Social work student wins appeal against dismissal for views on sexuality

“An important decision of the England and Wales Court of Appeal, The Queen (on the application of Ngole) -v- The University of Sheffield [2019] EWCA Civ 1127 (3 July 2019) has ruled that a social work student, Felix Ngole, should not have been dismissed from his course on the basis of comments he made on social media sharing the Bible’s view on homosexuality…”

– Neil Foster writes at Law and Religion Australia.

Helpful, free, e-books

In exchange for your e-mail address, the Good Book Company is giving away the free e-book ‘Transgender’ by Vaughan Roberts.

Really worth downloading as a short overview of the issues we are facing in society and in the Church and how to provide a Christian response. From this link.

The Good Book company is also giving away a free ebook of expository preaching by David Helm – also well worth grabbing.

Another helpful book – this one from Monergism – The Sovereignty of God by A.W.Pink.

Claire Smith interviewed about God’s Good Design: What the Bible Really Says about Men and Women

“It is an especially sensitive subject in our culture, but Christians still must come to grips with the biblical teaching regarding the roles of men and women in the church and in the home – perhaps especially so since it is such a sensitive subject.

Claire Smith’s book, God’s Good Design: What the Bible Really Says about Men and Women, is a refreshingly clear study of the subject, and we are happy to see it now available in its second edition. …”

– Fred Zaspel, editor at Books At a Glance, speaks with Claire Smith.

(The book is available from Matthias Media.)

Hey Ministers and Theologians: When it comes to the secular workplace, you just don’t get it

“The Israel Folau storm has exposed many things, and this is one of them: many ministry workers have little idea of the pressures people face in the modern workplace. They just don’t get it. Not that it stops them making big statements about it.

If you’re a Christian ministry worker and you’ve had a lot to say about Izzy (either for or against) the last few weeks on social media, then it might be time to get off Facebook and have a listen to the people in your congregation who hold down a job Monday to Friday. …”

Steve McAlpine’s latest article is published at the Gospel Coalition Australia.

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