Prayers encouraged for Police Remembrance Day

Archbishop Glenn Davies has written a Prayer for National Police Remembrance Day – held on Day 29th September 2018.

You may wish to use it in church on Sunday 30th September, or in your own prayers.

“Our heavenly Father, we thank you for your providential care of our world and the peace and security that we enjoy in our land.  We especially thank you for the Police Force of New South Wales.  Despite the corruption of the human heart and the prevalence of lawlessness and sin, we thank you for these guardians of justice in our society.

We pray for the members of our Police Force as they maintain law and order in our state.  Give them the courage to expose unrighteousness, wherever it is found, to pursue justice for the common good, to deal with all without fear or favour, and to act with wisdom and compassion in all their work.  Protect them from danger in their duties, shield them from temptation, and enable them to be role models for all whom they serve.

We also pray for police chaplains as they minister to the spiritual and emotional needs of our Police Force members.  May they act with compassion, wisdom and love as they support police officers in their line of duty.

We offer our prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, who alone brings order to the human heart, peace to a troubled world and the hope of eternal life for all who put their trust in him.  Amen.”

Related: In April 2018, Keith Garner spoke with Anglicare’s NSW Police Chaplain, Rev Sarah Plummer for Wesley Impact! TV. Watch here.

Image: NSW Police Legacy.

Bishop Andy Lines responds to rejection of Welsh Bishops’ proposals

“Gafcon UK welcomes the recent statement by the Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales, which gives a pastorally sensitive and doctrinally clear summary of the biblically orthodox position on the issue of same sex relationships.

EFCW is absolutely correct to warn of the serious implications of the Welsh Bishops’ plan to push ahead with sanctioning services of blessing for same sex relationships. Such a move rejects the unambiguous teaching of the bible on God’s guidelines for human flourishing, and will indeed “lead to impaired communion with our Anglican brothers and sisters in the majority world”.

It is a serious matter when faithful Anglicans conclude that their own Bishops are departing from their commitment to promote and defend the apostolic deposit of doctrine and ethics. We will stand with EFCW and those Anglicans in Wales who take a similar view, praying for them as they consider the next step, and we urge all orthodox Anglicans around the world to do the same.

Bishop Andy Lines, Gafcon Missionary Bishop to Europe; Chairman, Gafcon UK.”

– from the GAFCON UK website, which also has the statement from the Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales.

Moore College Open Day Saturday 13 October

The next Moore College Open Day is coming up on Saturday 13 October.

Details at the link.

The Empire Strikes Back

“Readers of Jane Eyre will recall that the heroine was courted by two very different types of man.

On the one side was the dark and dubious Mr Rochester, a man with a mysterious past and an uncertain future. On the other was the pious and pure St John Rivers, whose path to the overseas mission field was clearly predestined.

As we know, Jane chose Mr Rochester, perhaps because she thought she could play a part in his redemption, but she remained in touch with St John and never lost her admiration for him, even if she could not see herself measuring up to his high standards. Nearly two centuries later, we can look back on that and ponder how the story unfolded after the novel ended. …“

– Church Society has posted this excerpt from Gerald Bray’s editorial in the current issue of Churchman. (Of course, they would be pleased if you subscribed!)

Love for Jesus, and the cost of bringing his Word

You may remember this video (posted in 2011, and showing events from 16 March 2010) of the Kimyal Tribe in West Papua as they celebrate the arrival of copies of the New Testament in their heart language.

A new video, about the Dale and Masters families, gives an insight into the commitment, obedience, and the cost, of bringing the gospel to every tribe and tongue.

Loving other women: 12 disciplines of genuine love

Dave Martin shares some wisdom for married pastors – at

The Challenge of Feminism (2): God’s Better Solutions

“In my last post we took a look at some different types of feminism, and also some of the gains achieved by the movement.

We also, in light of those gains, wondered whether we should be calling ourselves feminists. My preliminary response was ‘no’: God’s word gives us better diagnoses and better solutions.

In this post I’ll try to show you what I mean. …”

– Dr. Claire Smith has published Part 2 of her response to the challenge of feminism – at The Gospel Coalition Australia.

Memorising Colossians together

At, Richard Chin is asked how and why he memorised Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.

Have we lost our way on mission?

Nathan Walter asks the question, “Have we lost our way on mission?” in the Editorial of the current edition of the Australian Church Record’s ACR Journal (PDF file – Winter 2018).

Download the issue, if you haven’t already, and read the many encouraging articles. (Also good to share.)

US university’s complete reversal on historic Christian understanding of romance

In the latest edition of The Briefing broadcast, Albert Mohler examines the collision of evangelical morality with the LGBTQ revolution.

Related: Trinity Western University changes ‘community covenant’ — report.

So Trinity Western University Blinked After All – Stephen McAlpine.

Two doctrines of Christian marriage? That’s OK says Uniting Church theologian.


The Capitulation of Azusa Pacific University – CBMW.

Church Society Podcast: Reporting from ReNew

At Church Society’s blog, Ros Clarke presents interviews and reports from this year’s ReNew conference.

Listen here.

Dementia and the Christian: Will Jesus remember me if I’ve forgotten him?

“She was a wonderful mother and a devoted wife”, he said, holding her hand. She sadly didn’t meet his gaze but rather looked past him, glassy-eyed and unseeing. As her speech pathologist I was sitting by her bedside, watching her not recognise her husband of 41 years. …

– At The Australian Church Record, Susan An writes helpfully about an increasing common question.

Around Australia – 24th September 2018

Here are a few recent stories from around Australia which may be of interest:

After a long struggle, the Uniting Church becomes the first to offer same-sex marriage – SBS News.

Bill Hayden, former Labor leader, turns to God despite atheist past – ABC News.

Former atheist and political leader Bill Hayden baptised at age 85 – Catholic Leader.

“There’s been a gnawing pain in my heart and soul about what is the meaning of life. What’s my role in it?” Mr Hayden said.

At What Price Awakening? Examining the Theology and Practice of the Bethel Movement – Gospel Coalition Australia.

Brisbane Cathedral Pride Evensong Offers Prayers to “Erotic Christ” – David Ould.

We can’t know when Jesus’ Return will be — so be ready

Sam Allbery spoke at Moore College chapel last week – on Mark 13:32-37.

Take the time to listen.

Scottish Anglican Network plans evangelism conference

“Two key figures in the orthodox Anglican movement will take part in a conference on evangelism to be held in Edinburgh on Saturday 20 October 2018. …

The October conference will discuss what the Church is for, why the world needs to hear the Gospel, and how the Church can be better equipped to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus. …

Among those participating will be Archbishop Foley Beach, Primate of the Anglican Church in North America, and Bishop Andy Lines… …”

– Remember to pray for gospel-minded men and women in Scotland.

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