What to do with Santa?
“Personally, I have been thinking about how I should relate to the character of Santa for many years now.
As a child, I was taught that Santa was real. I believed that he lived in the North Pole and on Christmas Eve he somehow entered our house (we had no chimney) and gave me presents if I had been a good boy. I would even leave him cookies and a glass of milk, and the proof of his existence was the fact that these had been consumed by Christmas morning. …”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Simon Camilleri (author of “When Santa Learned the Gospel”) has some simple advice for Christian parents.
Photo: simoncamilleri.com
New Dean of Women for Moore College
“Last Thursday, at its final meeting for the year, the Moore College Governing Board approved the Principal’s nomination of the Reverend Susan An to become a member of the College faculty, serving as its Dean of Women. …”
Remembering Chappo with affection and thanksgiving
Ten years ago today, on 16 November 2012, John Chapman (‘Chappo’) was called home.
Not many are blessed with the gifts of evangelism and preaching that Chappo had – but all Christians are blessed to have the same saving message to share.
Here are a few reminders of Chappo, and we pray that they will serve to draw our hearts to Jesus:
Phillip Jensen interview with John Chapman – Part 1 and Part 2.
John Chapman: Encouragement for Evangelism – 7 minute cassette tape to encourage Christian students at Sydney University to believe and act on the gospel, prior to the SUEU Mission in June 1977. Right-click the link above to download, or listen below.
Phillip Jensen on Chappo, March 2013. – The Briefing, Matthias Media.
The preaching of John Chapman – Simon Manchester, The Briefing.
John Chapman – a personal reflection from Mark Thompson.
John Charles Chapman (Chappo) – by David Cook.
Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens.
Dick Lucas gives thanks for Chappo.
1980 Photo: AFES.
New song for Christmas from Emu Music
Emu Music has released a beautiful new song for Christmas – Jesus is His Name.
Watch at the link – and audio tracks and sheet music are also available.
A safe harbour for faithful Anglicans — Anglican Network in Europe response to the Bishop of Oxford
Here’s a Press Release from The Anglican Network in Europe:
The recent publication by the Bishop of Oxford of a paper ‘Together in Love and Faith’, and the briefing to the Church Times after the College of Bishops’ meeting on ways forward after LLF (31 Oct – 2 Nov 2022), both indicate a situation that is causing widespread dismay: a majority of bishops apparently now claim that maintaining a biblical orthodox position on same-sex blessings or marriage “is not an option” for the Church of England.
In his essay, the Bishop of Oxford, while advocating the full acceptance of same sex marriage within the Church, proposes some sort of provision of an alternative structure of oversight for those unable to accept this radical innovation.
This has been welcomed by some who hold to the historic, biblical teaching on sex and marriage, who acknowledge that there is an irreconcilable division in terms of understanding of the Christian faith, but would like an orderly, negotiated separation to occur within the church. This would have to involve robust protections for biblically faithful ministers, together with their congregations and buildings, should the Church of England be led into accepting heterodox faith and practice.
However a growing number are increasingly uncomfortable with this proposal, as it would require an acquiescence to ‘plural truth’ within the denomination. It would require an acceptance of divergent and irreconcilable views within the same church on a matter about which the Bible is unequivocal. As one commentator has put it, a church with “two integrities” on a primary, gospel issue has no integrity.
When senior Bishops call publicly for the departure from the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, the universal witness of Christian tradition and the great majority of Anglicans worldwide, this is not a matter for polite negotiation, but requires a call for repentance, which if not heeded, must result in an immediate break in fellowship, and the establishment of a faithful jurisdiction under godly oversight committed to the authority of the word of God.
Such a body has already been established: The Anglican Network in Europe, with its constituent members the Anglican Convocation Europe and the Anglican Mission in England. It is the result of gracious provision by the majority of faithful Anglican leaders worldwide. It is a safe harbour and a genuine, authentic and authorised Anglican alternative to compromise and cultural capitulation. Why not look for your nearest ANiE church, or investigate starting a new one?
As Archbishop Foley Beach (Primate of the Anglican Church in North America and Chair of the Gafcon Primates’ Council) said at the Network consecrations in October 2022, “We are here to say ‘you are not alone’, and as representatives of the majority of Anglicans in the Anglican Communion, we recognise what the Lord is doing in this emerging province.”
Our missionary faith – Matthew 28:16-20
Last week, Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson spoke about The Great Commission as the College comes to the end of the academic year.
It’s not only Moore College students who need to be reminded why we’re here.
Watch or listen at the Moore College website. Most encouraging.
‘The day I almost resigned’ – Dominic Steele
In the latest edition of the Pastor’s Heart, host Dominic Steele shares something of his own journey –
“Ten things that went wrong for Dominic Steele, the mistakes he made, and the day he almost resigned.
Dominic Steele has just notched up twenty years as senior pastor of Village Church in Annandale, Sydney.
But it hasn’t always been plain sailing.
In this address at Craig Hamilton’s HUSTLE leadership conference on 2 Timothy 2, Dominic shares about the things that went wrong and the mistakes he made.”
– Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.
Remembering Arthur Stace 90 years after he began to chalk Eternity
Ninety years ago today, on 14th November 1932, Arthur Stace (“Mr. Eternity”) heard evangelist John Ridley and felt the call to write Eternity on the streets of Sydney.
Calvin University votes to allow Faculty to embrace heretical views on sexuality
“The trustees of Calvin University voted to keep faculty who reject the Bible’s clear teachings on what constitutes sexual immorality.
Will the denomination step in, or will they allow the school to embrace heretical views?”
– Joe Carter summarises the story for The Gospel Coalition. What would John Calvin think? (Image: John Calvin by Hans Holbein the Younger.)
Latest news from George Whitefield College, Nov 2022
Here’s the latest newsletter from George Whitefield College in Capetown.
As many of our readers will know, the college has historic and strong links with Sydney.
Read online or download the PDF version.
Bathurst newsletter November 2022
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder writes:
“Please find attached the first of a semi-regular newsletter from me as a way of increasing communication around the diocese – and beyond!”
– Download the newsletter here as a PDF file. Food for prayer.
Top Centre 22.3 now online
The latest issue of the Diocese of the Northern Territory‘s magazine, Top Centre 3.22, is now available for download from their website.
New Resident Minister for Cobar after 20+ years
Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, writes,
“Dear Brothers and sisters,
It is well over 20 years since there was a resident Anglican minister in Cobar.
So it is with great thankfulness to God that I announce today that the Rev’d James Daymond will take up this role sometime early in the new year.
Together with Brittany, James has been open to the call of God on his life for a new chapter in ministry. It is important to note that he will continue to do the work of an evangelist as James sees that as his primary calling. However, serving as Priest-in-Charge of Cobar, will only open up immense opportunities in the community at large for James to make connections, build trust and friendship and share Jesus for life.
This appointment would not be possible without the generous support of the Bush Church Aid Society. James and Brittany are delighted to be able to continue as BCA field staff members and will enjoy not only the generous funding of BCA, but also the wonderful prayer support which being part of the BCA family means.
I have great confidence that James and Brittany will be a great blessing to the seven current members of the church and to the community at large.
James commented on his appointment: “We thank the Anglican Parish of Cobar welcoming us both to serve them and to serve with them! We look forward to reaching out to the spiritually lost, sharing Jesus for life, and caring for Cod’s people.”
Please join me in giving thanks to God for James and Brittany’s willingness to serve in Cobar and for making the many sacrifices this will involve. And give thanks for BCA’s willingness to partner with us in placing a resident minister in Cobar – one of the first towns in which BCA ever placed a minister!
We pray also for those who in Mudgee who will feel the loss of James’ move. May they know God’s comfort and be given grace to trust in His plans, both for the future of the evangelism program and for Arvo church.”
Bishop Calder also writes,
“Currently a Deacon, God willing, James will be ordained Priest on 03 Dec at 11am, All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst.”
Expect the Unexpected
“We should not be taken by surprise by the rise and fall of nations as well as seismic and climatic events.
As Paul the Apostle writes in Romans chapter 8, verses 21 and 22, the present creation is subject to decay and groans in travail awaiting the day when we will enjoy the perfect fulfilment of all God’s promises.
Why is it that we live with our eyes so focused on life now that we fail to walk in the light and wisdom of the Lord?…”
– In his Word on Wednesday devotion for today, John Mason may or may not have had the US mid-term elections at the back of his mind. Either way, what he writes at Anglican Connection is relevamt for all.
How do we get the whole church engaged in evangelism? — with Gavin Perkins
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“How do you grow your church’s evangelistic ecosystem? Is that possible?
83% of Gavin’s church members see personal evangelism as an individual responsibility.
And yet most 60% of them had at maximum of two spiritual conversations with non Christians in the last six months.
Gavin Perkins has been researching what are the blockers to personal evangelism? How might we overcome them?
How could we create a congregational ecosystem where individuals take personal evangelistic initiative? …”