ACT bill removing religious freedom from religious schools introduced

“As foreshadowed in the press reports noted in my previous post, the ACT Government has now introduced a Bill designed to curtail the current religious freedom enjoyed by religious schools in the Territory to operate in accordance with their beliefs.

The Discrimination Amendment Bill 2018 (ACT) is an unwise proposal and it is likely that it would be invalid as contrary to Commonwealth law. …”

Associate Professor in Law Neil Foster argues that the proposed ACT law should not be adopted.

The History of the English Standard Version

A most encouraging ten minute video from Crossway. Take the time to watch, and give thanks.

Where are we headed?

“Unless we can persuade otherwise, the Government is about to remove an exemption for religious schools to make essential practical arrangements integral to the central ethos tenets and beliefs of our faith …”

– in his Moderator’s Comments, the Rev. John P Wilson, Moderator General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, writes about a major change being considered by the Government of Australia.

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