Asia Bibi released from prison — report

“Asia Bibi has been set free from her long-term home under captivity at Multan Jail and we confirmed this with media after news from her family. …

Wilson Chowdhry has spoke with the family of Asia Bibi, at 6am UK time on 8th November and they expressed that is of the utmost importance that there be no further speculation on her whereabouts reported by either concerned groups or international media.”

– Report from the British Pakistani Christian Association.

See also:

Aasia Bibi freed from Multan jail, flown to IslamabadDAWN News, Pakistan.

“After her release from Multan’s women prison… Aasia Bibi was brought to Islamabad onboard a special aircraft on Wednesday night, Dawn learnt through reliable sources.”

No truth in reports of Aasia Bibi leaving Pakistan: Foreign Office  – DAWN News, Pakistan.

Sydney Anglican Schools – Media Statement

Anglican Diocese of Sydney

Media Statement

The Archbishop of Sydney has apologised to anyone distressed by a letter to Federal MPs about religious freedom, saying the issue has led to hurt and pain.

Here is the statement from Archbishop Davies:

The letter was addressed to Federal MPs and the intent was to promote religious freedom for Anglican schools but I realise that it had the unfortunate consequence of affecting many gay students and teachers in our schools, for which I am deeply sorry.

I have been told by the Heads of our schools of the distress the letter has caused. There were fears that gay students were going to be expelled or gay teachers sacked. This really saddens me. Our schools do not expel students or dismiss staff on the basis of their sexuality, nor have they ever wanted this right. All people are created in God’s image and valued in his sight, and in the sight of our schools. Our schools are open to everyone, without discrimination, for parents who desire an education for their children in the Anglican tradition.

The Heads, councils and staff of our schools are committed to the welfare of students and have been tireless in addressing the concerns expressed by their school communities. I commend them for the statements they have made and their caring responses.

This past week has demonstrated it is untenable that religious freedoms be expressed as exemptions in discrimination acts. Some exemptions, such as those relating to sexuality, we do not use and have no wish to preserve. But the mere fact these remain on the statute books has alarmed people. Therefore, I have approached the government and the opposition for an immediate bipartisan approach which would remove these exemptions and create legislation which provides a positive protection for freedom of religion.

Dr Glenn N Davies, Archbishop of Sydney, 8 November 2018.


Update on Aasia Bibi and her current needs

“According to present information, Aasia Bibi is still in prison, as this is the only place where her safety can be guaranteed while she remains in Pakistan. Her husband and children are still in hiding, moving from place to place, and can no longer be contacted …”

Barnabas Fund has the latest, including the note that there is no reason for any organisation to request donations to help Aasia Bibi and her family leave the country.

How to Pray about Your Life

“Our lives and ministries are often combinations: encouragements and discouragements, joys and frustrations, pleasures and pains, successes and failures, sanctification and sin, health and sickness, abundance and want, joys and suffering, support and opposition.

This may be the case in our personal or family life; in our own ministry; in the immediate context of our ministry; or in the broader context of our ministry.

Negotiating all this complexity requires wisdom, patience, and hope. It requires godly contentment and godly discontentment. I often think of Reinhold Niebuhr’s prayer …”

Encouragement from Peter Adam, at the Gospel Coalition Australia.

Aasia Bibi still in gaol after government cut deal with hardliners, as husband appeals for UK asylum

“Aasia Bibi remains in jail in Pakistan after Imran Khan’s government bowed to threats of civil unrest, agreeing a deal with Islamic hardliners to end nationwide street protests following her acquittal. …“

– Report and photo from Barnabas Fund.

Real freedoms will end the broken chain of exemptions

“Bad legislation is made in a rush. But when it comes to religious freedom we already have bad legislation and there seems to be no urgency to fix it properly – just a rush to create more. …

Let’s be very clear, before you read any further. Anglican schools in Sydney do not expel students for being gay and do not sack teachers for being gay. It is an absurd proposition and it strikes at the very heart of our faith, that all people are created in God’s image and valued in his sight and in our schools.”

– has published the full text of Archbishop Glenn Davies’ open letter in The Australian of 6th November 2018.

Do take the time to read it – and share it widely.

Real Faith

“The simple goal of evangelism is for people to believe in Jesus and be saved. This is our mission.

Whether it is through our personal relationships, large-scale events, evangelistic courses or the regular preaching of the word on Sunday—we want to see people come to faith in Christ and remain in Him.

But if we want people to come to faith, we must first be clear on what real faith is. We may have gathered a crowd or filled a church, but have we made real disciples with real faith? Real evangelism must seek real faith. …”

– Tom Habib writes in the most recent issue of The Australian Church Record’s Journal.

Schools’ letter misinterpreted as homophobic, Anglican Archbishop says

“The Archbishop of Sydney says Anglican schools did not ask for and do not want exemptions from the Sex Discrimination Act but are seeking ‘a positive right to religious freedom’.

Anglican Archbishop Glenn Davies said that a letter to federal MPs asking for exemptions for religious schools under the Sex Discrimination Act to be maintained until alternative forms of legal protection are brought in has been misinterpreted as being homophobic. …”

– Story from The Sydney Morning Herald.

See also:

Real freedoms will end chaos – Archbishop Davies opinion piece in The Australian. (Subscription)

“Bad legislation is made in a rush. But when it comes to religious freedom we already have bad legislation and there seems to be no urgency to fix it properly — just a rush to create more. …”

Faith school freedoms ‘broken’ – The Australian. (Subscription)

“The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has warned that existing legal protections for faith-based schools are ‘broken’ and urged the ­government to fundamentally reframe them in its response to the Ruddock review into ­religious freedoms. …”

And the Letter from the Heads of Schools. (PDF file)

Canberra and Goulburn Electoral Synod begins Thursday

“The name of the new Bishop for the Anglican Diocese of Canberra/Goulburn should be known after this weekend.

Up to 500 people are expected to converge on Goulburn on Friday and Saturday for an Episcopal Synod for the election of the new bishop.

The person will replace Bishop Stuart Robinson who retired in March after 10 years in the role. …”

– This story in The Goulburn Post reveals there are five nominees to be considered by the electoral synod.

Last week the Chair of the Episcopal Election Nominations Committee, Archdeacon David Ruthven, wrote,

“After a lot of behind the scenes work, we‘re thrilled to distribute to members of Synod a fine list of Nominees. …”

While the identity of the nominees is not yet public, please do be encouraged to pray for them and the synod members. The synod begins on Thursday 8th November and concludes on Saturday 10th.

Teaching and Learning in the Bible: An Interview with Claire Smith

“Claire Smith is a graduate of Moore Theological College and a well-known speaker and writer.

In 2012 she recently published a detailed and internationally recognised academic monograph on teaching and learning in New Testament churches—the result of her doctoral studies [Pauline Communities as ‘Scholastic Communities’: A Study of the Vocabulary of ‘Teaching’ in 1 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus (Mohr Siebeck, 2012)].

We thought we’d chat to her to see what we can discover about teaching and learning in Christian life and ministry today. …”

– You can read the full interview with Claire at The Australian Church Record.

What will be the cost of discipleship for confessing Anglicans in Oxford Diocese?

“A quotation from Dietrich Bonhoeffer would seem apt for Confessing Anglicans in Oxford Diocese after their bishops last week published a letter setting out their expectations for ‘radical LGBTI+ inclusion’ in local churches …”

– At Anglican Mainstream, Julian Mann examines the choice facing Bible-believing Christians in the Church of England’s Diocese of Oxford.

Kings Headmaster Tony George speaks about Religious Freedom

In a Kingscast Special, produced for the Kings School community, Headmaster Tony George answers questions about the Open Letter to All Members of Parliament sent on behalf of Anglican schools.

Watch the ten minute interview  – and do take the time to read the letter – it seems many haven’t. (3.4MB PDF file.)

Pakistan works to stop Asia Bibi leaving after blasphemy protests

“Pakistan’s government has been accused of signing the ‘death warrant’ of Asia Bibi after it said it would begin the process of preventing her leaving the country.

Bibi, a Christian farm labourer, was acquitted of blasphemy on Wednesday. She had spent eight years on death row after she drank from the same cup as a Muslim, prompting false allegations that she insulted the prophet Muhammad.

The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) administration signed an agreement with the anti-blasphemy group Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) on Friday night, giving in to many of its demands in the face of massive, countrywide protests calling for Bibi to be put to death. …”

– News from The Guardian.

See also: Government, TLP reach agreement, state to ‘take measures’ to place Asia on ECL: reports – DAWN News, Pakistan.

“The government and Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) have reached an agreement to conclude the latter’s nationwide protests, *DawnNewsTV* has reported, with the government promising to immediately initiate the legal process to place Asia Bibi’s name on the exit control list (ECL).”

A cause for much continued prayer.

Update: from BBC News

“Pakistani Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry … clarified that the decision on whether or not to bar Asia Bibi from leaving the country would be made by a court, and added the government would ‘take all steps necessary’ to ensure Asia Bibi’s safety.”

Is religion good for children?

“Religion in Ireland is currently under strong and persistent criticism from liberal commentators.

One frequently heard criticism is that it is seriously wrong to “indoctrinate” young children in religious dogma …”

The Irish Times carries this article on the results of a secular study.

Related: When your child sins, Good News! Reformation 21.

“Too often, parents respond to their child’s sin by focusing on how our child is letting them down. They make it clear that the child is failing to live up to the family standard of righteousness. Such an approach fails to clarify God’s standard of righteousness and fails to pave the way for clarity about the good news of salvation. …”

‘These 7 points explain the Supreme Court’s decision to free Asia Bibi’

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday issued its much-anticipated judgement in the ‘Asia Bibi v. The State, etc’ case, reversing earlier judgments handed down by the Lahore High Court as well as a trial court and thereby overturning the conviction of Asia Bibi in the blasphemy case against her.

The three-judge bench subsequently ordered the 50-something mother-of-four’s immediate release from jail, where she had been languishing for 9-odd years.

The Supreme Court’s judgement — a seismic event in the country’s history, judicial or otherwise — heavily references Islamic teachings and tradition, but ultimately relies on an assessment of facts and evidence to support the overturning of the earlier conviction.

Below are a few of the key points shared in the judgment. …”

– This story from DAWN News, Pakistan. And a reminder to pray for Asia Bibi, her family, and the situation in Pakistan.

Photo courtesy Barnabas Fund.

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