‘Plan to groom ‘talent’ for high office in CofE’

Church of England“A radical overhaul of the Church of England’s leadership is under way.

A key report, still unpublished, sets out a programme of ‘talent management’ in the Church. The report has been signed off by the two Archbishops, and a £2-million budget has been allocated. It was discussed by all the bishops in September, and the House of Bishops on Monday…”

– Story from The Church Times.


VinegrowersVinegrowers have a new website, complete with some articles to help us see the need for a disciple-making culture in our churches.

“Vinegrowers has seized on a vital biblical truth that’s too easily forgotten in the busyness and distraction of modern ministry life: the heart of Christian growth is God’s people speaking God’s word in the power of God’s Spirit.”

– Dr Lionel Windsor.

To Give Knowledge of Salvation to His People: A Christmas Mandate for Christian Ministry

Albert Mohler“So many moments of our lives pass with almost no sense of significance. The twenty four hours in a day fade into the memory of the seven days of the week, then the thirty-odd days of a month, and then months into years. The years pass into the mist of memory.

But certain moments, certain days stand out in vivid contrast. These are occasions of bright and lasting memory — births, deaths, family reunions, and Christmases. Add to those moments like this, a commencement ceremony. There is something even more special about this ceremony, however, for this is the graduation of those called to Christian ministry, and this ceremony comes fast upon Christmas…”

– from Albert Mohler’s commencement address to be preached later today at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. (If you’re keen, the commencement ceremony will be live-streamed at 10:00 a.m. US EST Friday December12 – the same as 4:00am AEDT Saturday December 13.)


If you haven’t seen it, last year Southern Seminary gave thanks for 20 years of leadership of Albert Mohler in this 25-minute video. Worth watching – not just for the interesting history, but also a reminder of the value and importance of keeping a theological college faithful to the gospel.

Kay Goldsworthy elected Bishop of Gippsland

“Kay Goldsworthy has been elected as the Anglican Bishop of Gippsland.”

– Report from The Gippsland Times. She will be the second woman diocesan bishop in Australia.

Update: David Ould has posted these observations.

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

Adam4dChristian cartoonist Adam Ford (Adam4d) offers this primer on the religion of many westerners.

(These concepts will be familiar to listeners to Mike Horton’s White Horse Inn.)

Time magazine names Ebola fighters as ‘person of the year’

dr-kent-brantly-samaritans-purseTime magazine has named the medics treating the Ebola epidemic as its “person of the year” for 2014, paying tribute to their courage and mercy…”

– Report from ABC News. Photo: Samaritans Purse.

Related: Are Christian Missionaries Narcissistic Idiots?, Albert Mohler (07 August 2014.)

Winter (heart) warmers

vaughan-roberts-2014From The Proclamation Trust:

“Last month saw our annual Autumn Ministers conference, the audio from which is now online. Vaughan Roberts’ opening and closing expositions from Revelation encouraged and challenged us in our ministry.”

Listen to both expositions here.

Hundreds farewell ‘champion of Christian education’

schools“Hundreds of people have gathered at a funeral service for prominent Sydney layman John Lambert, the architect of a resurgence in building Anglican schools. …

From 1994 to 2009 Mr Lambert was the Director of Schools Development at the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation, during which he contributed significantly to the establishment of 12 new Anglican schools within the Diocese of Sydney.”

– Story from SydneyAnglicans.net.

‘A chaplain at the centre of a national tragedy’

Simon Flinders“As chaplain to Cricket NSW, Simon Flinders first met Phil Hughes as a bright young recruit who began playing for the NSW Blues in 2007. Simon has been a constant presence at training sessions and matches over his 10 years as chaplain, getting to know the boys from the sideline, and ministering from the bench. He’s ‘part of the furniture’ — not in the inner circle, but a regular fixture — someone to be called upon if tragedy were to strike…”

– Story from Bible Society Australia. Photo: St. Mark’s Northbridge.

Archbishop Welby interviewed for The Times

Archbishop Justin Welby, General Synod, 18 Nov 2013An interview with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was published in The Times on Saturday.

The full article is behind a paywall, however, Anglican Mainstream has some excerpts.

Tribute to Sir Fred Catherwood

Sir Fred Catherwood“Sir Fred Catherwood, eminent British industrialist and politician, died peacefully on Sunday 30 November at the age of 89. Sir Fred gave more than 45 years of faithful service to IFES.

Married to Elizabeth – daughter of pastor and theologian Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones who helped found IFES – Sir Fred held senior offices in both IFES and UCCF Great Britain from 1961 to 2007…”

– Penny Vinden has a fitting tribute to Sir Fred Catherwood on the IFES website. His funeral was on Friday in Cardiff.

Asia Bibi: no release without international pressure, lawyer says

Aasia Bibi“The human-rights lawyer who is risking his life by defending Asia Bibi has denounced the blasphemy law under which she has been sentenced to death as a ‘tool of oppression’.

Her lawyer, Naeem Shakir, told an audience at Westminster Abbey on Saturday that the international community must put pressure on the Pakistani authorities to reform the law…”

– Story from Church Times.

Related: Barnabas Fund campaign “Save Aasia Bibi: Don’t let her die”.

Church Society on the Appointment of a ‘headship’ evangelical Bishop

Church Society“Church Society welcomes the news that a man who upholds the complementarian view of headship will soon be appointed to the vacant See of Maidstone. …

The imminent appointment of a bishop with this conviction is an important step in realising that commitment and rebuilding trust in the family of the Church. We are particularly encouraged by the recognition that the evangelical complementarian perspective should be represented in the College of Bishops after several years without a spokesman.

We wish to stress that this is but a first step: for flourishing, rather than mere toleration and tokenism, more surely needs to be done. For example, if soon a complementarian suffragan were to be appointed in the province of York also, that would be a further positive expression of the Church’s intent that complementarians can flourish within the structures and life of the Church.…”

Statement from Church Society by the Rev Dr Lee Gatiss, Director, and the Rev Paul Darlington, Chairman.

Vanishing Church? Latest 9Marks Journal

9MarksThe latest 9Marks Journal has been released. The theme: Vanishing Church? Seeking the Right Perspective as Opposition Grows.

Download it as a PDF file.

Challenge and Choice — Australian Anglican Schools Today

Dr Ruth Edwards“The book Challenge and Choice – Australian Anglican Schools Today by Dr Ruth Edwards was launched in Brisbane on Wednesday 3 December.

The work represents a significant attempt to not only survey the history of these religious schools but to map something of the future that lies before this sector.”

– See the story from the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.

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