Happy birthday to the Province of Western Australia

province-of-western-australia“On this day in 1914, the Province of Western Australia came into being when the relevant papers were signed by Archbishop John Wright, the Primate of the, then, Church of England in Australia…”

– A little bit of history, via the Diocese of Perth – but a good reminder to pray for the clear preaching of Christ in WA – in the Dioceses of Perth, Bunbury, and the North West. (Image from ACA.)

Biblical Theology — Guardian & Guide of the Church

9marksThe latest 9Marks Journal is out and is available for free download in a variety of formats.

Moore College Prayer Support Dinner — 9th October

Prayer Support Dinner“The Moore College Prayer Support Group would like to invite you to a prayer support dinner held on Thursday, 9 October, 7pm at the College Dining Hall. …

This dinner is an excellent opportunity to meet fellow prayer supporters, to encourage others to join us in prayer and to hear of the College’s current needs. There is also an optional College tour led by a member of the faculty…”

– Moore College needs your prayer support. Details of the Prayer Support Dinner here.

Lamentation Sunday Apology from Canberra & Goulburn

Lamentation SundayBishop Stuart Robinson has released this apology for any hurt by clergy or church workers in the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn.

Murder of Iraqi Christians — second appeal for prayer from Archbishop Glenn Davies

iraqi-refugeesHere is a second appeal for prayer from Archbishop of Sydney Dr Glenn Davies:

“The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, says fervent prayer and urgent action is needed as the persecution of Iraqi Christians escalates towards genocide.”

“Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney

Media Release, August 9, 2014

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, says fervent prayer and urgent action is needed as the persecution of Iraqi Christians escalates towards genocide.

ISIS militants, who have already forced many Iraqis from their homes in Christian towns and villages, are now reported to be systematically executing Christians, including children, some by decapitation.

“The reports coming from reliable Anglican sources in Iraq are horrifying” Dr Davies said.

In the last 24 hours, Canon Andrew White, the Anglican Vicar of St George’s, Baghdad reported that the five-year-old son of a founding member of the parish was attacked and cut in half by the insurgents in the Christian town of Qaraqosh.

“Not content with dispossessing Christians of their homes, unspeakable acts are now being carried out on those who refuse to recant their faith” Dr Davies said.

“Australia should be in the forefront of offering help, asylum and immediately agitating for protection of this ancient Christian community which is so desperately vulnerable.”

“Our brothers and sisters in Iraq urgently need our prayers and I hope all Australian Christians would join us in asking God to guide them to safety and restrain those who will do them harm.”

This is the second appeal issued by the Archbishop of Sydney on the turmoil in Iraq.

A week ago, after the attack on the Northern town of Mosul (near the ruins of the biblical town of Nineveh), Dr Davies said “In the same area where God sent the prophet Jonah to turn back the people of Nineveh from their evil ways, we pray for a turning back of the evil which has come upon the Christians of Mosul.”

France has already offered asylum to Iraqi Christians forced to flee Mosul and other towns.”

– Source, SydneyAnglicans.net.

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid has launched an emergency relief appeal to help those fleeing their homes.

See also: Killings escalate in Iraq. – SydneyAnglicans.net
(Photo: UNHCR/ACNUR Américas via SydneyAnglicans.net.)

How you can help N. Iraq right now

Bishop Stuart RobinsonFrom Stuart Robinson, Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn:

Dear Friends and colleagues,

Having read my letter to the Prime Minister of Australia, a great many people are asking how they might take action.

1.       Do please pray for an end to the violence – resources for prayer and giving are here. This is a good link if you are living in the northern hemisphere.

2.       The Bible Society has launched an appeal. You can give here.

3.       Through your own email contacts and social media outlets ensure local leaders and politicians  and are apprised of what is in fact taking place. This link really should go viral.

4.       The most recent statement of the Archbishop of Canterbury is also worth circulating widely.

5.       For those who wanted an electronic link to my letter  (to on-send to local leaders and politicians) it is here.

6.       Finally – a note from Archbishop Mouneer – expressing his thankfulness for our interest and prayer. You are at liberty to circulate widely.

My dear Bishop Stuart,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I cannot tell you how much your prayers and encouragement means to me and to the Christians in the Middle East especially at this very difficult time.

Please continue to pray for us, as we will be praying that God will strengthen you.

May the Lord bless you!

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis

Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa

President Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East

Diocesan & Provincial Offices. 5 Michel Lutfallah Street, Zamalek, Cairo 11211
Website: http://www.dioceseofegypt.org

Abp of Canterbury statement on N Iraq

Archbishop Justin Welby“The horrific events in Iraq rightly call our attention and sorrow yet again. Christians and other religious minorities are being killed and face terrible suffering.

“What we are seeing in Iraq violates brutally people’s right to freedom of religion and belief, as set out under Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is extremely important that aid efforts are supported and that those who have been displaced are able to find safety. I believe that, like France, the United Kingdom’s doors should be open to refugees, as they have been throughout history.

“The international community must document human rights abuses being committed in northern Iraq so that future prosecutions can take place. It is important and necessary for the international community to challenge the culture of impunity which has allowed these atrocities to take place.

“With the world’s attention on the plight of those in Iraq, we must not forget that this is part of an evil pattern around the world where Christians and other minorities are being killed and persecuted for their faith. Only this week I received an email from a friend in Northern Nigeria about an appalling attack on a village, where Christians were killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Such horrific stories have become depressingly familiar in countries around the world, including Syria, South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

“We must continue to cry to God for peace and justice and security throughout the world. Those suffering such appalling treatment in Iraq are especially in my prayers at this time.”

– Re-posted from The Archbishop of Canterbury’s website.

Vicar of Baghdad: ‘Child I baptised cut in half by ISIS’

Canon Andrew White at St George's Baghdad“The five-year-old son of a founding member of Baghdad’s Anglican church was cut in half during an attack by the Islamic State on the Christian town of Qaraqosh.

In an interview today, an emotional Canon Andrew White told ACNS that he christened the boy several years ago, and that the child’s parents had named the lad Andrew after him.

‘I’m almost in tears because I’ve just had somebody in my room whose little child was cut in half,’ he said. ‘I baptised his child in my church in Baghdad2. This little boy, they named him after me – he was called Andrew.‘…”

– Though very distressing, read the full report from The Anglican Communion News Service, and pray.

A life dedicated to serving mission and community

Owen Shelley“Owen Shelley, who died on Saturday, August 2, lived to serve Jesus Christ and to share the good news of salvation to thousands of children…”

– Story from The St. George & Sutherland Shire Leader.

A Christian response to the distressing news

Phillip Jensen“I awoke on Friday morning to the news of Christians fleeing for their lives in Iraq. Over the last couple of months in Iraq, there has been mounting pressure on Christians to convert to Islam. Now, whole Christian townships have been conquered and the people are fleeing to seek Kurdish protection.

In a world riddled by war, revolutions, violence and ever increasing numbers of displaced refugees it’s strange how distressing I found Friday’s news. It’s not simply because the people are Christians, though no doubt that’s part of it. I suspect my distress is that we are being plunged into the kind of war that we do not want to have and that we have eschewed – a religious war.

As I write, I am still struggling to come to a considered response to this terrible news. Here, in point form, are some things that go towards working out an appropriate Christian response.…”

– Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen sets down some helpful thoughts – and calls for prayer.

See also: Murder of Iraqi Christians – second appeal for prayer from Archbishop Glenn Davies.

An Invitation from God

Dominic SteelePart of the “Jesus Brings” initiative.

Are Christian Missionaries narcissistic idiots? (Quick answer: No)

Albert Mohler“In Ann Coulter’s view, Kent Brantly should never have gone to Africa in the first place. He should have spent his time and energies saving America…”

Albert Mohler responds to an opinion piece by columnist Ann Coulter. While the context is US-based, the command of Christ is the same.

Thousands of Yazidis facing death in Iraq mountains; largest Christian town falls

iraq“Thousands of members of an Iraqi minority are stranded in the mountains of northern Iraq after fleeing militant group Islamic State (IS), which is leaving a trail of death as it attempts to form an Islamic caliphate. …

On Thursday the militants from the group formerly known as ISIS took over Iraq’s largest Christian town, Qaraqosh, and surrounding areas. That sent tens of thousands of panicked residents fleeing towards autonomous Kurdistan, officials and witnesses said. …

Qaraqosh is an entirely Christian town which lies between Mosul, the jihadists’ main hub in Iraq, and Arbil, the Kurdish region’s capital. It usually has a population of around 50,000.”

– more tragic news from Iraq, via ABC News.

Looming Famine in South Sudan

Anglican Aid appealAnglican Aid’s David Mansfield writes:

“Anglican Aid has entered a partnership with the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan (ECSS&S) to support a project  to assist communities prepare for an expected famine during the summer of 2014/15.

The expected famine is due to the inability of displaced people to plant crops.

While emergency food security will be provided by other agencies, the Church in South Sudan is assisting through a Peace Dividends Project to assist people to plant crops to provide longer term food security.…

Anglican Aid [is] suggesting people forgo a meal out and contribute the money to support South Sudan.”

Donations may be made online or by phoning 02 92841406. (Click the image for a larger version.)

Veteran children’s evangelist dies

Owen Shelley. Scripture Union photo.“Owen Shelley, who spent more than 30 years as children’s missioner with Scripture Union, has died.

Mr Shelley was well known to generations of Christians in Sydney and NSW for his talks and story telling at church services, outreach events and beach missions.”

SydneyAnglicans.net has this story on Owen Shelley, including a tribute from Scripture Union.

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