Thanksgiving service for Mike Ovey — video

St. Helen’s Bishopsgate has uploaded a video recording of the thanksgiving service for the life and ministry of Dr. Mike Ovey, held at All Souls Church, Langham Place in London, on Monday 13th March 2017.

The full video recording runs for a little over 2 hours.

And from Oak Hill:

A packed church of about 800 people joined Mike’s family, together with friends, colleagues, Oak Hill students and alumni, to pay tribute to Mike’s exceptional gifts, which he offered in the service of the people of God, and to thank God for his life as a teacher, educator, and leader.

The service included four appreciations of Mike’s life and work, and the address was given by Peter Jensen, former Archbishop of Sydney, Australia. The individual appreciations and the address are at the following points in the video:

10:35 – Efrem Buckle, Pastor of ecclesia, Lewisham
17:32 – Andrea Williams, Chief Executive, Christian Concern
31:16 – Nick Tucker, Vicar of St Bartholomew, Edgbaston
39:33 – Dan Strange, Acting Principal of Oak Hill College
57:42 – Peter Jensen, former Archbishop of Sydney.

Former Queen’s Chaplain ‘resigning’ from Church of England

“A former Queen’s chaplain has quit as a Church of England priest after a long-running objection to what he saw as the liberalising trend of the CofE.

Canon Gavin Ashenden made the unusual move of resigning his orders on Friday, Christian Today can reveal, leaving more than 35 years of ordained ministry. … 

An ardent conservative on both sexuality and women priests, Rev Ashenden confirmed to Christian Today he had signed the ‘deed of relinquishment’ under the Clerical Disabilities Act 1870. This starts a six-month interim period before he officially leaves the Church.

He declined to comment on the move until his six-month waiting time is up.”

– Report from Christian Today. Photo from

Why Christians should be punctual

“If you’re someone who is consistently late, are your reasons good? Maybe you’ve never even considered your lateness to be an issue. But have you thought about what it is that you’re (perhaps unintentionally) communicating to the person/people/event that you are late for? …”

– At, Kirsten McKinlay suggests five reasons why punctuality matters.

Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson announces resignation

“Anglican Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson has resigned after three years of dealing with issues related to clerical abuse and cover ups. …”

– Report from ABC News.

See also: Archbishop Glenn Davies pays tribute to Newcastle Bishop.

“Archbishop Glenn Davies says he learned ‘with great sadness’ of the resignation of Newcastle Bishop Greg Thompson. …”

Reformation Rally at Moore College, Saturday 18th March

Read more

Call to continue gospel vision at Thanksgiving Service for Mike Ovey

“All Souls, Langham Place was packed on Monday 13th March as hundreds of men and women, young and old, gathered to worship God and give thanks for the life and ministry of Mike Ovey, the dearly loved former Principal of Oak Hill College, who died on 7th January aged 58.

Hugh Palmer led the service, featuring hymns with All Souls’ trademark uplifting music. Current students at Oak Hill read the opening biblical sentences; there were four outstanding tributes to Mike and a sermon based on Philippians 1:21, ‘for me, to live is Christ, to die is gain’.

All the speakers emphasised how Mike Ovey combined robust love for truth with compassion for people.”

– Anglican Mainstream’s Andrew Symes reflects on the Thanksgiving Service for Mike Ovey.

Launch of Rocky Hill Church

“Sunday, February 26 saw the first public Christian gathering in East Goulburn in more than 40 years. The day saw the launch of Rocky Hill Church under the leadership of the Reverends Brian and Alison Champness. Brian and Ali are part of the growing ‘F5’ Anglican network in Goulburn. 

The network was started by Bishop Stuart Robinson and his wife Jane in 2012.”

– News from The Goulburn Post.

119 Graduates sent out Into All The World at Moore’s Graduation 2017

“119 graduates were given their awards from the College at the Graduation held at City Recital Hall, Angel Place this evening. Hundreds of guests who were family and friends of the graduates, along with current students, faculty, staff and friends of the College came to celebrate this special occasion together. …”

– News from Moore College.

Coopers outrage ‘over the top’, Liberal MPs say

“The two Liberal MPs involved in a video which sparked outrage over Coopers Brewery’s links with The Bible Society have hit back, calling the public response ‘over the top’ and the brewer’s backdown ‘spineless’. …”

ABC News report. Image: ABC.

‘First Anglican evensong in Catholic St Peter’s Basilica’

“The first ever Anglican choral evensong has been celebrated in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. … It marks closening ties between the Anglican and Catholic churches and is one of several examples of ecumenism between them in the last year.”

Report from Premier Radio in the UK, featuring an interview David Moxon, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Representative to the Vatican (and formerly Archbishop of NZ). Photo courtesy Vatican City State.

Related: Reformation Rally at Moore College, Saturday 18th March.

Diocese of South Carolina votes to join ACNA

The Diocese of South Carolina voted [on Saturday] to affiliate with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). The vote, which was held during their 226th Convention, was unanimous in both orders (clergy and laity).

“I cast my vote to affiliate with the ACNA with eager and expectant faith,” said the Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, the 14th Bishop of South Carolina during his address to the convention. “I believe God has called us to this and I believe we will find a deeper richness in our vocation, fuller fellowship in the Spirit, a more zealous thrust in mission.”

News from GAFCON. And from South Carolina.

Mike Ovey thanksgiving service — screening at St Thomas’ North Sydney tonight

Moore College Principal Mark Thompson shares:

“The memorial service is being held in London on Monday 13 March at 2:30pm GMT [i.e. early Tuesday morning, Australian time]. We are going to show it at St Thomas’ North Sydney on Tuesday 14 March at 7:30pm. …

those who would like to gather with Ana Ovey at St Thomas’ and participate in the service in this delayed fashion (sing the hymns, pray the prayers, and listen to the sermon by Peter Jensen) would be more than welcome.

There will be a light supper provided (though we have little idea of how many people will be able to come, we will try to provide enough). We would like to send a photograph to Heather Ovey of those gathered if all are willing. Parking is available at St Thomas’.”

Interview with Bishop Glenn Lyons of South Africa

“The history of fellowship between the Australian Church Record and REACH-SA (formerly the Church of England in South Africa) stretches a long way back.

When the ACR publicly supported the installation of Bishop Fred Morris as the first Presiding Bishop of REACH-SA, our South African brothers and sisters responded by writing: ‘We place on record sincere appreciation of the warm-hearted support that we have enjoyed from … the Australian Church Record.(Church News, November 1955).

In the context of that special bond of fellowship, Mark Earngey was pleased to recently interview Glenn Lyons, the current Presiding Bishop of REACH-SA.”

– Read it at The Australian Church Record.

(Photo: Bishop Glenn Lyons with Bishop Jomo Mchunu at George Whitefield College.)

‘Beer and Bibles: brewery cops same-sex marriage backlash’

“Coopers has been copping a bit of flack over a video produced with the Bible Society in which two MPs debate same-sex marriage. …

– Story from ABC’s Triple J Hack.

Related: 1. Press release from Bible Society. 2. A good drop for the Good Book.

Update: Coopers Brewery distances itself from Bible Society’s marriage equality video, faces backlash – ABC News.

Religious Free Speech in Australia: CDF v Gaynor

“Can a reserve member of the Armed Forces make controversial, religiously motivated, political comments on a private website contrary to Defence Force policy?

Sadly, the answer provided by the recent decision in Chief of the Defence Force v Gaynor [2017] FCAFC 41 (8 March 2017) is, No, not without having their service terminated. …”

– At Law and Religion Australia, Neil Foster (Associate Professor in Law at Newcastle), looks at an important free speech issue in Australia.

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