people in town spend their spare time fishing, or just enjoying the environment.

Exmouth residents, the Venerable Simon Roberts and Alison Roberts, can see much lostness, just as anywhere. Some people are escaping difficulties, others just living for the enjoyment of life, a hedonistic lifestyle in a beautiful location.

Mr and Mrs Roberts are there for neither. Instead, they hope to bring people something that will satisfy more deeply than either escape or enjoyment: a relationship with God.

They moved to Exmouth around the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, Mr Roberts is rector of Exmouth and Onslow Anglican Church and archdeacon of the Pilbara. …”

The Melbourne Anglican has this story on Simon and Alison Roberts and the churches in Exmouth and Onslow. Food for prayer.

Map: Diocese of North West Australia. Exmouth and Onslow circled.

Truth Be Told — Lionel Windsor on God’s Story Podcast

With current world events, there’s a great need for truth, and plenty of propaganda to mislead.

Moore College lecturer (and ACL Council member) Lionel Windsor speaks with the God’s Story Podcast about his forthcoming book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World.

“How do we live truthfully in a post truth world? Why are we in a post truth world and what is a post truth world anyway?”

Among other things, Lionel explains why the printing of his book has been delayed. It illustrates the theme of the book!

Listen here. 30 minutes.

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