Bishop Peter Lin consecrated

peter-lin-consecration“The Rev Peter Lin was consecrated as Bishop of the George’s River Region by Archbishop Glenn Davies, at St Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday 30th May.

Mr Lin is one of the youngest bishops in the history of the Diocese and only the second of Chinese descent in Australia…”

– Russell Powell has the story at

Kanishka Raffel SBSRelated:

SBS News reports on the consecration, and also the appointment of Kanishka Raffel as Dean of Sydney. (video expires 06 June 2015.)

What is ECUSA Spending on Lawsuits? (Updated for General Convention 2015)

Give to the Episcopal Church“When one adds in the estimated additional amounts spent by individual dioceses on such litigation, the total amount exceeds Sixty Million Dollars…”

– Anglican lawyer and blogger A S Haley updates his annual list.

Churches defend traditional meaning of marriage — NSW Council of Churches

Dr Ross Clifford“Changing the meaning of marriage would be a vast, risky social experiment. Children have the right to know and be cared for by their natural parents. The law should reflect and promote best practice.

Amid the emotion and hype, principled arguments in favour of retaining the current definition of marriage in Australian law deserve the consideration of every federal politician…”

– Dr Ross Clifford, President of the NSW Council of Churches in a media release.

Australia’s businesses take out full-page ad backing ‘marriage equality’

newspaper-ads“Some of Australia’s biggest businesses have thrown their weight behind the push for gay marriage, with a full-page newspaper advertisement today.

Corporations including Google, Qantas, Optus and the ANZ and Commonwealth banks have put their names to a list of Australian businesses backing marriage equality…” – ABC News report.

I oppose same-sex marriage (and no, I’m not a bigot)

Dr Michael Jensen“The passing of the Irish referendum on same-sex marriage has triggered a round of Australian advocates announcing that it is now ‘our turn’. We lag behind the UK, many European countries, some states in the US, and (perish the thought!) New Zealand, and we ought to get with the programme.

The Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten, in line with the new ALP dogma, has announced that he is introducing a private members bill into Parliament next Monday…

How could anyone stand opposed? The terms in which the pro-marriage redefinition case are stated make it sound as inevitable as the dawn, and as unstoppable as the tide. And these same terms make opposing a redefinition of marriage sound primitive and even barbaric. There are those in favour of change, we are told, and then there are the bigots.”

– Dr. Michael Jensen writes at the ABC’s The Drum.

Related: The Australian Christian Lobby lists some of the consequences of same sex marriage for the free exercise of religion.


David CookDavid Cook, Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, has written an important piece on Marriage. Here’s a quote:

“None of us expected that in our lives we would have to stand solidly with the apostles and declare, ‘we must obey God rather than men’.”

Take the time to read the full text:

On my recent trip to Malaysia, I was asked to expound Romans 13:1-7, the attitude of the Christian to the civil ruler.

The Bible makes it clear that all “superior” authority, like that of Government, is derived from the supreme authority, God Himself, who establishes and institutes such authority.

For the Christian, the State will have a limited jurisdiction, like Moses’ mother, the midwives of Egypt, Daniel, the apostles and the Lord Jesus, we will respectfully submit to the State until it oversteps the boundary set by God. “We must obey God rather than men” Acts 5:29.

There are many issues which may be “disputable” in our relationship with governments, but the proposed change to the Marriage Act is not one of them.

The Marriage Act of 1961, amended in 2004 defines marriage as “the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life”.

This is a perfectly good reflection of Genesis 2:24, “a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh”.

The Lord Jesus ratifies this definition of marriage in Matthew 19:5-6 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one. Therefore, what God has joined together let not man separate.”

Everything which the apostle Paul says of marriage in 1 Corinthians 7 is based on the premise that marriage is between a man and a woman. Some may say that this is just the writing of Paul, a mere man, but remember, just as the resurrection of Jesus declares His deity (Romans 1:4) so the resurrection of Jesus ratifies Paul’s authentic apostleship (Galatians 1:1).

The question of same sex marriage will not go away, I suspect that our politicians will treat the issue as unresolved until the Marriage Act is amended. Such amendment will not foster stronger family life, children will be denied both a mother and a father, surrogate parenting will become more common, inevitably those who hold a contrary position will be treated with intolerance, being accused of being homophobic, simply for having a moral conviction that homosexual practise is contrary to God’s will.

The fact that the Republic of Ireland has recently voted for same sex marriage, does not mean that our nation’s leaders have to unquestioningly follow such a poor example. On such a fundamental change to the foundation of our society, why shouldn’t the people have the opportunity to express their mind in a referendum?

The question that Presbyterian ministers must face is, as registered marriage celebrants, are we prepared to continue to operate under an Act which unacceptably redefines marriage?

The Church and Nation Committee has discussed this issue, our political leaders need to face the reality that a redefining of the Marriage Act will be seen by many Christian celebrants as an affront to the supreme authority of God and will lead to a massive reduction in celebrants’ availability to operate under such a compromised Act.

None of us expected that in our lives we would have to stand solidly with the apostles and declare, “we must obey God rather than men”.

David Cook.

– Source, The Moderator’s Comments, 28 May 2015.

Why Australia should not rush to follow Ireland

Lylle Shelton, Australian Christian Lobby“So many questions, so little free debate. …

Changing the definition of marriage has far reaching consequences. It is time to press pause and think again.”

– The Australian Christian Lobby raises a number of questions in the midst of a push for same sex marriage in Australia.

A Requiem for the Boy Scouts

Albert Mohler“The Boy Scouts were doomed the moment the national leadership decided to preserve the organization at the cost of the values and ideals that gave it birth.

Speaking to a national meeting of Boy Scouts of America leaders, President Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, called for the B.S.A. to abandon its policy of allowing the participation of openly gay scouts, but not the involvement of openly-gay adults…

By any honest account, the policy adopted in 2013 was a compromise that anyone could see would not hold. …  the B.S.A. put itself in a no-man’s land of moral evasion.”

– Albert Mohler on the predicament facing the Boy Scouts of America.

Related: Dr. Robert M. Gates at 2015 Boy Scouts of America National Annual Meeting. Watch from 08:40.

Newcastle Bishopscourt sold

newcastle-bishopscourt“The Anglican Diocese of Newcastle has sold Bishopscourt on The Hill to a local purchaser…” – report from Property Observer.

What does the Bible really teach about Homosexuality? — Repost

What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?“If I had to choose only one book to recommend to someone (whether a Christian or non-Christian) who wanted to read a basic overview of what the Bible says about homosexuality and what that means for today, this is it.”

Andy Naselli on “What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?” by Kevin DeYoung.

You can download a 36 page sample and study guide via Andy’s site, and order a copy from various booksellers.

Kevin DeYoungUpdate: See Kevin DeYoung speak on this topic (March 2015) at a special event at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois. 63 minutes.

See also the panel Discussion after the address – 54 minutes – with thanks to Crossway.

Human Sexuality and the 'Same Sex Marriage' DebateRelated: Human Sexuality and the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ Debate, from The Sydney Doctrone Commission.

The upside-down cross

Simon ManchesterAt GoThereFor, Tony Payne reflects on Simon Manchester’s talk at the recent Nexus Conference.

Read Tony’s highlights and watch the whole address here. Well worth your time.

Bill Shorten to introduce private members bill to legalise ‘same-sex marriage’

The Hon Bill Shorten MP“Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has confirmed Labor will move a bill to legalise same-sex marriage next week. …

In a statement, Mr Shorten said the time had come for Parliament to debate marriage equality and that he found it unacceptable current laws excluded some individuals.”

– Report from ABC News. (Photo:

Update: The Australian Christian Lobby has issued this media release

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s same-sex marriage bill fails to consider the consequences of changing the definition of marriage in law, according the Australian Christian Lobby.

“It is disappointing that Australia’s alternative prime minister is legislating a family structure which requires a child to miss out on their mum or dad.

“Many Australians are watching with great concern as florists, photographers and cake makers in other countries are being legally punished simply because they prefer not to participate in a same-sex wedding.

“I wonder if Mr Shorten has considered the consequences of changing the definition of marriage,” Mr Shelton said.

“We urge parliamentarians to vote against the bill.”

Praying for Nungalinya College

nungalinya-graduatesNungalinya, the Combined Churches Training College for Indigenous Australians in Darwin, has posted their 2014 Annual Report online.

Grab the 3.6MB PDF file here. Fuel for prayer.

Update – Schools, Scripture, Banning of Books and Sexual Orthodoxy

Assoc Prof Neil Foster“My previous post mentioned that some books used in Special Religious Education (SRE) in NSW had been summarily banned by the Department of Education and Communities, apparently on the grounds that they conveyed classical Christian teaching about sexual morality.

In that post I said:

It is to be hoped that on review the Department will realise both that the way this was done is entirely unacceptable, and also that the content of the books concerned is not as harmful as it has been alleged to be.

One of those hopes has been realised, but the other has not…”

– at Law and Religion Australia, Associate Professor in Law, Neil Foster revisits the SRE ‘book banning’ in NSW. His comments are well worth reading in full – and be sure to follow the links.

The Failure of Winsomeness

rod-dreher“The United States has avoided Europe’s fate for a long time, but the churches here have finally lost the ability to coast on cultural momentum. The churches that don’t retrench around building their internal strength and coherence around orthodoxy – and that requires far more than catechesis, but it requires at least that: teaching our story to our children –  and evangelizing from that position of strength, aren’t going to survive. The overculture is just too strong. The forces of atomization and desacralization are very hard to resist.

This is a reality that many Christians, Christians of all kinds, do not want to face. …

… if we believe that being winsome and likable and all that is going to earn us any points with the overculture, we are making a dangerous mistake. Assimilation is not going to be allowed absent giving up what makes Christians distinctive from the rest of the culture.”

– at The American Conservative, Rod Dreher urges Christians to prepare for the long night ahead.

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