Oak Hill’s Commentary magazine — Summer 2017
Oak Hill College’s magazine, Commentary, for Summer 2017, is now on their website. (PDF file.)
Is the Catholic Church a Christian church?
“Sometimes, as Evangelicals approaching Roman Catholicism, we look at various parts of Catholicism without considering how they relate to the whole Catholic system.
For example, some might say Roman Catholics believe in the Trinity and the ancient creeds but that they have got the doctrine of Mary, Christ, salvation, the Bible and the church wrong at various key points. This atomization of Catholic teaching can lead us into saying things like, ‘The Roman Catholic Church is Trinitarian and creedal, and therefore more Christian than the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Mormons’. …”
– At GoThereFor.com, Mark Gilbert encourages clear thinking so that we don’t forget our Catholic friends need Jesus too.
Our friendships are shattering
“Don’t trade Jesus’ truth for friendship. The greatest need for people in our lives is not our friendship, but Christ. The greatest need is not peaceful and quiet relationships, but Jesus’ saving death.
Yes fight hard to keep your relationships, but never at the expense of truth, or by keeping the kind of silence that communicates ambivalence about the truth. …”
– Campbell Markham at Cornerstone Presbyterian in Hobart (reportedly the subject of a complaint to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commission) writes about the tragic breakdown across the country, and the choices facing Jesus’ people.
Related: Push to change Tasmanian anti-discrimination laws rejected ahead of same-sex marriage vote – ABC News.
Albert Mohler on the Australian Plebiscite
In his daily commentary, The Briefing, for 17th August 2017, Albert Mohler speaks about the Australian plebiscite on same-sex marriage.
Worth hearing an outsider’s perspective.
Related: ABC offer helpline to staff distressed by same-sex marriage debate – Nine News.
Christianity in the Modern World
“The brotherhood of man has failed to eventuate, and while we have an abundance of gadgets, and an increasing facility for satisfying all our material needs, our deepest needs are not met, and men in general are farther from satisfaction at the deepest level than they were. …”
– Dr Leon Morris could have been writing yesterday, but this piece from The Australian Church Record’s archives was first published in May of 1955.
Marriage Resources for the postal plebiscite
Australia will soon have a postal plebisciite on whether to change the definition of marriage to enable same-sex marriages. Here are some resources –
The Coalition for Marriage
The Coalition for Marriage is coordinating the campaign to oppose changes to the Marriage Act.
The Diocese of Sydney is a lead partner in the Coalition for Marriage, joining with over 80 organisations in support of the campaign to defend Australia’s man-woman definition of marriage. If you would like to support the Coalition for Marriage, you can sign up as a volunteer or provide financial support.
What has God Joined Together?
The Diocesan booklet entitled What has God Joined Together? is available online.
It explains God’s pattern for marriage, why it is best for society as a whole, and the negative consequences of same-sex marriage.
Last Chance to Register for the Postal Vote on Marriage
If you have moved house, or recently become eligible to vote in Australian elections, you need to update your electoral enrolment by 24 August 2017 to participate.
You can go to the AEC website to check or change your registration, or register online. More information and the relevant links are also available at the Coalition For Marriage website).
GAFCON: What it does and why it matters
“At GAFCON 2013, Dr Peter Jensen (the General Secretary of GAFCON) moderated a session entitled We are not alone.
In this session Dr Jensen introduced and encouraged members of the Anglican Communion to share their experiences as Anglicans standing up for and promoting the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Christ. A constant refrain from those who presented was that the GAFCON movement had shown them that amidst severe persecution from governments or litigation by their own diocese they were not alone. …”
– At The Australian Church Record, Caitlin Hurley continues here three-part series on GAFCON. (Part 1 here.)
Marriage Once More
“Finally it seems to have come to a head. There’ll be a postal plebiscite on marriage redefinition. Lyle Shelton, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, tweeted:
“Well, it’s game on to save marriage, freedom & gender. This is the fight of our lives.”
Regulars here know I am committed in this debate. I have written and spoken publicly in multiple venues in favour of classic marriage, on radio, newsprint, blogs and lectures.
However, Shelton is wrong. The marriage definition debate is not “the fight of our lives”.
The fight of our lives occurred two thousand years ago. And we did not win it. Christ won it for us, when he died on the cross – for the sins of people like you and me – whether black or white, male or female, civilized or wild, straight or same-sex attracted!
And whatever happens in the Australian marriage debate, Jesus will still be on his throne. He’s seated at the right hand of God, risen from the dead, conquering the grave. By that resurrection, Jesus was publicly declared by God as King of his Universe, far above all earthly powers and authorities. No politics can change that!
And Christians will still be able to live out their marriage vows as best they can, struggling to be faithful, to care for their kids, and offering forgiveness when we each fall short.
But God has placed us as citizens in a democracy. So we ought to vote and advocate for what is best for humanity. And God’s ways are good! …”
– In his Minister’s letter last week, Sandy Grant at St. Michael’s Cathedral Wollongong helps us keep the plebiscite in perspective. Read it all.
See also 1 Timothy 2:1-6 –
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.”
A popular vote is the best way to go, but arguments for gay marriage don’t hold up
“Ask yourself what is the most decent and respectful thing to do: is it to endorse this change that the gay lobby is stridently insisting upon; or is it to question whether a few years’ agitation should unmake a concept of marriage that had stood for many centuries and has always been regarded as the rock upon which society is built?
Ask yourself what’s more likely to maintain respect for marriage and to reinforce the notions of constancy and selflessness that sustain all lasting relationships: an ongoing recognition that marriage is a union of one man with one woman, preferably for life and usually dedicated to children; or changing marriage so that it can mean any two people who love each other? …”
– The Hon. Tony Abbott, MP, explains his thinking. Originally published in today’s The Australian, and also on his website.
Presbyterian response to the announced postal marriage plebiscite
“The 2016 GAA resolved as follows:
Min 67.8 “The General Assembly urges congregations to support the ‘No’ case in opposing the redefinition of marriage.”
Without binding consciences, please read the following as a request from the PCA that when the government asks for your opinion that you consider supporting the “NO” vote.
The Australian Government plans to conduct a postal vote seeking the opinion of Australians on marriage. Ballot papers will begin arriving at our homes on 12 September, just a month from now.
The Presbyterian Church of Australia opposes the introduction of legislation for so called ‘same-sex marriage’. We affirm that the true definition of marriage is found in God’s Word: the life-long union of one man with one woman, voluntarily entered into, excluding all others.
It’s important to urge every Presbyterian Christian to engage in the process and vote, and to “support the NO case”. We ask every attendee at church to both register and vote, and then seek to persuade as many of their family and friends to do likewise.
There’s no doubt that the postal vote can be won in favour of the current definition. There is a large number of Australians, many of whom have not had their say, who affirm the common view of marriage as God-given and God-blessed.
Your participation will make a difference, but we need you to be earnest, active and in prayer about it. There are many powerful voices clamouring to tear down what God declares to be holy. The church must not be silent on this.
While we speak up and have our say, we do so with a gracious engagement and with respect for those with whom we disagree.
John P Wilson
Presbyterian Church of Australia.”
Source: Presbyterian Church of Australia.
Coalition for Marriage website launched
“The Coalition for Marriage (C4M), the leading voice for the plebiscite NO campaign has launched its official campaign website.
coalitionformarriage.com.au has been unveiled at the start of the first full week of campaigning for the upcoming plebiscite on whether gender should be removed from the Commonwealth Marriage Act.”
— More from SydneyAnglicans.net
Changing the Marriage Act could change the country
“Before Australians start voting in the same-sex marriage postal plebiscite next month — assuming the High Court allows it to proceed — the Turnbull government has a vast amount of work to do. It must detail how it would protect freedom of religion in the event of a change to the Marriage Act.
The proposed Marriage Act Amendment Bill released by five Liberal MPs on August 6 falls far short of doing so. …”
— Editorial from The Australian, 14th August 2017. (Subscription.)
Peter Adam on How not to be Boring
At The Gospel Coalition’s Help Me Teach the Bible, Nancy Guthrie chats with Peter Adam.
Encouraging and interesting.
A Prayer for the Plebiscite
Dr David Peterson has written this prayer you may wish to use. We reproduce it here with his kind permission:
Loving Father, your Son the Lord Jesus Christ affirmed your purpose for marriage when he declared that, ‘a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh.’
What you have joined together, we dare not separate.
We pray that, as the proposal for same-sex marriage is discussed in our country, your voice will be heard.
Even though other countries have legislated for same-sex marriage, we pray that this will not happen in Australia.
As the postal plebiscite takes place, we pray that many would think carefully about the implications and that the majority would reject the proposal.
Help us to show love and care for those who are same-sex attracted, but deliver us as a society from undermining your purpose for marriage.
We pray these things for your glory and in your Son’s name. Amen.
Rights clash looms in SSM debate – Essential reading
“While the flawed postal vote plebiscite has provoked furious rival responses, the pivotal problem is just emerging — the failure in any draft bill by Coalition or Labor MPs to fully protect religious freedoms once same-sex marriage is legislated. …
Beyond the campaign lies the great dilemma. The proposition is lethal — that it would constitute a historical betrayal of the values of the Coalition parties if they “backed” a bill post-plebiscite on same-sex marriage that exposed individuals and institutions to retaliation for their beliefs because the government failed to strengthen Australia’s woefully inadequate laws on religious freedom and protection. …“
– See this must read opinion piece by Paul Kelly in The Australian. (Subscription.)