Moore College Annual Report 2014

moore-college-annual-report-2014See the Moore College Annual Report for 2014. Much cause for thanksgiving.

1.4MB PDF file.

Faith on Earth — The urgent mission of Theological Education

Albert Mohler“At the theological seminary the twig is bent, the trajectory is set, the minister is moulded, the preacher is formed, and the missionary is equipped.

The theological seminary is Ground Zero of the church’s future, and not just on its campus but everywhere its graduates will take their message, ministry, and influence…”

Albert Mohler spoke at the inauguration of Ligon Duncan as Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.

Good News for Persian speakers

Persian Bible launch“A major new translation of the whole Bible into modern Persian was launched in London and Istanbul last week (September 22-24). The project was especially significant as some of its earliest contributors were martyred for their faith.

Its publishers are Elam Ministries and Wycliffe Bible Translators. Elam was founded in 1990 by senior Iranian church leaders with a vision to serve the growing church in the Iran…”

– from Bible Society Australia.

Gerald Bray interviewed at Moore College

Professor Gerald BrayDuring his recent visit to Moore College, Professor Gerald Bray was interviewed and three clips are available:

1. On theological education,
2. On Moore College, and
3. Why Study at Moore?


Sweatcon“SWEATCON is a training conference in the South-West (SW), for the SW, by the SW. The conference seeks to train up leaders and future leaders in the churches of the SW.”

Next year’s conference is 20th – 23rd January 2015 at Hoxton Park and there’s a promo video here.

Lambeth Conference to be postponed — report

lambeth“The precarious state of the Anglican Communion has led the Archbishop of Canterbury to postpone indefinitely the every ten year meeting of the bishops of the Anglican Communion…”

– according to a report from George Conger at Anglican Ink.

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