Encouragement to keep on in ministry

Hugh PalmerHugh Palmer, from All Souls’ Langham Place, spoke on “Growing the next generation” at last year’s Equipped Ministry Assembly run by the East Anglia Gospel Partnership.

Well worth taking the time to be encouraged and directed back to the work of the gospel.

Archbishop of Sydney calls for ‘urgent prayer and sacrificial generosity’

iraq-and-sth-sudan-emergenciesArchbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies has called for “urgent prayer and sacrificial generosity” in response to two great humanitarian crises.

Here are the Anglican Aid links:
Iraq appeal infoDonation page
South Sudan appeal infoDonation page

Archbishop Davies writes:

“I am calling on all Sydney Anglicans and our friends across Australia representing many Christian traditions and denominations to urgent prayer and sacrificial generosity for two terrifying humanitarian crises unfolding in our world today.  Read more

Lord & Life-Giver: The Holy Spirit Changes Everything

Dr Mike HortonThe Annual Moore College Lectures continue this week with special guest Professor Mike Horton from Westminster Seminary California.

This year’s topic is “Lord & Life-Giver: The Holy Spirit Changes Everything”.

If you can’t be at Moore College for the lectures, you can live-stream them – or watch later. Recommended!

Dear prime minister: what is the UK government’s strategy in Iraq and Syria?

bp-nicholas-baines-leedsDear Prime Minister …

The focus by both politicians and media on the plight of the Yazidis has been notable and admirable. However, there has been increasing silence about the plight of tens of thousands of Christians who have been displaced, driven from cities and homelands, and who face a bleak future. Despite appalling persecution, they seem to have fallen from consciousness, and I wonder why…”

– Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines, writes to Prime Minister Cameron.

Archbishop of Canterbury – ABC Interview

Abp Justin WelbyArchbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was interviewed by ABC Radio National’s Andrew West while he was here in Australia this week. Watch it here.

Australia’s Christian Book of the Year is intended for non-Christians

The Great Bible SwindleGreg Clarke’s The Great Bible Swindle has been awarded Christian Book of the Year.

Applications open for CMS Summer School 2015

CMS Summer School 2015Applications are now open for the NSW CMS Summer School at Katoomba, 3-9 January 2015.

Be sure to check the FAQ for costs and latest updates.

‘A minister, a gay couple and a new SBS documentary’

David Ould“When Eternity received a miniature wedding cake in the mail from SBS, our initial reaction was, huh?

But it all quickly became clear. The cake gimmick [is to encourage] us to tune in to the new SBS documentary series Living With The Enemy.

Anglican minister and blogger David Ould from Macquarie Fields in Sydney’s southwest is featured in the first episode, all about same sex marriage. Ould, a conservative, was pitted against atheist gay couple, Gregory Storer and Michael Barnett, both activists for same sex marriage.”

– Story from Eternity Newspaper. Photo and more from David Ould.

Archbishops seek asylum for refugees from northern Iraq

press-conf“Archbishop Philip Freier, has urged the Federal Government to accept as refugees some of the Christians facing unimaginable suffering in northern Iraq.

Dr Freier, who was inaugurated as Primate of Australia at a service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday evening (August 13), praised the government for its “rapid response in providing aid to the displaced thousands in Iraq”.

He told a press conference that he had written to the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Abbott, and Immigration Minister, Mr Scott Morrison, asked them to emulate France in offering asylum to those facing forced conversion or death.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who gave the sermon at the inauguration service, told the conference that what was happening right now in northern Iraq at the hands of the ISIS jihadi fighters was “off the scale of human horror”.…”

– Story (and photo by Kit Haselden) from the Diocese of Melbourne.

50 Shades of Black & White

Mortification of SpinIn the latest Mortification of Spin podcast from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt and Aimee Byrd discuss the ‘Fifty Shades’ best selling book and coming movie – and how Christians should respond.

Christian spirituality, British values, and contemporary teachers

The Rev Andrew SymesIn his latest essay, Andrew Symes, Executive Secretary of Anglican Mainstream, reflects on the place of God’s written word in the Christian’s life – with reference to a recent story in the (UK) Telegraph about former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, “How Buddhism helps me pray”.

Online comments cause SU Tasmania Chaplain to be sacked

Tasmania“It wasn’t his Facebook post that caused Scripture Union (SU) Tasmania chaplain Troy Williams to be sacked. It was his follow up comment on a conservative Christian site. …”

– Story from John Sandeman at Eternity Newspaper.

Annual Moore College Lectures 2014

Professpr Michael S HortonThe Annual Moore College Lectures begin this week, on Thursday 14th August.

This year’s Lecturer is Dr Mike Horton from Westminster Seminary California.

His topic: Lord & Life-Giver: The Holy Spirit Changes Everything.

Details here – as well as news that the lectures will be streamed live for those who can’t attend in person.

A Prayer for the afflicted saints of Iraq

Rick PhillipsRick Phillips, Senior Minister at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina, has written a prayer you could use or adapt. And you will be helped by checking the Bible references he gives too. At Reformation21.

‘The West must face the evil that has revealed itself in the Iraq genocide’

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali“A beautiful mosaic of ancient religions, cultures and languages in the Middle East is being systematically destroyed. Until now, the world has watched mutely. …

So will the world just stand by and watch this unprecedented onslaught on freedom or will we do something beyond airdropping food and medicines and protecting our own personnel who may be caught up in the conflict?…” – Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali writes in The Telegraph.

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