Marriage vote returns Yes majority

Archbishop Glenn Davies –

“the way in which we have seen in other Western Democracies, the coercive effect of changing the definition of marriage has been to restrict people’s ability to hold a different point of view…”

Full story:

“Archbishop Glenn Davies says he accepts the outcome of the postal plebiscite delivered this morning but warns there must be freedom of speech, conscience and belief for Christians and others who disagree.

The national vote has been returned, with 61.6% in favour and 38.4% against. In New South Wales, the vote was 57.8% yes and 42.2% voting no.

‘Now that the outcome is that the yes vote is the majority vote on behalf of the Australian people – as I said to the Prime Minister 18 months ago on behalf of other religious leaders that if that’s what the Australian people want then we live in a democracy and I recognise and acknowledge that outcome. Therefore it is quite proper for the parliament to legislate for same-sex marriage in accordance with the will of the people – notwithstanding that it wasn’t a referendum which was compulsory voting, but almost 80 percent of people voting is a very high threshold and I accept that. That doesn’t mean I will change my views. I will still continue to teach that marriage is, in God’s plan, between a man and a woman. But I acknowledge that once the parliament passes those laws, that will no longer be the law of the land.’ Dr Davies said.

‘The consequences then are – what happens to people who want to hold to that truth. It is one thing to say, for example, we don’t have laws against adultery in this country, but I still want to say adultery is wrong – it is immoral. I want to be able to uphold that teaching without the law saying to me – no, it is not illegal, so you can’t say that. At the moment that’s not the case, but the way in which we have seen in other Western Democracies, the coercive effect of changing the definition of marriage has been to restrict people’s ability to hold a different point of view. And one of the outstanding points of democracy and human dignity – is the freedom of speech, the freedom of faith and the freedom of conscience. Therefore what the parliament needs to do now, in legislating for same-sex marriage, is to do so in a way which protects people’s liberties.’”

– Published at

Media release from Coalition for Marriage, ‘Despite the result, much has been achieved’

Here’s a media release from Coalition for Marriage “

15 November 2017

“The Coalition for Marriage has vowed to continue defending parents’ rights, and fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of belief following today’s result of the postal survey.

‘While we are naturally disappointed in today’s result, we accept and respect the decision of the Australian people,’ Coalition for Marriage spokesman, Lyle Shelton said today. …”

– Read it all here.

The Australian Postal Survey – the realities that have not changed

“I write this just hours before the results of the Australian postal survey on ‘same sex marriage’ are released. I want this post to be published before the result is known – and while there are many pundits and polls predicting the result, it is not known yet – because the result, in either direction, will very likely drown out the things that have not changed. …”

– Moore College Principal, Dr. Mark Thompson, writes at Theological Theology.

Anglican Unscripted interviews Lorna Ashworth

In the latest edition of Anglican Unscripted, Kevin Kallsen interviews Lorna Ashworth.

“Unless the gospel is being taught in a church – it is not a church.”

If you assumed the gospel didn’t need to be preached afresh in the Church of England, watch this.


Andrew Symes, of Anglican Mainstream, writes:

“With unfortunate timing on its part, the C of E launched its new gender fluid policy just after the resignation of Lorna Ashworth from General Synod and Archbishops’ Council.

The well-respected conservative evangelical had warned of the policy of ‘good disagreement’ being a front for a slide into heresy. This was brushed off on Friday as a complete exaggeration by Bishops, and also by many evangelical clergy on social media. She does not need to say anything more. The headlines on Monday morning about ‘Valuing all God’s Children’ have proved her point.”

Protecting religious freedom after “Yes”

“Outrage has erupted in the press and in Parliament over the Exposure Draft of a Bill designed to implement a possible “Yes” vote in the same-sex marriage survey.

Senator James Paterson, a Liberal Party member who personally supports same sex marriage, has released a Draft Marriage Amendment (Definition and Protection of Freedoms) Bill 2017 designed to effect this change, but also to provide protection for the religious freedom of those whose faith will not allow them to approve it. But the Bill has been excoriated as ‘legalising homophobic discrimination’ (Senator Hinch, in a question to the Attorney-General, Senate Hansard, 14 Nov 2017, p 21 of draft proceedings), and as a ‘licence to discriminate’ (Senator Wong, as reported by the ABC.) …”

At Law and Religion Australia, Associate Professor Neil Foster looks at proposed legislation and what might happen next.

Oxford teacher faces action over ‘misgendering’ pupil

“A teacher is facing disciplinary action at his school after he referred to a transgender pupil as a girl, although the student identifies as a boy.

Joshua Sutcliffe, a Christian pastor from Oxford, admitted he said ‘Well done girls’ when addressing a group including the student. …”

BBC News report.

And an ITV interview. (Image: ITV.)

Forgiveness Reformed

“In a nut shell the reformation may be said to be about this question of how to obtain forgiveness from God.

It may not seem very relevant these days as most people don’t feel the need of forgiveness…”

The Australian Church Record has republished this 40-year old editorial. It’s just as relevant today.

Charles Simeon

From Church Society:

“As the Church of England remembers Charles Simeon today, a few Church Society articles which celebrate particular aspects of his ministry for us to learn from today.”

Links here.

Let little boys wear tiaras: Church of England issues new advice

“Boys as young as five should be able to wear tiaras at school without criticism, teachers in Church of England schools are to be told.

Male pupils should also be free to dress up in a tutu or high heels without attracting any comment or observation, according to anti-bullying rules sent out by the Church yesterday.

The instructions for the CofE’s 4,700 schools said they should not require children to wear uniforms that ‘create difficulty for trans pupils’. …”

– Report from Mail Online.

Also see the report Valuing All God’s Children (PDF), as reported on the Church of England website.

“Chief Education Officer for the Church of England, Nigel Genders, said: ‘Providing an education to our 1 million children that will enable them to live life in all its fullness is a big responsibility.’…”

Canada: Former Bishop-Elect of Caledonia has employment ‘terminated’ in that diocese

“The Rev. Jacob Worley was told by Archbishop John Privett in a phone call and a letter received Friday, Nov. 10 that Worley’s employment as a priest in the Diocese of Caledonia is being terminated. Worley says that when he asked what the reason was, Privett (who is Metropolitan of the Province of BC & Yukon) declined to give him one.

In accordance with Immigration rules, Worley has to leave Canada for the United States within ten days of his last day of employment …

In May of 2017, Worley made headlines in Church news when the House of Bishops of the Province of BC and Yukon refused to approve him as Bishop of Caledonia …

… Worley had served for a time within AMiA (Anglican Mission in America) in the United States.”

– Story from The Anglican Planet. (link via Anglican Samizdat.)

Earlier: from Anglican Journal, April 2017, U.S.-born priest elected bishop of Caledonia.

Anglican Diocese of Sydney Media Statement — Manus Island

“Most Australians recognise the evil of unscrupulous people taking advantage of vulnerable people by offering to smuggle them into neighbouring countries. We now have a bipartisan policy on this issue. Yet for the vulnerable, dislocated victims of people smugglers, especially the hundreds of men who continue in limbo at the decommissioned Manus Island Centre, our hearts cry out. They have now been threatened with heavy-handed action if they do not leave. This is not the approach that should be taken for such defenceless people. We call upon our Government to act humanely in this situation and with the Government of PNG to find ways whereby these asylum seekers might find refuge and safety.”

Archbishop Glenn Davies,

13 November 2017.


The problem with many ads for ministers

“You ought to read and consider this brief excerpt from Derek Thomas’s commentary on Acts in which he shows how our expectations of pastors – and perhaps their expectations for themselves – are often far removed from God’s. …”

– from Tim Challies. Derek Thomas also provides the sort of ‘advertisement’ you should consider.

Church needs to know its purpose, Abp Hiltz tells Anglican Church of Canada

“Hiltz made the comment in an address that began and ended by wondering what St. Paul might think of the church, what advice he might give it and how he might pray for it.

On the church’s deliberation over changing its marriage canon to allow same-sex marriage, for example, Paul might remind it of his counsel to the Ephesians to be ‘humble and gentle and patient with one another, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:2-3),’ he said. …”

– Report from Anglican Journal. (Paul might also remind them of his counsel to the Ephesians in Ephesians 5:1-21.)

via Anglican Samizdat.

Lorna Ashworth resigns from C of E General Synod over ‘revisionism’

“A conservative Evangelical, Lorna Ashworth, resigned from the Archbishops’ Council and the General Synod on Thursday in a letter that condemned ‘an agenda of revisionism . . . masked in the language of so-called “good disagreement”’.

Mrs Ashworth, a member of Reform and the GAFCON UK Task Force, called in July for an alternative Anglican structure in Britain, similar to the Anglican Church in North America.”

— story from Church Times.


Read Mrs Ashworth’s full statement below, courtesy of Anglican Mainstream.

“For the past 12 years, I have had the privilege of being elected to serve on the General Synod of the Church of England.  This role offered further opportunities to serve on other bodies, most recently the Archbishops’ Council and the Business Committee.

During this time I have observed within Synod, an ongoing and rapid erosion of faithfulness “to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 3).  Instead, an agenda of revisionism is masked in the language of so-called ‘good disagreement.’  In fact, ‘good disagreement’ and ‘unity’ have trumped the saving gospel message of Jesus Christ.

In my last speech given at the General Synod in York, July 2017, I expressed this frustration by saying that,

‘as a corporate body we have become unable to articulate the saving message of Jesus Christ which fully encompasses the reality of sin, repentance and forgiveness – without this message we do not teach a true gospel and people do not get saved.’

I have been humbled to serve alongside men and women, lay and ordained who long to see the mission of the church remain true to it’s calling: to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). This means following the unadulterated teaching of Christ even when it contradicts the spirit of the age.

It is these people who have recognised that the gospel of Christ Jesus is a matter of eternal life or death – it matters what we believe, what we say, and how we live.  This message is very good news.

In light of this revisionist agenda and the heretical teaching that comes with it, I am no longer willing to sit around the table, pretending that we, as a governing body of the Church of England, are having legitimate conversations about mission.  I refuse to be mistaken as one participating in the fanciful notion of ‘good disagreement.’  As such, I am standing down from the Archbishops’ Council with immediate effect and all subsequent bodies, including the General Synod.

There are many like myself, who long for clear and courageous biblical leadership from the bishops of the Church of England and we will pray to this end. Some will choose to remain as part of the Synod and they have my full support, but others will not. Whatever is decided, be rest assured that God will not be without witness in this nation and He will build His church – the question is will that include the Church of England?”

Bishop Andy Lines has issued a statement, on behalf of GAFCON UK:

“She saw that her presence as a conservative on Archbishop’s Council was no longer a moderating influence, but being used to legitimize the revisionist agenda on which she believes the Church of England has embarked. …

Gafcon UK applauds Lorna Ashworth, who has been a member of the Gafcon UK Task Group, for her courageous stand for the truth, and will look to continue working with her in her future ministries.”

Using music to cross religious barriers

“Because the nature of mission is to meet people where they are and bring them into a saving relationship with God, when we try to share the gospel with Catholics—who are expecting to experience God more than understand God—engaging their feelings takes on more importance.

That’s where music can help. …”

– At, Mark Gilbert has a simple suggestion.

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