Funeral date for Narelle Jarrett announced

We’ve been informed that the funeral service for Narelle Jarrett, who was called home last week, will be at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday 25th November at 11:00am.

It will be followed by a light morning tea for those who wish to stay.

Bishops openly repudiate the teaching of the Church of England

“The statements by Stephen Croft and other revisionist bishops that approve of same-sex relations demonstrate the need for radical change in the Church of England – in precisely the opposite direction.

The Church’s official position matches the clear teaching of scripture by saying that sex belongs within one man, one woman marriage. Nevertheless, bishops and clergy have been allowed to sow endless doubt about what Christians throughout history and around the world have recognised is God’s pattern for sexuality. …

These bishops swore that they believed “the doctrine of the Christian faith as the Church of England has received it” and promised to “expound and teach it.” Core to the received doctrine of the Church is the doctrine of marriage.”

Christian Concern’s Andrea Williams argues that revisionist bishops are changing the gospel itself.


Five more Anglican bishops back same-sex marriages in church – The Guardian.

Image: Christian Concern.

What is the Bishop of Oxford thinking?

At Psephizo, Ian Paul takes a look at the booklet, Together in Love and Faith, released on Thursday by the Bishop of Oxford. The bishop sets out his changed thinking on same-sex relationships, and argues the Church of England should provide services for the blessing of same-sex civil partnerships and marriages.

Ian Paul writes:

“We start with the booklet’s title: ‘Together’ in Love and Faith. This is rather odd, since Steven is completely clear that what he proposing will not command consensus, and in fact will bring division into his diocese, to the point at which he notes many bishops will be uncomfortable with his proposals.

In fact, it will bring division not just to his diocese, and not just to the C of E, but to the Anglican Communion. I do find it remarkable that he is writing this hot on the heels of the Lambeth Conference, where it was abundantly clear that the move of some Western provinces to do what Steven is proposing has divided the Communion, perhaps terminally. …”

Read it all here. Illustration: Psephizo.

Together in Love & Faith? Should the Church Bless Same-Sex Partnerships? A Response to the Bishop of Oxford

From The Latimer Trust in the UK, here’s a very helpful response from Vaughan Roberts to the announcement from the Bishop of Oxford that he now supports the blessing of same-sex relationships.

The Latimer Trust:

“Writing from his own experience of same-sex attraction, Vaughan Roberts responds to the Bishop of Oxford’s argument that the Church of England should change its doctrine and practice in relation to same-sex relationships. Read more

Expository Preaching Trust opportunities in 2023

“Lord willing, the EP Trust is planning the following opportunities in 2023…”

– At The Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shares what they hope to be doing to promote preaching in 2023. Lather and Shave Preaching Clubs, Mentoring, Preaching Workshops.

Take a look and register interest.

Photo: David Cook speaking at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, August 2022.

With thanksgiving for Narelle Jarrett

We are saddened to hear Archdeacon Narelle Jarrett has been called home, but we rejoice that she is now with Christ.

In 2002, announcing her appointment as Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry, then Archbishop Dr. Peter Jensen said, “Narelle is extremely well qualified for this important position, having ministered faithfully over many years, in particular as Principal of Mary Andrews College since 1985 …”.

She continued as Principal of MAC until 2007 and was Archdeacon for Women until her retirement in 2012. In this latter role, she worked hard to enhance the opportunities for women’s ministry in Sydney, and invited colleagues Jane Tooher, Sarie King, Lesley Ramsay, Jackie Stoneman and Christine Jensen to work with her.

In more recent years, Narelle has served the church at South Coogee as Honorary Assistant Minister, and has been an Archdeacon Emeritus in the diocese since 2012.


Narelle’s funeral will be at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday 25th November at 11:00am – followed by a light morning tea for those who wish to stay.

Russell Powell has posted this tribute at

“Archdeacon Jarrett radiated godliness and grace,” Archbishop Kanishka Raffel said in his tribute. “With her firm and winsome stand for Biblical truth in all things, she made a significant contribution to the life of our churches and I thank God for her example in life and ministry.”

Her successor as Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry, Archdeacon Kara Hartley also paid tribute, saying “Narelle had a great passion and commitment to advancing the ministries of women in the diocese. A true servant of the gospel, as Principal of Mary Andrews College and Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry she exercised significant leadership in our diocese. I am deeply thankful to God for the impact Narelle had on me and many other women throughout our church.”

C of E Clergy should have the freedom to do what is right in their own eyes, says Bishop of Oxford

“Church of England clergy should have the freedom to bless and marry same-sex couples, says Bishop of Oxford.

The Bishop of Oxford has published a 52-page essay, Together in Love and Faith, to be released on Friday 4 November, setting out the ways his own views have changed on same-sex relationships over the last decade.

In the light of ten years of reflection and massive changes in the society we serve, many in the Church, including Bishop Steven, now believe it is time to enable local churches and clergy to offer public services of blessing for same-sex relationships and remove the legal barriers to the solemnisation of same-sex marriage in the Church of England. Clergy should also be given the freedom to order their own relationships according to their conscience and to marry a same-sex partner. …

Bishop Steven also reflects that many Christians in the Church of England hold and will continue to hold a traditional view of marriage and this should be honoured and respected by those who are seeking freedom to change”

– A news release from the Diocese of Oxford.

Image from a Diocese of Oxford video.

Armidale Diocese The Link for Oct-Nov 2022 now out

The latest issue (October – November 2022) of The Link, the magazine of the Diocese of Armidale, has been published on the diocesan website.

Much encouraging news and food for prayer.

Download your copy here. (PDF file.)

Launch 2023

From Phillip Jensen:

This Sunday is the vital time to invite your Year 12 students to join us at Launch 2023.

The final exam will be over, they are thinking about what’s next and this is much more important than schoolies.

Launch starts with a Launch Day in December.

Launch Day

– Tuesday 13 December at Moore College
–  meet other year 12s and leaders going to Launch camp
–  a great Bible talk to focus priorities before the long break
–  fun, friends and food provided

Launch Camp
–  30 January – 2nd February 2023
–  Katoomba, KCC and CMS sites

Launch camp has been an enormous help to so many students as they begin uni days with Christian friends and enfolded in uni Christian ministries.

The aim of Launch is to work out together what it means to live for Jesus in the transition to post-school life – years that are likely to be the most formative years of life.

Details and registration. And download a flyer.

Be Inspired by Mr Eternity!

From St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney:

Written in Chalk – the echo of Arthur Stace!

On the evenings of Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November, on our doorsteps, St Andrew’s Square is hosting outdoor screenings of a fascinating documentary on the inspirational impact of the Eternity Story on Sydney’s history and culture! The documentary starts at around sunset, 7:30pm, and runs for about 70 minutes.

It occurs at the 90th anniversary of Arthur Stace first writing ‘Eternity’ on Sydney’s streets (14 November 1932)!

All welcome for a unique experience. View the trailer here.”

Whatever line the film takes on the legacy of Arthur Stace, you can learn about the man and his story –

Making your life count for eternity.

The Eternity waterfall after 40 years – 12 July 2017.

Arthur Stace in his own words.

The Mothers’ Union & the ministry of lay women

Coming up at Moore College on Wednesday 16th November –

“Women have been key workers in the church since the time of the Apostles, and continue to be so in Australia. Alongside deaconesses and ordained women undertaking professional ministry, lay women have made extensive and invaluable voluntary contributions to church work and evangelism.

From its beginnings in the late 19th century, the Mothers’ Union has provided a framework for supporting Christian women through the parish network, as well as wider ministry in hospitals and the family courts. Other lay women including clergy wives have crafted their own unique spheres of ministry.

This event and accompanying exhibition will highlight the different ways in which lay women have influenced Australian Christianity.”

Jane Tooher is speaking. Details and booking from the College.


Synod marks ministry of women –

‘Sexuality and holiness’ – a review

“An excellent new resource on a faithful Christian response to sexuality and gender controversies courageously goes further than many standard evangelical treatments of this challenging topic.

Sexuality and holiness: Remaining loving and biblically grounded in a rapidly shifting culture’ is written by Mike Williams, the senior minister of Reigate Baptist church, and it is rooted in a pastoral heart, as well as clear biblical understanding and also unusual spiritual and prophetic insight. …”

– At Anglican Mainstream in the UK, Andrew Symes reviews a new and very topical book.

In his review, Symes writes,

“There is a need for widespread repentance – again, for all sin not just homosexuality – as we recognise the right of God to send tribulation. Will faithful women and men stand in the gap, in intercession, pleading for God’s mercy on the nation and the church, hoping for revival?”

Image: Christian Concern.

A breakdown of the Australian National Church Life survey – with Peter Mayrick and Ruth Powell

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Sunday Church attendance across Australia is down, but decline has slowed.

The Australian National Church Life Survey results are out.  Worryingly the key newcomer indicator has dropped to 5.7%.

While evangelism is down, engagement in church based service groups is up. Mid week small groups are up.

We take a hard look under the bonnet of the top level results.

Ruth Powell is National Director for the National Church Life Survey.

Peter Mayrick is with Partners in Ministry and the Center for Ministry Development at Sydney’s Moore Theological College and is a board member of the National Church Life Survey.”

Watch or listen here.

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