Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans New Zealand launched with two conferences

NZ SRTM derived“Nearly 500 Anglicans from around New Zealand, including the Vicars of many larger churches, have met together this week at two conferences in Auckland and Christchurch to launch the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans NZ (FCANZ). FCANZ is a local expression of the Gafcon movement, and a message of support was read out at the conferences from Most Rev Dr Eliud Wabukala, Chair of the Gafcon Primates.

Video greetings were also received from Most Rev Foley Beach (Primate of ACNA) and the Rt Rev Richard Condie (Bishop of Tasmania and Chair of FCA Australia).

Rev Canon Vaughan Roberts (St Ebbe’s, Oxford) gave 4 talks on True Gospel, True Sex, True Love and True Unity, and was joined by Rev Canon David Short (Vancouver), Dr Peter Adam (Melbourne), Rev. Dr. Sarah Harris (Auckland) and others.

The formation of FCANZ has been in response to the passing of Motion 30 in 2014 and the subsequent release of the ‘A Way Forward’ Report, due to be presented to the General Synod of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia next month. The report proposes the blessing of same-sex civil marriages thereby rendering them as “rightly-ordered” relationships opening up the possibility for those in them to be accepted as candidates for ordination.

Rev Jay Behan, Chair of FCANZ, said ‘This week has been a hugely significant moment for orthodox Anglicans in New Zealand. FCANZ is committed to promoting faithfulness and providing fellowship, and orthodox Anglicans now know that through the FCANZ there is a place for all orthodox Anglicans in New Zealand, whether they are inside or outside the current Anglican structures.

We continue to pray that General Synod will pull back from making a decision which will tear the fabric of the communion, undermining the allegiance to General Synod for many Anglicans in New Zealand.’

– Media release from FCANZ, via Anglican Mainstream.

Anglican Consultative Council declines to go along with ‘consequences’

acc-16-logo“An April 18 Anglican Consultative Council marathon resolution-passing session saw ACC members take stands on climate change, gender justice, safe church environments, youth involvement in the communion, solidarity with persecuted people, and interfaith and ecumenical relations, among other issues.

And the council declined to endorse or take any action similar to the primates’ call in January for three years of so-called “consequences” for the Episcopal Church…”

– A sadly unsurprising decision by the Anglican Consultative Council – via The Episcopal News Service. (Related: Genesis 3:4.)

Prayer requested for GAFCON Primates Council meeting this week

gafcon-logo-00The GAFCON Primates Council is meeting this week in Nairobi (18th-23rd April 2016). As ever, they value your prayers as they seek to guard the gospel so it can be faithfully proclaimed.


The January gathering of Primates in Canterbury saw many people around the world praying for the GAFCON Primates and the wider Anglican Communion. Thank you if you were one of those people. As the GAFCON Primates Council meets this week in Nairobi, they would value your prayers again. Below are some points to guide your prayers as well as your praise to our God who is rich in mercy and grace.

Give thanks:

Northwest Network April 2016

nwn-apr-2016The latest issue of Northwest Network has been released by the Diocese of North West Australia.

Download your copy (PDF file) to help you pray for the people of North West Australia.

Stott Bowdlerised

John Stott“Recently I bought a copy of John Stott’s brief and famous exposition of the Christian gospel, Basic Christianity, which I intended to give to a friend.

The book was first published in 1958 and has sold several million copies. It is at once simple and refined, gentle and uncompromising, and many people in the Anglophone world can trace their conversions to reading Stott’s little masterpiece. If any “spiritual classics” were published during the second half of the twentieth century, Basic Christianity surely is one. …

The Basic Christianity people are buying and reading today is a bad imitation of the original.”

A disturbing observation from Barton Swaim at First Things. (via Tim Challies.)

Update: Here’s a response from Eerdmans.

SMBC celebrates Centenary

David Cook and Stuart Coulton SMBCSydney Missionary and Bible College at Croydon is this weekend celebrating its Centenary, beginning with a Thanksgiving Service on Friday night April 15 2016.

Principal Stuart Coulton introduced past Principal, and now Presbyterian Moderator General, David Cook. Preaching from Hebrews 1:1-4, David exhorted his hearers to hold fast to the Bible, the revealed word of God, and to be constantly vigilant against drifting from the truth.

The Centenary celebrations will continue on Saturday April 16 with an Open Day.

Anthony_Brammall _Out_of_Darkness_15_April_2016_tnA highlight of the day will be the launch of the College’s centenary history, Out of Darkness, by Academic Vice Principal Anthony Brammall (pictured).

The book is available from the College.


Back to Basics Part 6 — Will you stand with us?

Peter Jensen“No one wants to see an end to the Anglican Communion. That is why the Primates went to Canterbury.

Certainly the leaders of GAFCON are clear on this point. They are not proposing to replace the Communion. They are dealing with schism, not provoking it.

Their insight has always been clear: since the institutional structures have failed to hold the fellowship together around the truth, the answer must be a spiritual one.

A prophetic voice is needed…”

– In the last of his six-part series Back to Basics, GAFCON General Secretary, Dr. Peter Jensen, invites like-minded Christian believers to stand with those who stand for the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

All Saints’ College on market to pay diocese’s bank debt

Bishop of Bathurst, Ian Palmer“All Saints’ College is to be sold to help the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst repay a multi-million dollar debt to the Commonwealth Bank.

Plans to sell the school were confirmed on Saturday during the first day of a local synod meeting. Nine other unidentified church properties across the diocese have also been earmarked for sale to repay the debt…”

– Story from The Western Advocate. (Photo: Bishop Ian Palmer.)

‘Catholic church reminds campaigning business that Catholics are its customers, too’

telstra-tower-pilba“Archdiocese of Sydney business manager Michael Digges wrote to corporations whose logos were featured with their permission on a full-page Australian Marriage Equality advertisement in May last year…”

– from The Australian (paywalled) via The Herald Sun.

Transgender issues under Australian Law — an overview

Assoc Prof Neil Foster“The question of legal and social recognition of the rights of transgender persons is becoming a very hot topic of discussion. The recent debate in Australia on the content of the material provided for schools by the “Safe Schools Coalition” is one example. …

This post cannot deal with all the current issues. But I thought as a preliminary exercise it would be helpful to briefly review the current Australian law around the topic, to set the scene for future discussions. I will also offer a few comments on recent proposals for change to the criteria adopted for changing a person’s legal gender identity.”

– More useful legal background from Neil Foster, at Law and Religion Australia.

Journal of Australian Church History – new issue

integrity“Students in their fourth year of the Bachelor of Divinity degree at Moore Theological College have the opportunity to research and write a 5 000 word essay in Church History on some aspect of evangelicalism in Australia or Britain (post-1600).  The excellent quality of some of these essays has encouraged the Church History Department to seek a way to share the fruits of the research and writing of these students with a broader audience.”

Check out Volume 3, currently highlighted on the Moore College website.

New book from Paul Barnett — Philippians & Philemon: Joy in the Lord

paul-barnett-2016-aquila-420pxComing soon is a new book from Paul Barnett, Philippians & Philemon: Joy in the Lord.

Details and pre-order info from CEP.

Archbishop Justin Welby on DNA revelations

justin-welby-dna2The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, recounts how he learned the identity of his biological father, and the impact it has had on his family.

From the Anglican Communion News Service.

Archbishop of Adelaide announces intention to retire

abp-jeffrey-driver“Anglican Archbishop of Adelaide Jeffrey Driver is to retire after almost 11 years in the pivotal role.

In an unexpected move, Archbishop Driver, 65, advised parishioners at this morning’s services of his intention to step down as the spiritual leader of SA’s Anglican community in August…”

– Report from The Adelaide Advertiser. (Photo: Diocese of Adelaide.)

‘Forgery and false pretenses’ on the eve of ACC-16

allegedly-forged-letter-140“Just when you thought Godly order couldn’t unravel any further, it appears that it has.

According to an article published on Anglican Ink, a fraudulent letter was posted on the Anglican Church of Kenya’s website, with Archbishop Wabukala’s digital signature, purporting to reverse his public decision not to send a delegation from the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) to the meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council which begins today.

Here are the facts that we know…”

– The American Anglican Council’s Canon Phil Ashey summarises the latest intrigue.

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