GAFCON — Uniting and Reforming
In the run up to this month’s GAFCON 2018 in Jerusalem, GAFCON has begun publishing reflections from some who attended precious gatherings.
Published so far: Melvin Tinker, Jane Tooher, and Winnie Njenga.
‘Historic’ day as Tasmanian Anglican Church votes to sell 76 church buildings
“The Anglican Diocese of Tasmania has voted to sell 108 properties, including 76 church buildings, to fund its $8.6 million involvement in the national redress scheme.
After several hours of debate, the church’s Synod almost unanimously voted to pass a motion to sell the properties. …”
– Report from The Examiner.
What is the role of culture and culturalism in evangelism?
“Christians today are engaged in cross-cultural evangelism. In the past it was only missionaries going overseas to preach the gospel who had to understand cross-cultural evangelism, but today most of us do not have to go that far to encounter other cultures. Most English-speaking countries have the great joy of people from all over the world moving into their neighbourhoods.
But what does a post-Christian multicultural nation involve? Is it any different to evangelising a Christian monocultural nation – and if so, how? …”
– At, Phillip Jensen provides some good questions to think about – along with a reminder that they will be addressed at the 2018 Queen’s Birthday Conference on 11th June. (Register here.)
Reply from Bishop Rod Thomas to the Bishop of Lichfield’s Ad Clerum on ‘Welcoming and honouring LGBT+ People’ in the Diocese
“Dear Bishop Michael and members of the Lichfield College of Bishops,
Thank you very much for letting me see an early copy of the new Ad Clerum on ‘Welcoming and honouring LGBT+ People’ in the Diocese. I very much appreciated the pastoral sensitivity and thoughtfulness with which it was written and, like you, would want to work for a situation where people of any sexual orientation or gender identity feel welcomed and honoured in our churches. …”
– Bishop of Maidstone Rod Thomas adds some biblical perspective to the Bishop of Lichfield’s pastoral letter to the clergy, published in early May.
Response by former UCA President to Uniting Church Same-Sex Marriage Proposal
In July, the Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia will vote on a proposal, brought by the Assembly Standing Committee, to change the doctrine of marriage and understanding of marriage within the UCA to be for any ‘two people’. Many see this as a ‘make or break’ moment for the UCA.
Dr. James Haire, ninth President of the Uniting Church in Australia, has published his response to the proposals. Quite apart from Biblical reasons to oppose them, he believes they would make it impossible for the Uniting Church in Australia to continue to exist according to its founding documents:
“The final sentence of Paragraph 2 of the Basis of Union (Of the Whole Church) states: ‘The Uniting Church declares its desire to enter more deeply into the faith and mission of the Church in Australia, by working together and seeking union with other Churches’ …
proposals (b), (c)(ii) and (d).1 are likely to cause further fracturing of relations between the UCA and other Churches in Australia, and certainly are likely to go against any moves to seek ‘union with other Churches’.”
Read it all here. (PDF file.)
And, from Peter Bentley, National Director of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations within the Uniting Church in Australia:
“In a nutshell, my view is that the adoption of the proposals would make the Uniting Church cease to be the Uniting Church as we know it, even it still has the legal name. … The grand experiment of ‘Uniting’ that was begun in 1977 as a church movement that was not ‘its own denomination’, but part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church would simply be no more.”
– Read this, and related articles, in the June 2018 edition (PDF file) of Confessing Congregations’ magazine “ACCatalyst”. (Photo: ACC.)
Nungalinya College seeking new Principal
Nungalinya College in Darwin is seeking a new Principal, and it would be good to give thanks for this strategic College and to pray for its continued ministry in a time of transition.
Details here (applications close 20th July 2018).