Book Launch: Down, Not Out by Chris Cipollone

Reformers Bookshop in Stanmore invites you to a book launch:

“Local Anglican minister Chris Cipollone has written a new book called Down Not Out about depression, anxiety and the difference Jesus makes.”

Down Not Out will be launched at Reformers Bookshop at 140 Albany Road, Stanmore, from 2:00pm on Saturday 5th May.

Chris serves on the ministry team at St. Matthew’s West Pymble. At the launch he will speak about the book, there’ll be a Q&A and Reformers Bookshop will supply the coffee.

Learn about the book launch here.

Watch a short video, and order the book.

Friends: Your secret weapon in avoiding burnout

“More and more, Christians are burning out.

Depending on the circles you run in, this phenomenon can start to feel almost as self-evident as our most basic beliefs about God. Some of our brothers and sisters who are serving the most are feeling like they have the least left to give. …”

– At The Australian Church Record, Lauren Mahaffey shares some encouragement.

Secured by Christ on the cross

To meditate on this Sunday:

“Everything that we know and appreciate and praise God for in all Christian experience both in this life and in the life to come springs from this bloody cross.

Do we have the gift of the Spirit? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Do we enjoy the fellowship of saints? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Does he give us comfort in life and death? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Does he watch over us faithfully, providentially, graciously, and covenantally? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Do we have hope of a heaven to come? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Do we anticipate resurrection bodies on the last day? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Is there a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness? Secured by Christ on the cross.

Do we now enjoy new identities, so that we are no longer to see ourselves as nothing but failures, moral pariahs, disappointments to our parents—but deeply loved, blood-bought, human beings, redeemed by Christ, declared just by God himself, owing to the fact that God himself presented his Son Jesus as the propitiation for our sins? All this is secured by Christ on the cross and granted to those who have faith in him.”

— D.A. Carson, Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus (Crossway, 2010), 70-71.

‘I believe you and I will care for you’: After the Royal Commission

“So big has been the impact of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that one denomination, Anglican, in this part of Australia — the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn — has paid out four million dollars to victims over the past three years.

Without alarm, the man who was until Easter Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn told me the compensation costs would only increase.

We conducted an ‘exit interview’ in the weeks before he stepped down. …”

– Story from The Sydney Morning Herald. (Photo: Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.)

Anglican Unscripted with Dr Stephen Noll on GAFCON as at April 2018

In the latest Anglican Unscripted (No. 389) from Anglican TV, Kevin Kallsen and Dr. Stephen Noll talk about Dr. Noll’s new book “The Global Anglican Communion“.

They also discuss recent news from the GAFCON meeting in Entebbe, Uganda.

Watch here.

The worthwhileness of written prayers

“God in his kindness has recorded for us prayers in his word the Bible, e.g. Dan 9:4-19; 2 Sam 7:18-29; Job 42:1-6; Ps 86; and Mt 6:9-13.

These prayers teach and remind us of many things, including the worthwhileness of written prayers. …”

–  Back in 2016, this article by Jane Tooher was published in Moore College’s Think Tank series.

Thanks to Church Society’s Ros Clarke for the reminder (Written Prayers Redux).

Review of The Passion Translation of the Psalms

“My colleague Andrew Shead has written a review of The Passion Translation of the Psalms (“Poetry on Fire”) for The Gospel Coalition’s journal Themelios. Andrew is the head of Old Testament and Hebrew here at Moore Theological College, and is a member of the NIV Committee on Bible Translation. Here’s the abstract of his review article:

Brian Simmons has made a new translation of the Psalms (and now the whole New Testament) which aims to ‘re-introduce the passion and fire of the Bible to the English reader.’ He achieves this by abandoning all interest in textual accuracy, playing fast and loose with the original languages, and inserting so much new material into the text that it is at least 50% longer than the original. The result is a strongly sectarian translation that no longer counts as Scripture; by masquerading as a Bible it threatens to bind entire churches in thrall to a false god. …”

– Moore College’s Lionel Windsor draws attention to an important review.

And you can read the whole of the newly-released Themelios 43.1 here.

Newcastle Diocese Strategic Directions 2018-2021

After consultations across his diocese, Bishop Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle, has released a Strategic Directions and Work Plan for 2018 – 2021.

Read about it and download it here and be encouraged to pray for the churches of the Newcastle Diocese.

T.C. Hammond on Baptism (Article 27)

“The controversy concerning infant baptism has occasioned much difficulty to many students. The great body of the Reformed Churches accept it. A determined and earnest company, however, reject it as unscriptural.

There are two questions that need to be kept clearly distinguished from one another. …”

– In the latest posts from The Australian Church Record’s archives, T.C. Hammond turns to the question of Baptism from Article 27 – and then considers The Baptism of Young Children.

Related: The Thirty Nine Articles.

‘Men Praying for Moore’ Breakfast — Saturday 5th May

Here’s an opportunity for men to gather, to pray for Moore College.

“…to share in breakfast and pray, and to be informed on how they might continue to pray. … Archbishop of Sydney The Most Rev Dr Glenn Davies … will lead a brief devotional.”

Saturday 5th May 2018, 8:30 – 10:00am.

RSVP by April 27.

Details from the College.

Five reasons why Pope Francis’ answer was demonic

“Pope Francis has made several controversial statements throughout the years, but perhaps none quite as controversial as the one in this video.

You can watch it here. …”

– At The Cripplegate, Jordan Standridge comes to a tragic conclusion. (link via Tim Challies.)

Anglican Future Conference — Super Early Bird Registration now open

Get in early to register for the National Anglican Future Conference 2018, to be held in Southbank, Melbourne, 6th – 9th September.

Register here.

Peter Jensen at the GAFCON Ireland launch

Dr. Peter Jensen, General Secretary of GAFCON, spoke at the launch of GAFCON Ireland on Saturday 21st April 2018.

A most encouraging and galvanising address.

Watch it in this recording of the live video stream. Peter’s address is after the Bible reading, which begins 19 minutes into the video.


Is GAFCON a ‘ginger group’? – from Contending Anglican, Dr. Stephen Noll’s new website.

GAFCON is the only game in town for faithful Anglicans, declares South American Primate – VOL.

Dear @Channel9, Help me out and cut the family-targetted soft porn

“Dear Channel 9,

We’re both adults. We need to talk.

Because we’re adults we’ll start by not pretending about where we’re coming from.

I’m a Christian and an Anglican minister at a cathedral. You’re in the business of making money off advertising by promoting TV shows that you think will be popular. …”

– David Ould writes an open letter to the Nine Network on their promotion of an upcoming series.

New trial expected soon for Asia Bibi

“On Saturday, the Chief Justice of Pakistan confirmed a new hearing will be held soon and has ordered full security provisions to be given to Asia Bibi’s legal team. …”

– Report from Premier UK.

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