Tasmanian Churches oppose Euthanasia legislation

“The Anglican and Catholic churches say proposed Tasmanian voluntary assisted dying legislation ‘normalises suicide’ and ‘threatens the lives of the vulnerable’. …

Anglican Dean of Hobart the Very Reverend Richard Humphrey said there was no ‘more serious ethical decision’ for Parliament to consider than that raised by the proposed legislation.”

– Story from The Advocate.

Milawa “Blessing” Order of Service and Photographs

Although it was said that the blessing of the parties to a same-sex marriage in the Diocese of Wangaratta had been postponed, David Ould reports that some kind of blessing apparently took place last weekend, on Saturday 14th September.

He has published several photos (including this one of Bishop Parkes) and images of the Order of Service.

“There is no mention in the order of service of a blessing for Davis and Whalley and yet it is clear from photographs and the comments of those who were there that there was a recognition and affirmation of the marriage. …”


Response to a vote by the Synod of the Diocese of Wangaratta – Archbishop Glenn Davies.

Dean of Sydney and GAFCON Australia react to the Wangaratta same-sex blessing vote.

Newlyweds John Davis and Rob Whalley given love, but not a blessing, from Anglican church – The Border Mail (subscription).

“Saturday’s service included a moment where Bishop John Parkes laid his hands on the couple then invited others to follow, creating a power affirmation.”

ReNew Conference hears call to mission in the light of the future

“The annual gathering of conservative evangelical English Anglicans addressed the uncertainties of ministry in the present, given the challenges offered by the Church of England and Western culture, and emphasised the certainty of a future under Christ’s just reign promised in Scripture. …

The theme of the Renew Conference, attended by nearly 500 people from 270 churches, was ‘multiplying ministries in the light of eternity’.”

– At Anglican Mainstream, Andrew Symes gives an encouraging report on this year’s ReNew Conference in the UK.

Holy talk (Ephesians 5:3–4)

“Human beings are social creatures. We need to belong. One of the most obvious ways we do that is by the way we speak. Whenever we speak, in all sorts of small ways, we’re signalling to others how and where we belong. Often our nationality, our social class (or our aspirations!), our particular generation, our allegiances, influences, and personalities are all revealed when we speak.”

– As he continues his reflections on the Letter to the Ephesians, Moore College’s Dr. Lionel Windsor turns to chapter 5, and the complete inappropriateness of pornolalia.

Read or listen here.

‘A virus in the Australian national church’ – Sydney Archbishop Glenn Davies calls out revisionist mavericks

Archbishop Glenn Davies was today’s guest on The Pastor’s Heart.

Well worth watching.

Sydney Archbishop Glenn Davies shares openly about –

On the sexuality crisis in the Australian Anglican Church, Dr Davies –

Finally Dr Davies reflects on his own time as Archbishop in the lead up to his final Synod. Dr Davies says he’s been inspired by the boldness of Paul, and is so thankful for those many people who have prayed for him.

ACL Synod Dinner 2019 Bookings Open

The Anglican Church League invites you to the 2019 ACL Synod Dinner.

Monday 14th October, 5:30pm (or when Synod rises), at the Bishop Barry Centre, 51 Druitt Street, Sydney.

Hear the Rev Jay Behan speak on “Gospel decisions in a compromised age – the NZ situation”.

Jay Behan is the Bishop-elect of the Diocese of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa/New Zealand.

(Click here for an interview with Jay Behan on The Pastor’s Heart. He discusses leaving the Anglican Church in New Zealand and the formation of the new Diocese. He will be consecrated a few days after the dinner.)

Dinner bookings are essential.

To come, please book by Wednesday October 9 by pre-paying $25 via PayPal, Mastercard or Visa online at this link.

Peter Jensen interviewed on Living through the Word podcast

Archbishop Peter Jensen was interviewed earlier this month on the Living through the Word podcast of Bishop Julian Dobbs (Anglican Diocese of the Living Word in the USA).

Peter speaks about Sydney, GAFCON, and his own background.

Practical tips for sharing the gospel with a stranger

“How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?… Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:14, 17)

How often do we consider the urgency of Paul’s words here? …

– At GoThereFor.com, Mike Taylor shares some very helpful ideas for sharing Christ. Read, and be spurred to action.

NSW MPs plan spill motion against Premier Gladys Berejiklian

“Three Liberal MPs say they will move a spill motion against New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian, saying she has ‘broken trust’ over the handling of the state’s abortion bill.

In a joint statement, MPs Tanya Davies, Matthew Mason-Cox MLC and Lou Amato MLC called for the spill at about 8:30pm after learning key amendments to the bill had been rejected…”

– Report from ABC News.

The Australian (subscription) reports that the three MPs say, in a statement,

“Three weeks ago it was made clear to the Premier and the Government that at an absolute minimum, four key amendments were required to the Abortion bill to ensure continued membership of the Liberal Party room – a prohibition on sex selection abortions, proper medical care for aborted babies born alive, protection of conscientious objection rights for doctors and allied health professionals and stricter regulation of late term abortions.

At 7:50pm tonight we were informed all the amendments were rejected in full or in part with vague undertakings for further discussions in the morning.”


The leadership spill his been called off.

Riverstone MP Kevin Conolly speaks about his concerns with the bill.


Battery hens given more thought than babies

“With just days to go before New South Wales Upper House MP’s vote on the Bill which would allow abortion right up until birth, a rally has been told Legislation to outlaw cruelty to chickens was given more consideration.

Thousands of Christians and other opponents of the legislation gathered at Hyde Park  on Sunday afternoon, 15th September, under the banner ‘Stand for life, Love them both’…

There was well over eight thousand people at the rally including Sydney Anglicans, Catholic church groups, Greek Orthodox churches and Armenian community members as well as other faiths.”

– Story and image from SydneyAnglicans.net.

Watch Archbishop Davies’ address (admittedly, the video and audio quality is not wonderful) –

Also, you can use the Australian Christian Lobby’s portal to e-mail all members of the NSW Upper House – or you can contact them individually.

Thousands flood Hyde Park for anti-abortion rally

“Thousands have rallied in Sydney’s Hyde Park against proposed changes to NSW abortion laws.

The large and vocal group carried banners and chanted anti-abortion slogans such as ‘Stand For Life’ and ‘Kill the Bill’. …”

– Report from Nine News.


Tony Abbott tells rally proposed abortion laws are ‘effectively infanticide on demand’ – ABC News.

“Former prime minister Tony Abbott has told an anti-abortion rally in Sydney that the proposed bill to decriminalise abortion is ‘effectively infanticide on demand’.

Thousands joined the rally to oppose the bill which is due back before the NSW Upper House this week for amendments to be debated. …”

Saturday’s Pro-abortion rally in Sydney. – Michael Smith News.

Peter Barnes new Presbyterian Moderator-General

The Rev Dr Peter Barnes is the new Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.

He was commissioned at this week’s General Assembly of Australia, meeting at Hurstville Presbyterian Church.

Peter is the Minister of Revesby Presbyterian Church in Sydney, teaches Church History at Christ College, Burwood, and is a well-known evangelical leader.

He is President of Evangelicals for Life, and has recently written on the NSW “Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill”. Peter is also known for his involvement with The Banner of Truth.

He is Editor of AP, the National Journal of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.

Do be encouraged to pray for him in his new role.


The Crisis of ’77 – the formation of the Uniting Church of Australlia, and the decision of many Presbyterians to “continue”.

5 incredible revelations from this week’s abortion hearing in California

“One of the wildest criminal proceedings in the history of legalized abortion is happening this week in San Francisco. David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt are on trial for posing as potential buyers for the body parts of aborted babies. As part of their investigation they recorded conversations in restaurants with Planned Parenthood employees where they haggled over the prices and methods by which the ‘tissue’ would be harvested. …”

– Report by Jesse Johnson at The Cripplegate. (link via Tim Challies.)

God in the Rainforest by Kathryn Long — Review by Wei-Han Kuan

“There are few stories in the English-speaking evangelical Christian world that have had greater impact than that of the Auca Five. Five young North American men, full of the promise and potential of the post-WWII generation, speared to death in equatorial Ecuador as they sought to bring the Gospel of Christ to a hitherto unreached, reclusive, jungle tribe. …”

– CMS Victoria State Director Wei-Han Kuan looks at an important and sobering book, God in the Rainforest: A Tale of Martyrdom & Redemption in Amazonian Ecuador by Kathryn Long,

Men Praying for Moore

The next Men’s Prayer gathering to pray for Moore College is on Saturday 21st September.

Details and RSVP here.

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