Churches and COVID-19 in NSW — Public Health Order No 4 released

“Following earlier announcements by the Premier of NSW, the rules regarding public gatherings in the State have been amended with effect from 1 July 2020, in the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 4) 2020 (“PHO No 4”). This post comments on matters that relate to churches and other religious bodies. …

Limits on public gatherings for religious services, weddings and funerals have now been changed. Limits on the use of premises are also affected.”

– At Law and Religion Australia, Neil Foster unpacks the latest COVID-19 related rules for churches in NSW.

GAFCON Chairman’s letter June 2020

“Earlier this month, I chaired a meeting of the Gafcon Primates Council. Although we could not meet face to face, there was a remarkable joy in our time together and a strong sense that God is building his kingdom as our Churches seek to proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations. …”

– Read Archbishop Foley Beach’s June 2020 letter here.

Psalms for preachers — resources from Dick Lucas

St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London has published several short talks by Dick Lucas.

They are designed to help preachers in thinking through the Psalms. (It seems there are more to come in this series.)

As always, very helpful.

CMS Summer School planned to go ahead 2–8 January 2021


“26 June 2020 

We are pleased to announce that we are going ahead with planning a full conference for CMS Summer School 2021.

We are looking forward to being able to engage with adults, children and youth at Summer Schooland are carefully planning how to do this safely and effectively amidst possible COVID-19 restrictions.

More information will become available in July. For now, please save the date and get excited for a great week of engaging with God’s mission!

David Cook launches Expository Preaching Trust website

David Burge, Chairman of the Expository Preaching Trust, commends their new website:

“For over 40 years, God has used the ministry of David Cook to strengthen the faith of His people through expository preaching, and to train thousands of other preachers to do the same.

This site, and the Expository Preaching Trust behind it, seeks to make David’s ministry and resources more accessible.”

See the new website here, and pray that it will be an encouragement to faithful expository preaching (and listening).

Where are all the senior ministers?

“Currently there are around 30 vacant parishes in the Sydney Diocese.

Generally vacancies last longer now, because there are fewer people putting their hands up for rector roles. That is seen across the Diocese. As Bishop of the Georges River, I certainly have had parishes that have taken more than two years to fill. …”

– Bishop raises some important matters for prayer – at

Evangelism: Why and How? — Rico Tice

In the midst of the pandemic, we can lose sight of what’s really important.

Here are some strong challenges and encouragements from Rico Tice.

Watch the video here.

See also:

A conversation with Rico Tice — Evangelism in Lockdown.


the video to which he refers, COVID-19 Spiritual Health Check.

How could you use it?

You are enough, and other lies we like to swallow

“I don’t know about you, but the recent months of school at home exposed some pretty ugly cracks in the façade I’d created for myself of being a good mother. It’s much easier, it turns out, to parent your children when they aren’t in the same physical space as you every minute of every hour of every day. Somewhere in my head I’d always thought I’d manage pretty well as a home-school parent. Turns out… not so much. …”

– Jocelyn Loane writes at The Australian Church Record.

Amazon cracks down on book warning about Trans craze victimizing teen girls

“Late last week … Amazon banned a major conservative publishing company from purchasing ads to promote a book warning about the dangers transgender ideology poses to young women and girls. …”

– Report from PJ Media.

Gafcon Australasian conference 2021

From Gafcon Australia:

“The Board of Gafcon Australia, along with Anglicans from both the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia (ACANZP) and the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand (CCAANZ), are pleased to announce a joint conference in July 2021.

While we can only dream of gathering together and travelling to other places now, we would like you to mark in your diary Mon 19th to Thu 22nd July, 2021, for this conference.”

Dr Ashley Null will be the keynote speaker.

Pre-register your interest here.

The Alpha Course: ’emotionally powerful but theologically confused’

In the latest episode of The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele and Tony Payne discuss the latest version of The Alpha Course.

Re-gathering in the Northern Territory: the new normal for St Peter’s Nightcliff

“For 11 weeks our church gathered virtually for live-streamed services filmed in our church building. When the Northern Territory announced its ‘Roadmap to the new normal’, we realised we couldn’t allow as many people into our church space as before lockdown …”

– at The Australian Church Record, Joshua Kuswadi shares the news from Darwin.

A Despairing Sigh, or a Sigh of Relief?

“If you are person who would like some stark honesty about life, Ecclesiastes is the book for you.

If you look around our world and are confronted by its confusing nature and you find yourself almost accidentally responding with a despairing sigh, then Ecclesiastes is the book for you. It is a disturbing read and deliberately so.

Its sigh is the sigh captured in the words, ‘meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless.’ This book is an analysis of life designed to help a person consider life, lived under the sun, without God.…”

– Here’s the latest helpful article from Bishop Rick Lewers in Armidale.

Glory of Christ – Part 1

“In the first of these reflections, we might begin by considering the way in which Christ is the only representation of God’s glory to his people.

When Jesus speaks of ‘my glory’ in John 17:24, that can be thought of either in terms of the essential glory of his divine nature, or in terms of the peculiar glory which the Father has ‘given’ him through his willingness to redeem sinners in human flesh. In other words, alongside his glory as the eternal God, there is a unique glory that accompanies his Messianic vocation to conquer sin and death. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Moore College’s Andrew Leslie begins a series to help open our eyes to the glory of Christ.

GAFCON Australasian Celebration 2020 — Wednesday 24th June 2020

From GAFCON Australia: Read more

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