Open Letter to the PM regarding Iraqi Christians

Bishop Stuart Robinson“Thu 31 July 2014

Dear Prime Minister,

I write this ‘open letter’ on behalf of Anglicans across southern New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory to express our deep distress and dismay at the creation of a new wave of refugees by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS); a situation about which, I am sure, you are fully cognisant…”

– Read the full letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, from Stuart Robinson, Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn.

Related: Church leaders call for support of Christians in Iraq. (NSW Council of Churches.)

Archbishop of Sydney calls for an end to Iraqi persecution

Archbishop Glenn DaviesPublic Statement

July 30, 2014

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has joined calls for prayer and international assistance for Iraqi Christians facing severe persecution, even death, for their faith.

“It is an outrage that a community established in the early centuries of the Christian era should face expulsion from their own land, simply for their faith.” Dr Davies said.

In Mosul, near the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh, the militant Islamic group ISIS gave Christians an ultimatum: convert to Islam, pay a “protection tax” or face death.

Churches have been looted, burned or occupied. Christian homes have been marked with the Arabic letter “N” (for the word ‘Nasrani’ which translates to ‘Nazarene’, a follower of Jesus).

Thousands of Christian families have been driven from the city.

“In the same area where God sent the prophet Jonah to turn back the people of Nineveh from their evil ways, we pray for a turning back of the evil which has come upon the Christians of Mosul, stripped of their livelihood, property and possessions.”

“The Australian government, the international community and the UN must not stand by while such persecution continues unabated.” Dr Davies said.

The Archbishop called on churches to pray for peace and justice in Iraq and also for Palestinian Christians caught in the conflict on the West Bank and the Gaza.

“We have entered a period of significant suffering for Christians around the world: from Iraq to Syria and from Egypt to Sudan.” the Archbishop said. “While the Cross is the symbol of suffering for all who are followers of Jesus of Nazareth, we have a responsibility to stand with our brothers and sisters in the face of such unmitigated persecution.”

– from


Story from

The silence is deafening – Catholic Herald.

Bathurst’s All Saints College named in bank’s legal action against diocese

All Saints College“Court documents have revealed the Commonwealth Bank is looking for damages of more than $24m from the former Anglican bishop of Bathurst and five other defendants…”

– Report from ABC News.

More time needed for Bishopscourt sale

Bishopscourt“The chairman of the Anglican Property Trust, Dr Robert Tong, says an initial offering of the neo-gothic mansion ‘Bishopscourt’ in Darling Point, has been encouraging but no buyer has yet emerged…”

— news from

Around the ACA — 29 July 2014

Australian dioceses (image: Anglican Church of Australia)Here are a few items from around the Anglican Church of Australia –

Welby hopes women bishops won’t prevent ‘full communion’ with Catholic Church

Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby June 2014“In a letter sent to Pope Francis, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said he hopes the vote to allow the ordination of women bishops would not prove a stumbling block to future ’full communion’ between the Anglican and Catholic churches…”

– Report from The Catholic Herald.
(Photo: ACNS.)

New ARV Director of Mission

Andrew Nixon“The Rev Andrew Nixon has been appointed the new Director of Mission for Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV). He replaces Chris Edwards who is now Bishop of North Sydney.

Mr Nixon is best known as the Executive Director of the Diocese’s “Connect 09” campaign. He has since been the Director of Youthworks’ Year 13 programme and more recently Principal of Youthworks College…”

– More from (Photo: Youthworks.)

Oak Hill Commentary — Summer 2014

Commentray Summer 2014The Summer 2014 edition Oak Hill’s Commentary magazine is now out (just in time to enjoy during the British heatwave).

‘All you need to know about christening’ — without mentioning…

Church of England "Christenings" website“The Church of England has created a new website which promises to tell you ‘all you need to know about choosing, planning and going to a Church of England christening’. How far does it succeed in this endeavour?

Let’s start with a positive. The fact that the church is seeking to provide clear and accessible resources for those considering having their child baptised is much to be welcomed. …

Unfortunately, problems start to crop up when we begin to read what the website actually says…”

Mark Smith at Church Society looks at the new Church of England “christening” website – or you might want to check it yourself first. (And compare 1 Corinthians 2:2.)

‘Isis militants blow up Jonah’s tomb’

iraq“Islamic State (Isis) militants have blown up a revered Muslim shrine traditionally said to be the burial place of the prophet Jonah in Mosul, residents of the city said.”

– report from The Guardian. (h/t

Related: Bishop Mouneer: World not doing enough for Iraqis.

New KCC app

KCC appKatoomba Christian Convention has released an app for iOS, Android and Windows phones – to stream audio of talks, to keep up to date with coming events, and to ‘participate in our conventions’.

Available via this link.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall’s Brisbane Synod address

FOCUS June July 2014The Presidential Address given at last week’s Brisbane Synod by Dr Phillip Aspinall is now online – PDF format.

‘Retiring Dean [of Perth] leaves his mark’

John Shepherd, Dean of Perth 1990 - 2014“For almost a quarter of a century, John Shepherd has worked in one of Perth’s most recognisable and loved buildings. As Anglican Dean of Perth, he has filled St George’s Cathedral with song and music.

“What a cathedral does is give people permission to imagine God … to imagine the dimensions of the divine,” he said. …

He ruffled the feathers of conservative members of the Church by inviting a Buddhist abbot and a Muslim cleric to preach.”

– from The West Australian. (Photo: St. George’s Cathedral Perth.)

Irenaeus on Polycarp, a disciple of John

Defence of the Truth“Here is a delightful page from the early church that you will surely enjoy.

First, the quick background. Irenaeus (c. 130-200) was a disciple of Polycarp (died c. 155), who, in turn, was a disciple of the apostle John…”

– from Books at a Glance.

MH17: Prayers at Parliament House

Prayers at Parliament House“Prayers were said in Parliament House, Canberra, surrounding the signing of the Book of Condolence for the victims of the MH17 aircraft disaster on Wednesday 23 July 2014…”

– from Defence Anglicans.

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