When the church lets you down

“In the C S Lewis classic (Screwtape Letters), senior devil whispers to his apprentice: ‘one of our greatest allies at present is the church itself’.

Screwtape is aghast that Wormwood’s patient has become a Christian, but he encourages his junior devil by saying that the church is in such a mess that ‘it matters very little … your patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be somehow ridiculous’.

I feel sad today, and ask: Is one of the devil’s greatest allies at present the church itself?

It’s one thing to have Australian society approve of same-sex marriage, but when a church approves – it’s disturbing … and confusing.

To be sure, not our church, but nevertheless a branch of the Christian church in Australia. …”

Presbyterian Moderator-General John P Wilson responds to the Uniting Church of Australia’s decision about marriage last week.

Leviticus in The New York Times: What’s the Real Story Here?

“Even in this secular age, the conscience of Western civilization continues to be haunted and shaped by the Bible. The inherited moral tradition of the West was explicitly formed by the Bible – both the Old and New Testaments – and the moral power of the Bible continues as the main source of the principles, intuitions, impulses, and vocabulary of modern times.

But if European and American cultures have been morally shaped by the Bible, these same cultures are now haunted by the Bible. The Bible haunts all the modern efforts to push a vast revolution in morality – specifically sexual morality. …”

Albert Mohler looks at one attempt to make the Bible say the exact opposite of what it says.

Gafcon Ireland lay delegates reflect on their experience of GAFCON 2018

“Nowhere before had I experienced Bishops eating packed lunches seated on steps with young adults, or women – ordained and lay – so highly regarded for their input, and welcomed with appreciation and affection that crossed cultural boundaries.”

– Lay delegates from GAFCON Ireland reflect on their experiences of GAFCON 2018.

Why the Catholic Church is anti-Catholic

It’s like a company where the boss says to his employees, “There is a ‘no smoking indoors’ policy at this workplace”, and then the shift manager tells the employees, “What the boss really means is that you can’t smoke indoors while he’s around”…

– At GoThereFor.com, Mark Gilbert highlights the division at the heart of Roman Catholic teaching.

Save the Date for Moore College Sunday

“Moore College Sunday will be held on August 5th this year.

This is a very important day in the life of our College, when we partner with churches all over Sydney and beyond, inviting them to pray for the College, its gospel work, graduates, students, faculty and staff…”

– More from Moore. And further.

The Facebook Penalty Box

“I am posting an article below by Robert Gagnon. I am posting it here because Facebook removed it earlier when Gagnon posted it, and suspended him for a day. Having posted it here, I will send it out to Twitter and Facebook, and would encourage you all to share it all over the place.

Incidentally, the article is a model of moderate and firm argumentation, and so you should take special note of what Facebook deems to be seething with hatred. …”

– Doug Wilson reposts a now-deleted article by Robert Gagnon.

A message to Uniting Church members about the decision on marriage

Uniting Church President Dr Deidre Palmer explains how the 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church of Australia came to adopt an internally inconsistent and unbiblical view of marriage while, at the same time, calling it a great triumph of unity.

Watch and weep.

See also these Responses to the 15th Assembly, published by the Assembly of Confessing Congregations, including this one (PDF):

“The summary statement concerning the marriage debate to come out of the Uniting Church’s recent Assembly that reads, ‘We will hold two equal and distinct statements of belief on marriage’ is a fallacy. Why?

Imagine that the Uniting Church released this statement: ‘We will hold two equal and distinct statements of belief on adultery. The first: Members have a choice to be faithful in marriage. The second…”

And do pray for Uniting Church members, that they would have great and godly wisdom and courage to act.

Reflections on Sydney Anglicanism: An interview with David Robertson

It’s often very helpful to hear the observations of a visitor.

“The ACR was privileged to hear from David Robertson, author of The Dawkins Letters and blogger at TheWeeFlea.com, on his recent visit to Sydney.”

Here’s one excerpt:

“This one kind of shocked me a bit. I came here expecting to learn a great deal about evangelism. I have learnt about church structures, praise, organisation and leadership training—all of which is essential. But in my limited experience I’m not convinced that evangelism is a strong point amongst Sydney Anglicans (or indeed some other Christians). There is a little bit of a sense of living on past glories and seeking to maintain legacies.

I have very much enjoyed reading about Australian Christianity, not least in Meredith Lake’s wonderful book on the Bible in Australia and the memories of ‘Chappo’, whose shadow seems to fall everywhere. It seems to me that he was an extraordinary and wonderful man who had a phenomenal evangelistic impact (along with others). But where are the ‘Chappos’ today?”

– Read it all at The Australian Church Record.

Societas 2018 now out — available in print and online

The Moore College annual student magazine is out now! The theme of Societas this year is ‘Resilience in Christian ministry – discovering your hidden reserves’. You will find articles on resilience and endurance in ministry, student stories and profiles as well as Christian reading recommendations from the College faculty. …”

– Details from Moore College.

St Paul’s Cathedral ‘forbids public reading of the Bible’

“Last week Barnabas Fund highlighted a video showing City of London Police arresting a man for reading the Bible in public outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London. The police officers claimed that cathedral staff had asked them to do so.

Now a further video has emerged from several months ago of a similar event showing police stopping a man publicly reading the Bible in public outside St Paul’s, with what appears to be member of the cathedral management standing close behind the police officers. Ironically, the man was reading from the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ in Matthew chapter 5 which includes the verses…”

– Read it all from Barnabas Fund.

An Interview with Matt and Anne Kennedy

“In 2009 Bishop Skip Adams and the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York took the Church of the Good Shepherd in Binghamton, New York, expelled the congregation and sold the building to become an Islamic Awareness Center.

Listen to the Kennedys share their experience of God’s providence for their faithful congregation in the midst of these challenges.”

– as interviewed by Russell Powell at GAFCON 2018. Be sure to watch.

And some background to jog your memory.

The Soft and Hard Intimidation of the Church

“It’s been an intense but revealing 24 hours. I have learned to an even greater extent just how deep the rot is in the contemporary church, and just how easy it is for us to be intimidated and bullied into silence.

Let me set the background, then explain what happened yesterday, and then offer some analysis of what precisely is going on.

Vicky Beeching brought out her book Undivided a couple of months ago and has been touring the TV studios and doing newspaper interviews ever since, telling everyone how bad and wicked the evangelical church is. I wrote an honest review of that book trying to empathise with her, whilst not agreeing with her theology. …”

– David Robertson at The Wee Flea shares something of the intimidation he has been experiencing after writing his open letter to Vicky Beeching.

Further surgery for Bishop Ivan Lee

“The Bishop of Western Sydney, Ivan Lee, is to undergo further surgery after a recurrence of cancer.

The news was disclosed in an emailed letter to rectors from Bishop Lee on Wednesday, 18th June. …”

SydneyAnglicans.net has this unwelcome news on Bishop Ivan Lee (one of the ACL’s Vice-Presidents).

Please be do continue to uphold Ivan and Virginia in your prayers.

Pastoral Burnout: Its Causes & Cures — 9Marks Journal

The latest issue of 9Marks Journal turns to the question of pastoral burnout.

“Every job has its occupational hazards. Loggers lose fingers. Businessmen go bankrupt. Wrestlers grow cauliflower ears.

What about pastors? Pastors experience burnout. Burnout isn’t so much about physical depletion, though that may be a variable. It’s about spiritual depletion. You spend all day ministering to people. But now you don’t possess the emotional and spiritual resources to continue ministering. You’re like a gas station with no gasoline left. Or a candle whose wick has burned down low. …”

Read or download it from 9Marks.

Euthanasia’s Dark Side

“Slippery slope arguments are not always invalid.

Indeed, in some cases they are very important. …

I once heard a Dutch researcher speaking about the situation in his home country, where euthanasia was legislated in 2002. He summarised the litany of shocking outcomes after more than a decade of euthanasia, by saying that in his country, the ‘psyche of care’ has been fundamentally changed.

Once you accept that death is a valid form of care, you have changed a great deal.”

– The Australian Christian Lobby’s Martyn Iles presents some deeply disturbing examples of what has already been happening on that slippery slope.

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