ANiC statement on terrorist attack in Ottawa

Bishop Charlie Masters“Today, Canadians are grieving the deaths of two members of the Canadian Armed Forces at the hands of terrorists this week. …

Let us pray for those who are caught up in this hatred, and actively seek to extend to them the gospel of peace.”

– The Anglican Network in Canada’s Bishop Charlie Masters speaks on the attack in Ottawa yesterday.

The Pulse Oct-Nov 2014

The PulsePresbyterians in NSW are are dealing with many similar issues to Sydney Anglicans.

Read about them in the latest edition of The Pulse (3.4MB PDF) which features another Moore College graduate on the cover.

70 years ago today: The conversion of J. I. Packer

Canon David Short, Rector, and Canon Dr. J.I. Packer, Honourary Assistant Minister, ST John's Vancouver“On Sunday, October 22, 1944—seventy years ago today—it is doubtful that anyone noticed a soft-spoken, lanky, and decidedly bookish first-year university student leaving his dormitory room at Corpus Christi College and heading across Oxford for an evening Christian Union service at a local Anglican church.

18-year-old Jim Packer had arrived at Oxford University less than three weeks prior, a single suitcase in hand, traveling east by train from Gloucester using a free ticket available to family members of Great Western Railway employees…”

– Justin Taylor fittingly marks the anniversary.

(Photo: Dr. Packer, right, with David Short, in Vancouver three years ago.)

Sydney Synod gives thanks for Bishop Ken Short

Bishop Ken ShortSydney Synod paid tribute to the late Bishop Ken Short today, adopting these words brought to the Synod by Bishop Peter Tasker –

“This Synod notes with great sorrow the death of Bishop Ken Short last Sunday evening.

We give thanks to God for the extraordinary ministry of Ken, who has faithfully served his Lord and Saviour throughout his life and has been a blessing to others In his various ministries as an elder statesman of the Diocese of Sydney, missionary in Tanganyika evangelist, parish rector, military chaplain, regional bishop, Dean of Sydney and Bishop of the Defence Forces.

We pray for his widow Gloria and the family as they grieve their loss, yet rejoice with them in the sure and certain knowledge that our brother Ken is now ‘at home with the Lord’.”

Bishop Short’s funeral service will be held, with military honours, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, on Monday 27th October at 2:00pm. We understand the service will be streamed live for those who can’t attend.

(Photo: Ramon Williams.)

Anglican Aid’s Inaugural Festival of Just Ideas

Festival of Just IdeasAnglican Aid’s Inaugural Festival of Just Ideas is on this coming Saturday (25th October 2014) at Broadway. It’s not too late to book in.

Who or what defines the Anglican Communion?

Dr Mark Thompson“In an interview with the editor of the Church Of Ireland Gazette (Canon Ian Ellis), the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, has given his opinion on what defines a church as part of the Anglican Communion, and therefore, by implication, what is critical for Anglican identity…”

– published this piece by Moore College Principal mark Thompson shortly before Synod. Take the time to read it all.

Sydney Synod resolution on Global Anglicanism

Sydney SynodThe Synod of the Diocese of Sydney has passed a resolution, encouraging GAFCON to continue and expand its work. Here is the complete text:

“9.23 Global Anglicanism

Synod –

(a) gives God thanks for the success of GAFCON 2013 (Global Anglican Future Conference) being made up of 1358 delegates from 39 countries including the 99 delegates from Australia,

(b) recognises that GAFCON is an emerging instrument of communion when others have failed to provide the well needed leadership at a time of growing liberalism within Anglicanism, aggressive secularism, militant Islamism and seductive syncretism,

(c) encourages and supports GAFCON/FCA (Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans) in its desire to expand its membership, develop networks, authorise and affirm those who have been excluded by their dioceses or provinces,

(d) recognising Synod’s desire to be in full communion with the ACNA (Synod resolution 46/09), Synod congratulates the Most Reverend Foley Beach on his consecration as Archbishop to the ACNA (Anglican Church of North America),

(e) encourages the development of FCA Australia and its inaugural conference, “The Anglican Future Conference” to be held in Melbourne next year,

(f) looks forward to the next GAFCON as a principle gathering of leaders in the Anglican Communion, and

(g) requests the Secretary to write to The FCA Primates’ Council, The ACNA and FCA Australia informing them of this.

(The Rev Gavin Poole/The Rev Dr Michael Stead).”

– via the GAFCON website. Emphasis added.

George Whitefield College newsletter

GWC newsletters November 2014George Whitefield College’s latest newsletter (November 2014) has just been released.

You can download it as a 2MB PDF file.

Bishop Ken Short: ‘faithful pastor, gracious leader, elder statesman’

Bishop Ken Short AO“Bishop Ken Short AO, former missionary, military chaplain, Dean of Sydney and Bishop of Wollongong, Parramatta and the Defence Forces, has died at the age of 87…

A funeral service is expected to be held at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney, early next week. Details are yet to be confirmed. ”

– more from (Photo: Ramon Williams.)

Update: It’s been announced the service will be held at 2:00pm on Monday 27 October at the Cathedral.

Preaching 2 Samuel – The Possibilities and The Difficulties

John WoodhousePast Principal of Moore College, John Woodhouse, is leading a workshop to help improve your preaching.

At Moore College on Wednesday 26th November. Details and registration here.

Report: Bp of Newcastle appoints Rod Bower as Archdeacon of the Central Coast

Gosford AnglicanRod Bower, the Gosford Anglican priest made famous by signs such as “Dear Christians, Some people are gay. Get over it. Love, God”, has reportedly been appointed by Bishop of Newcastle Greg Thompson to be Archdeacon of the Central Coast.

We understand the report to be correct, and he will be collated on Saturday 24th October, though the matter is not yet on the Newcastle diocesan website.

See also David Ould on the Rev. Mr. Bower’s previous public statements – on heaven and hell – and that Jesus did not die for our sins.

Related: Just before General Synod met recently, Sandy Grant considered the Prayer Book’s call to “drive away all false and strange doctrines that are contrary to God’s word”.

(Photo: Gosford Anglican Church.)

St Jude’s Carlton damaged in blaze

St Jude's Carlton“Fire has ravaged a church in inner Melbourne, causing more than $500,000 in damage. St Jude’s Anglican Church on Lygon Street caught fire just after 4am, with flames engulfing the roof, windows and basement…” – Report from The Age.

Sermons are ‘fair game’ in Houston

Dr Albert Mohler“When news broke earlier this week that the attorneys working for the City of Houston had issued subpoenas to pastors for sermons, I was fairly certain that some mistake had been made. When the actual text of the subpoena came to me, I could hardly believe my eyes.

Here was a legal demand, sent to Christian pastors in the name of one of America’s largest cities, to surrender ‘all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to HERO (an anti-discrimination ordinance), the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession.’

That subpoena is nothing less than ruthless thuggery …”

Albert Mohler looks at the real warning in the big story out of Houston.

Also Bishop David Anderson, of the American Anglican Council, comments.

Barnabas Fund urges intercession for Pakistani Christian sentenced to death

Aasia Bibi“Barnabas Fund has today received the sad news that the appeal made by Pakistani Christian mother Aasia Bibi against her conviction under Pakistan’s “blasphemy law” has been rejected and the death sentence she was given confirmed. …”

– Read at Barnabas Fund, including suggestions for how you can write on her behalf. (Report on the UK’s Premier Christian Radio.)

Archbishop of Melbourne Synod Address

Dr Philip FreierThe text of the 2014 Synod Address by Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne, is now up on their website. (PDF file)

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