Bible Reading Plans for 2021
Here are some Bible Reading Plans to help you read the Bible more consistently in 2021:
The Bible Reading Plan I Recommend for 2021 –
2021 Bible Reading Plans – Ligonier Ministries.
See also:
Want to Read Your Bible Well in 2021? Don’t do it Alone – The Gospel Coalition.
My year in the Bible with My Conversation Partners – Dave McDonald.
One Big Idea: The Pilot Episode
From The American Anglican Council:
“The American Anglican Council is happy to begin sharing with you One Big Idea, a new video series with thoughts from Canon Phil Ashey to help leaders at every level view the church and culture from a biblical lens. This is the pilot episode!”
– Watch here.
Lift Your Eyes free resource — How it works
In this video, Lionel Windsor at Moore College introduces his free online resource, Lift Your Eyes: Reflections on Ephesians.
“Lift Your Eyes is a series of reflections in both text and audio podcast format covering every sentence in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.”
Amazing Place: The place of ‘Place’ – with Matthew Sleeman
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“What is a biblical theology of place?
Matthew Sleeman is a lecturer in New Testament at Oak Hill Theological College in London. …
Matthew says place is more than point on a map. Place contributes to making us who we are. And we contribute to making the place what it is. We are shaped by our places and we paint ourselves onto places.
Places are locations for ministries, discipleship and living for Jesus.”
Also from The Pastor’s Heart this week, a very sobering topic:
Processing the Ravi Zacharias sexual abuse scandal – with Dan Paterson.
Heaven — Rejoicing in Future Glory
The latest 9Marks Journal is out, with a focus on Heaven.
Plenty of encouraging and stimulating reading.
John Anderson speaks with John Lennox
John Anderson speaks with Professor John Lennox in Oxford.
They discuss Christ’s birth and life as one of historical truth, the Christian foundations of the modern scientific method, and the current religious climate.
Christmas video message from Archbishop Foley Beach
Church in Wales issues draft Bill for same-sex blessings
“The Bishops of the Church in Wales have published their proposals to authorise formal blessings in church of same-sex partnerships and marriages.
A draft Bill that would permit the blessing in parish churches of same-sex couples after a civil partnership or civil wedding has been circulated to members of the Church’s Governing Body ahead of a debate in April. …”
– Report from The Church Times.
Image: Archbishop of Wales John Davies, from his 2020 Christmas Message.
See also:
A Bill to authorise experimental use of proposed revisions of the Book of Common Prayer (service of Blessing following a Civil Partnership or Marriage between two people of the same sex) – Church in Wales website.
Christmas is not cancelled, just different
“The latest outbreak of COVID-19, centred on the Northern Beaches, has wrought havoc with Christmas plans but churches have been working frantically to adapt. …”
– Here’s the very latest from
“NAZARETH” — A Hamilton Parody
Simon Camilleri has produced a wonderful video inspired by the musical Hamilton.
Watch here – and below the video is a link to download it if you can use it at a church Christmas event.
COVID shows us something deeper — the great unmasking of God
The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has released his Christmas message for 2020. Read more
Bishop Mark Calder’s Christmas message for 2020
The Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has released a brief Christmas message.
Click this link to watch the video – and the text is below.
Can you imagine the conversation Mary had to have with Joseph?
“Joseph – we need to talk”. (Long pause while she gathers the courage.) “I’m pregnant”.
What a shock! Mary knew she hadn’t slept with anyone. Joseph knew it wasn’t him!
Joseph was a good guy and decided not to make a fuss but simply walk away.
But God had other plans.
“What is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit”, an angel told Joseph in a dream. What a dream!! There would have been comfort in that dream – Mary had not been sleeping around. But confusion too – whatever does “conceived by the Holy Spirit” mean?
Put simply, it means that in this baby, God was stepping into our world. He had an earthly mother, but a heavenly Father. God turned up – not in a majestic palace – but as a small, vulnerable baby, laid in a food trough and needing his nappy changed. Astonishing!
The two names given to this boy help us understand something of the significance of his birth.
The first: ‘Jesus’. It means ‘God saves’. Saves from what? The angel explained to Joseph, “You are to give him the name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins”. “Sins” is not a word we use today. Ultimately it means shutting God out and living as if he doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter. That attitude breaks our relationship with God. Jesus’ whole mission was to mend that relationship. By his life, death and resurrection, he makes it possible for anyone, should they want to, to be forgiven and come back into relationship with him, now and forever. That is pretty wonderful and overwhelmingly generous.
The second name: ‘Immanuel’. It means ‘God with us’. “What if God was one of us?”, Joan Osborne mused in her hit song. Christmas reminds us that God did in fact turn up as one of us. That means he gets us. He knows life! And he’s still with us – by his Spirit. In all our joys and laughter. In all our pain and grief. God is with us! This too is pretty wonderful.
COVID may dent our plans and indeed may have caused us grief this year.
But it is not so powerful that it can change the meaning of Christmas.
God saves. God with us. Revel and enjoy. (Even if your plans have had to change.)
Watch our traditional Christmas service here:
Watch our more contemporary service here:
And do pray for the churches right across Bathurst Diocese as they seek to share the saving news this Christmas.
CMS Summer School to be completely online
CMS NSW / ACT has today announced that the CMS Summer School in January will now be completely online.
In an e-mail to people registered for Summer School, the organising team explains:
“Over the last couple of months, we have been working hard to adapt to government restrictions so that we can gather physically for Summer School. We praise God that over 1000 adults and over 600 youth and children registered for the 2021 conference!
However, as a result of the recent COVID-19 outbreak and the tighter restrictions that have been introduced as a result, it is no longer feasible to proceed safely with plans for an on-site program. …
The online-only conference will begin with a livestreamed session on Saturday night at 7pm, and then livestreamed sessions in the KCC Auditorium from Sunday–Thursday.”
Pray that the modified Summer School will be a great blessing to many.
See also the Summer School website.
Responses to the Appellate Tribunal Opinion
Essential reading on the 11 November 2020 Opinion issued by the Appellate Tribunal:
- Dr Robert Tong.
- Dr Mark Thompson.
- A Statement from the Board of Gafcon Australia.
- General Synod to consider legal opinions on same-sex blessings – (includes a letter from Archbishop Glenn Davies, and an explainer by Bishop Michael Stead.)
- Motion passed unanimously by the Diocese of Sydney Standing Committee, 23 November 2020.
St Helen’s Bishopsgate announces “Broken Partnership” with House of Bishops
Excerpts from a Statement issued by St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London:
“In good conscience, St Helen’s is no longer able to remain in gospel partnership with the House of Bishops until they again speak and act consistently in accordance with the plain reading and plain teaching of scripture on sex and marriage, as recognised by the church down the centuries. …
St Helen’s is not leaving the Church of England and will remain a member of its Deanery and Diocesan structures for the most part. However St Helen’s will be withdrawing from those activities which indicate full spiritual partnership. This is likely to include the selection and recommendation of people going forward for ordination, as well as planting new Church of England churches.”
Read the full statement below:
Date 16 December 2020
St Helen’s Bishopsgate, following much prayer and reflection, has announced a state of broken partnership with the House of Bishops of the Church of England.
St Helen’s and many other churches have over a prolonged period called for and prayed for Bishops, as the denomination’s senior leaders, to uphold their vows to teach what the Bible says, including in the area of sex and marriage, and to deny false teaching and practice. Instead the House of Bishops is divided on sex and marriage; its official orthodox doctrine is expressly undermined by how some bishops speak and act, and by the failure to speak and act of many others. This has resulted in a muddled message and confusion for churchgoers across England. Despite their consecration vows, Bishops have overseen the appointment to influential leadership positions of people who openly advocate change to the Church of England’s doctrine and/or forms of service, and Bishops have permitted alternative services and events that do not uphold the Church of England’s stated doctrinal position on sexual ethics.
Seven years ago the House of Bishops published the Pilling Report which called for ‘facilitated discussions’ on sexuality. Earlier this month the House of Bishops published the Living in Love and Faith book, course, and library of resources which call for yet further discussion. Living in Love and Faith demonstrates the division in the House of Bishops with some sections setting out the orthodox biblical teaching but others erroneous alternative views. The overall effect suggests that the clear biblical teaching on sex and marriage is not clear. The House of Bishops is responsible for upholding biblical doctrine in the Church of England. Whilst St Helen’s is encouraged by the faithful work of some involved in the LLF project, the clarity and consistency of the bible’s teaching on sex and marriage is in marked contrast to the House of Bishops’ muddled message.
In good conscience, St Helen’s is no longer able to remain in gospel partnership with the House of Bishops until they again speak and act consistently in accordance with the plain reading and plain teaching of scripture on sex and marriage, as recognised by the church down the centuries.
The loving summons of the Lord Jesus to ‘repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand’ leads his followers into a life of rich fulfilment that stretches into eternity. Thus, when Church of England bishops depart from proclaiming and defending clear biblical teaching, it is not just a breach of the Canons of the Church of England, but more seriously it is unloving and painful to the many people within the Church of England who want to live faithful and sacrificial lives following Jesus, and it risks causing others to stray from the way of salvation revealed in the scriptures.
St Helen’s has a deep love and concern for those in the church who experience same-sex attraction, and seeks to provide support and care for such men and women in our own congregations. Sadly when Church of England leaders contradict or fail to promote the clear teaching of scripture in the area of sexual ethics, they are heard by our and other congregations to say that scripture does not matter and the personal obedience of committed Christians desiring to be faithful to Jesus’ teaching does not matter.
St Helen’s, like the great majority of Anglicans around the world, believes that scripture clearly and consistently teaches that it is God’s good plan that the only loving and God-honouring place for sexual practice is within the marriage of one man and one woman, and that this is a matter of primary biblical importance. It is not merely a ‘secondary matter’ over which faithful Christian disciples can ‘agree to disagree’, rather it is a matter of the authority of God’s word to which all disciples of Jesus Christ should seek to submit (and not reword).
Tracey, a member of St Helen’s who knew she was gay when she was 12, lived an active gay lifestyle in her twenties until she became a Christian a few years ago.
She says, “Now that I’m a Christian it doesn’t mean that I have become straight. I’ve always been attracted to girls. The thing that helped me was understanding that temptation and sin were different things. I have a choice: I can either honour God with my actions or dishonour him.”
She continues, “I find it upsetting when Christians take different bits of the Bible and say, I’ll go with this and not that, as it was quite clear to me what the Bible taught on homosexuality. There is a cost and it is tricky, but holding onto the truths in the Bible, I choose to honour Jesus. I have a wonderful church family who are incredibly supportive.”
St Helen’s is not leaving the Church of England and will remain a member of its Deanery and Diocesan structures for the most part. However St Helen’s will be withdrawing from those activities which indicate full spiritual partnership. This is likely to include the selection and recommendation of people going forward for ordination, as well as planting new Church of England churches. We have been in regular communication with both the current Bishop of London and her predecessor about our developing concerns. We are grateful that the Bishop of London has, in response, proposed working with St Helen’s to assess how the potential consequences of broken partnership could be addressed.
William Taylor, Rector of St Helen’s says, “The House of Bishops has responsibility for spiritual leadership in the Church of England–teaching the truth, correcting error and exercising discipline. Their failure of leadership over many years is responsible for the confusion that the Church of England now finds itself in. By contrast the Bible’s teaching is clear, authoritative and loving as is the historic doctrine of the Church of England. Sadly, therefore, we find that although authentically Anglican, we are not, for the time being, in gospel partnership with the House of Bishops. We feel obliged to take this step to differentiate ourselves visibly from the House of Bishops.”
He continues, “We are grateful for the ongoing faithful ministry of the Bishop of Maidstone, Rod Thomas, who is not himself a voting member of the House of Bishops but has repeatedly and faithfully raised these concerns about departure from the Scriptures. Rod will review me annually in my role as Rector of St Helen’s, with input from the churchwardens and other members of the team at St Helen’s. We will also continue to pray for the leadership of the Church of England and for the House of Bishops, especially that they will stand strong in the orthodox truths and have the confidence to be unashamed in preaching the gospel as set out in scripture – the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, no matter how counter-cultural it may seem to contemporary society.”
Many local church leaders, from different Anglican churches across the country, share similar concerns to those expressed by St Helen’s. We wish to support and remain in full partnership with these likeminded churches, who seek to teach the good news of Jesus with faithfulness and compassion and provide on-going care, love and support for those within their congregations experiencing same-sex attraction.
Source: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.
Image of William Taylor courtesy of St. Helen’s.