Same-sex marriage: Turnbull’s religious freedom inquiry

“Faith leaders may have welcomed the Turnbull government’s announcement of an inquiry into religious freedom protection, but some legal experts want more answers. …

‘If a school wishes to teach that marriage is not as the way the law defines, but as the way civilisation has known for millennia, then will that school be protected?’ Archbishop Davies asked. …”

– Report from SBS News, 22 November 2017.

Newcastle Election Synod this Saturday — 25 November

“This coming weekend the Synod of the Diocese will gather for the purpose of electing its new Diocesan Bishop. …

Members of the Board are agreed that we have three very good people before us for our consideration. They have been impressed, particularly, with the openness of these nominees to reflecting on what God’s call to them is at this time, and their generosity with us testing this call. …”

Read it all here, and be encouraged to pray for the Newcastle Synod as they meet.

Statement Regarding Prime Minister Turnbull’s Religious Freedoms Inquiry

“Today’s last-minute announcement by the Prime Minister that an inquiry will be held into religious freedom, only to report next year after the Marriage Act has changed, is a betrayal of the nearly 5 million Australians who voted against gay marriage.

Once again, the Turnbull Government has failed to consult relevant stakeholders. …”

– Read the full Media release from Coalition for Marriage.

Related: Philip Ruddock to review religious protections amid same-sex marriage debate – ABC News.

The Gift of your Fellowship

“Only a few people are going to occupy the role of a speaker at Gafcon 2018, even though so many of the people there are the preachers and teachers of God’s Word, and all who attend would have a story to tell and an encouragement to give.

So, are the delegates simply going for their own benefit?

Not at all!

They are attending primarily because of the special gift which they will bring, the gift of fellowship. This is the ministry which each of us will exercise. And even if you are not there in person, your support for Gafcon also involves that gift.

And that is very precious indeed. …”

Some words of encouragement from GAFCON General Secretary Dr. Peter Jensen.

John Chapman Preaching Conference: Bryan Chapell and William Taylor videos

While the Moore College academic year has finished, the college is continuing to make some terrific resource videos available for your edification:

The videos of Bryan Chapell at the John Chapman Preaching Conference in September are now available online:

Talk 1:

Talk 2:

Talk 3:

Talk 4:


Along with William Taylor’s talks given at the John Chapman Preaching Clinic in February 2017, they are grouped in this album:

Gospel Ministry and the “Nowhere” Generation

John Chapman said, “the first 50 years are the hardest” – Phillip Jensen has been at it for more than 50 years!

Now, with Two Ways Ministries and focussing on young adults, his fresh vision connects the permanent gospel with the changing social dynamics of Sydney’s growing “Nowhere Generation”. Few people have such experience or freshness of vision for today and the future.

If you want to be involved in reaching the coming generations with the gospel of Jesus, this is an evening not to be missed.

Moore College, Thursday 30th November 7:00pm – 9:30pm. Book here.

Church Society Podcast with Rod Thomas, Bishop of Maidstone

In the latest Church Society podcast, Ros Clarke chats with Rod Thomas, Bishop of Maidstone, about his job, the situation in the Church of England today, and the unexpected joy of confirmations.

Listen here.

‘To banish all strange and erroneous doctrine’

“To banish all strange and erroneous doctrine” is a phrase that comes directly from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and its ordinal service for ordaining deacons and priests and consecrating Bishops.

It is part of the charge given one who is consecrated to serve as a bishop in those Churches in the Anglican Communion who subscribe to the 1662 BCP and its ordinal (among other doctrinal statements) as “fundamental declarations.” … The weighty phrase reminds us of the universal and ancient responsibility of Bishops to guard the faith, worship, order and discipline of Christ’s Church.

For the last two days I have been in Kenya as part of a teaching team for the third GAFCON Bishops Training Institute. One of the first talks I heard here was a brilliant exposition of Galatians 1:1-9 by the new Bishop of Lango Diocese (Church of Uganda), the Right Rev. Dr. Alfred Olwa. …

– At The American Anglican Council’s website, Canon Phil Ashey is thankful for the faithful teaching of The Rt Rev. Dr. Alfred Olwa (seen here at the 2013 Moore College graduation).

Same-Sex Marriage — An Initial Response

“The nation has decided in favour of same sex-marriage. It is now right for the parliament to implement the society’s wish.

Christians who voted ‘no’, and I am one, have a lot to be thankful for even in this result. …

So, with all this to be thankful for, am I pleased with the result? No, of course not. I voted against this decision and would do so again if asked to.

I’m saddened by it, not so much as a Christian but as an Australian. Marriage is a creation ordinance not a religious sacrament. I don’t think it is a good decision for Australian society or family life.”

Phillip Jensen offers his initial response to the result of the Same-sex marriage postal survey.


The text of Phillip’s article is now also available in Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Euthanasia Bill defeated by one vote in NSW Upper House

“After a marathon debate that ran all of Thursday and ended at nearly midnight, the bill to legalise voluntary assisted dying has failed to pass the New South Wales’ Upper House by a single vote.

With 19 voting in support but 20 against, the result came down to the wire. …

– Report from ABC News. (Image: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)

Free online courses from The Gospel Coalition

“In a world that is noisier than ever, we want to be a trusted voice directing you toward the God of the gospel.

We want to be a place where your Sunday school and small group can dig deeper together, a place where you can discover the best lectures and books and essays to enrich your spiritual life. One of the core ways The Gospel Coalition serves the church is by providing biblically faithful web-based content for personal and group use.

So, today, we are excited to introduce you to a brand-new and totally free online learning platform.”

– Check out this new resource from The Gospel Coalition.

WA Anglican Bishop says ‘no’ to same-sex church weddings

“A WA Anglican bishop has declared he will not allow same-sex couples to marry inside Anglican churches, regardless of the consequences.

Gary Nelson, the bishop of North West Australia, was a vocal No campaigner during the postal survey.”

– Story from The West Australian.

See also: Same-sex marriage Yes vote threatens to cause rift in Anglican Church — ABC News.

Diocese of Caledonia priest fired ‘without cause’

“The Rev. Jacob Worley, whose election as bishop of the diocese of Caledonia was not upheld by the provincial House of Bishops in May, has been fired from his position as a priest effective November 30, 2017.

The termination was made ‘without cause,’ according to a statement released by diocesan administrator, the Rev. Gwen Andrews.

Andrews declined to make further comments, but wrote in the statement that the decision was made by Archbishop John Privett, metropolitan (senior bishop) of the ecclesiastical province of British Columbia and Yukon, ‘in consultation with those in leadership positions in the Diocese and in prayerful consideration of what is in the best interests of the Worley family and the future of the Diocese.’…”

– Report from Anglican Planet.

From HR Council, Canada, “Termination without cause means that the employee is being terminated for reasons that are not related to misconduct and notice of the termination and possibly severance pay is required as outlined in the employment/labour standards.” [emphasis added]

NT Bishop: SSM survey shows “a divided community”

“Northern Territory Anglican Bishop Dr Greg Anderson says the community needs to heal after a rancorous same sex marriage debate. …”

– Bishop Anderson was interviewed on ABC Radio Darwin this afternoon.

Archbishop Glenn Davies on the same-sex marriage vote

Archbishop Glenn Davies has released this video statement on the same-sex marriage vote.

Watch and share.

A transcript has now been released.

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