Moore College Sunday 2015

Moore College SundayMany churches are focussing on Moore College for their prayers on Sunday August 2nd.

“The MCS theme this year is about partnering with Moore in prayer as we equip students to tell the world the one story worth knowing by heart – the story of Jesus.” – Read all about it.

The dangerous calling of Christian missions

Albert Mohler“America’s evangelical Christians are facing a critical time of testing in the 21st century. Among the most important of the tests we now face is the future of missions and our faithfulness to the Great Commission. At a time of unprecedented opportunity, will our zeal for world missions slacken?

Just as doors of opportunity are opening around the world, the church seems to be losing its voice. A virtual re-paganization of Western culture is occurring around us at a velocity unprecedented in human history. At the same time, we are also witnessing the rise of militant Islam…”

Albert Mohler reminds his readers that the dangerous nature of Christian missions is just as the Lord Jesus predicted.

Canberra & Goulburn: Pastoral Letter concerning the Redefinition of Marriage

Bishop Stuart RobinsonBishop of Canberra & Goulburn, Stuart Robinson, wrote to members of his diocesan Synod in a pastoral letter yesterday:

“At our Synod in September, I am already aware that people will want to discuss either the rights and wrongs of homosexuality or the merits and problems of same-sex marriage. It is important for us to remember that there are already some limits around what such discussion can and cannot achieve, because…”

Read it all here.

Mission Awareness Week at Moore College

mission-awareness“Mission Awareness Week 2015 was held last week (20-24 July). MAW is an important event in the Moore College calendar. It is held annually in July and provides the opportunity to see what God is doing in the world, and to be challenged as to how we are going to be involved in God’s mission work…”

Report from the College.

Two days left to have your say for NSW scripture in schools

sre-curriculum“There’s only two days left to contribute to the NSW government review of special religious and ethics classes in schools.

The independent review looking into Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Ethics Education (SEE) in NSW primary and secondary schools was announced in October last year and began in March.

Parents and carers, SRE and SEE teachers, current and former students and other interested parties are able to contribute their views here, before submissions close this Friday 31 July…”

Report from the Bible Society. (Emphasis added. Image: Youthworks.)

Societas 2015 launched

Societas 2015Just in time for Moore College Sunday (being observed in many churches this weekend), the 2015 edition of the Moore College students’ magazine, Societas, has been released.

It’s available online – to view or download using ISSUU – or to download as an 11.2MB PDF file from the college website.

Creation and the Christian

Dan Wu“One of the most sustained reflections on the nature of created life is Psalm 104. In this article I’d like to offer some thoughts drawn from this psalm on what it means for us to be made by God. These are not the only things that can be said about our created nature but they are very helpful in our approach to life in this world…”

– Moore College lecturer on Old Testament and Biblical Languages, Dan Wu, turns to Psalm 104 at the College’s Think Tank. Take the time to be encouraged by it.

ALP National Conference votes to enforce support for same-sex marriage from 2019

ALP 47th National Conference“After hours of negotiations the party’s Right faction cobbled together the numbers to amend a motion from the Left that would have forced MPs and Senators to be bound in the next term of Parliament.

Labor leader Bill Shorten moved the revised motion and pledged to introduce legislation to legalise same-sex marriage if he wins government…”

– Report from ABC News.

See also: ALP conference 2015: same-sex marriage conscience vote for two terms, binding after thatThe Guardian.

The Australian Christian Lobby has issued a media release

“The same-sex marriage debate entered a new phase of intolerance with Labor voting to expel parliamentarians who advocate man-woman only marriage. In two Parliaments time, Labor MPs and Senators who vote against redefining marriage will be expelled from the party…”


Bishop’s Vision for the Diocese of The Murray

Bishop John Ford, Diocese of The Murray“Before the motion was passed unanimously, Bishop Ford spoke on how his vision for the Diocese may be considered.

He believed the Diocese had too many buildings and that in many small communities, it may be more effective if a group of believers met around a table to pray, study and learn…

Bishop Ford believed communication was another important area to be looked at over the next year. He thought many of our church signs were ‘appalling’, adding that it was no wonder that other people found it difficult to join us when we met in secret…”

– The Winter 2015 edition of The Murray Anglican (PDF file) reports on Bishop John Ford’s vision for the Diocese of The Murray, endorsed at their Synod in May.

West Hamilton Parish and the wilderness

The Rev Michael Hewat“One of our harshest critics here, a former Diocesan Manager, opined in the Waikato Times that we have consigned ourselves to the religious wilderness.

I can’t help thinking that’s not a bad place to be…”

– The Rev. Michael Hewat, Pastor of West Hamilton Community Church, writes about his experience of being forced out of the Anglican Church of NZ. (PDF file)

Published back in March on the Latimer Fellowship website.

Related posts.

Be a Gospel Patron

John RinehartAt GoThereFor, Tony Payne interviews John Rinehart, an advocate of ‘gospel patronage’.

Very encouraging.

And his book is available at Matthias Media.

‘I thought Planned Parenthood protected family values’

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield“Abortion steals praise from God by denying image-bearers the opportunity to live through and for him. Abortion despises and attacks and destroys the image of God…”

– Rosaria Butterfield asks how our worldview affects our view of humanity.

Speak now, or forever hold your peace

Steve Kryger“Marriage is the exclusive union between a man and a woman.”

“It wasn’t so long ago that making a statement like this wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. In fact, if you’d said this, most people would have responded with a ‘Yes, and?’. It would be liking stating that the sky is blue, or the Australian cricket team had been disappointing.

Today in Australia, this is perhaps the most controversial statements you can make…”

– At Communicate Jesus, Steve Kryger pleads with Christian leaders to actually lead Christians in responding to the challenge of same-sex marriage.

Dick Lucas steps down as PT trustee

Dick Lucas 01 January 2012Proclamation Trust’s Adrian Reynolds shares that Dick Lucas has stepped down as a Trustee of PT.

“Dick is 90 this year. Amazingly, he is still preaching, still sharp. But the time has come for him to step down as a PT trustee and I, for one, am enormously grateful for his wisdom and counsel. Once a week he stops by to sit on my sofa and chew the cud and, in characteristically humble mode, he listens patiently whilst I pontificate.

Join me in thanking God for this remarkable and continuing ministry.”

Here’s the audio of one of Dick’s most recent sermons.

Uniting Church wants more talk on gay marriage, but delays decision

“The Uniting Church in Australia’s… National Assembly, has voted to continue discussion about marriage and same sex relationships. This vote mean that the Church has not approved same-sex marriage, and their next National Assembly is not until 2018.

Alongside this conversation the Assembly resolved to affirm the UCA ‘as an inclusive church embracing those members who identify as LGBTIQ’…”

– John Sandeman reports for Bible Society Australia.

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