Anglican Church of Tasmania finalises $3.65 million of compensation to survivors of sexual abuse
“The Anglican Church of Tasmania has confirmed it will pay $3.65 million in compensation to 24 survivors of sexual abuse, but will look at selling more assets after its liability estimates more than doubled. …”
– Report from ABC News.
The Protestant Understanding of Justification
For Reformation weekend, Ligonier Ministries has this video from R C Sproul. (It’s part of a series.)
Senior Pastors, Self Promotion, Narcissism and Social Media – with Marshall Ballantine-Jones
From The Pastor’s Heart –
“Did you watch the Social Dilemma and consider throwing your phone (and the apps installed!) out the window. This week we are thinking through the pastoral opportunities and dangers of social media.
Marshall Ballantine Jones joins Dominic Steele to discuss the impact of social media use on pastors, particularly with regards to encouraging self promotion and narcissistic tendencies.”
– Watch or listen at The Pastor’s Heart.
November 2020 issue of Southern Cross
The November issue of Southern Cross is now available at
Stories include –
• Rejoicing at the opening of Stanhope Gardens
• Getting the most out of church
• The War you didn’t know about.
Feature articles include –
• Discipling screen-native kids,
• The new Christian sports show
• Cranmer’s strategy for evangelism.
Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer
Thanks to Ligonier Ministries, “For a limited time, watch this documentary in its entirety to discover the events God used in Martin Luther’s life that led him to rediscover the gospel of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.”
– The video is temporarily available on YouTube in celebration of Reformation Day.
Once the link is removed (they don’t say when that might be), the movie will still be available for purchase via these sources.
Archbishop Glenn Davies gives Thanksgiving prayer for the end of drought
Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. Glenn Davies, leads in prayer at the end of the drought, and also prayers for those labouring for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Thanks be to God for his many mercies.
No Love in the Episcopal Church
“The Right Rev. William Love, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, will step down on Feb. 1 after a disciplinary panel earlier this month determined he had violated church rules when he told his clergy not to perform same-sex marriages. …”
– Story from The Times Union, Albany, New York.
See also:
Resolution Reached In Disciplinary Matter Involving Bishop of Albany – Episcopal Church Public Affairs Office
“Presiding Bishop Michael Curry expresses sadness for the pain that has been experienced across the theological spectrum and also his continuing support for the Church’s intention that all persons have access to marriage rites authorized by the Church. …”
And earlier posts:
1. A Pastoral Letter and Pastoral Directive by the Rt. Rev. William H. Love Bishop of Albany, November 10, 2018 – PDF file.
2. TEC Bishop directs his clergy not to use General Convention trial Marriage Rites – November 12 2018.
“On three separate occasions (my ordinations as deacon, priest, and bishop) I have solemnly declared ‘that I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to Contain all things necessary to salvation’ (BCP 513). Upon my consecration as Bishop, I was given a Bible and was issued the following charge by the Presiding Bishop: ‘Receive the Holy Scriptures. Feed the flock of Christ committed to your charge, guard and defend them in His truth, and be a faithful steward of his holy Word and Sacraments’ (BCP 521). I take this charge very seriously.
3. A trial that should shame all Anglicans – March 8, 2020.
Bishop Love Resigns – GAFCON.
“With Bishop Love, we continue to call on the Episcopal Church to return to the supreme authority of the Holy Scriptures and to order its life and practise in obedience to God’s revealed word.”
People and the Reformation
“October 31 is remembered in some places, not as a wretched Halloween Day, as the date when, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses in Latin to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg in Saxony. In doing so, he unwittingly, to some degree at least, triggered off the Protestant Reformation. …”
– The Rev. Dr Peter Barnes, Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, writes for Reformation Day, this coming weekend.
New Dean of Christ Church Cathedral Darwin Commissioned
The Rev. Rob Llewellyn was commissioned as the new Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Darwin last weekend.
The service can be seen at the Cathedral’s Facebook page.
Bishop Greg Anderson preached. Most encouraging.
Commending the Jerusalem Declaration
GAFCON has created a page to commend and explain the Jerusalem Declaration.
Most encouraging.
Be sure to watch the “Understanding the historical context” video on that page.
You can also assent to the Jerusalem Declaration yourself.
Churches, Give People a Message of Hope
“Tom Holland is the spiderman of historians. His latest conversation with Glen Scrivener is well worth the listen for it includes more than a few intriguing thoughts in the web of ideas.
I really appreciate his thoughtfulness and honesty. It was this reflection by Holland that especially struck a chord with me. He said,
‘I felt that over the course of this year the churches have been a let down. I think that the experience of pandemic, it sets you to asking why is this happening…it raises profound issues of theodicy.’…
Holland isn’t knocking churches for talking about their buildings, social distancing and COVID-19 plans. He notes that these things are important. The overall presentation of Christianity that he has heard and seen over the last 6 months (and keep in mind Tom Holland is a studious observer of Christianity), the message he’s received is overall bland and uninspiring and offers little hope to a world he says is desperate for salvation.”
– Murray Campbell in Melbourne writes at The Gospel Coalition Australia.
Mask and number restrictions easing in churches
“Churches can now open to up to 300 people, subject to the 4m2rule and masks are no longer needed in services after talks with the State government on COVID safety…”
– The latest from Russell Powell at
Photo: Anglican Media Sydney.
Euthanasia in a time of COVID
“I recently heard a man express the view that he would rather vote for a communist dog catcher than for someone who did not respect life. I am not sure about a communist dog catcher but I am sure that a vote for someone who will not defend the sanctity of human life is a vote for a very uncertain future.
Pre-election desire to introduce euthanasia into Queensland by Annastacia Palaszczuk is conspicuous in its timing. While ‘voluntary’, it has to be said that such a commitment to death during the COVID-19 pandemic is very confusing. …”
– Bishop of Armidale, Rick Lewers, discusses the sobering announcement from the Premier of Queensland.
Reflections on my expectations of Ministry Fifty years ago
“Following a year of teaching secondary school English and History, I entered Moore Theological College in 1966 (aged 21). Ordained in Sydney (deacon, 1969; presbyter, 1970), I was assistant minister at Yagoona, St Michael’s Wollongong, and then Eastwood, before undertaking a New Testament research degree at Durham University, UK. Returning to Australia in 1976, I was invited to start a new church in Wanniassa …”
– In The Australian Church Record’s 2020 Winter Journal, John G. Mason reflected on fifty years of ordained Christian ministry.
Obeying government and obeying God
“The Bible’s teaching on our relationship to human authorities is quite clear. Those who govern us are set in place by God. …”
– In his column in the October 2020 Southern Cross, Archbishop Glenn Davies considers the relationship of Christians and the government – in these ‘COVID-19’ times.