Let your Christmas point to Jesus

John PiperAt Desiring God, John Piper responds to questions about Santa.

Christmas in Dark Places

Christmas in Dark PlacesAnother thought-provoking video from Glen Scrivener in the UK.

Related: Putting Halloween in its place.

How You Spend My Christmas

Phillip Jensen“Everybody, except the scrooge, agrees it is a time to celebrate – there’s just no agreement about what we are celebrating. So everybody wishes everybody ‘happy Christmas’, but in true post-modern fashion it means different things to different people.”

– Phillip Jensen on Christmas.

Monergism updated

monergismIf you haven’t check out Monergism.com before, now is a good time to start – the site has just been updated.

High Court throws out ACT’s same-sex marriage laws

High Court of Australia, Canberra“Same-sex couples who wed in the ACT will have their marriages annulled after the High Court ruled against the laws. … today the High Court in Canberra unanimously ruled that the laws were inconsistent with the Federal Marriage Act, and were therefore unconstitutional.”

– Report from ABC News.

Related: Legality and Validity – Mark Thompson.

Northwest Network — December 2013

Northwest Network Dec 2013The latest edition of The Northwest Network is now available – grab a copy to help in praying for the people of the North West (660kb PDF, hosted with permission).

Something more important than charity!

Canon Sandy Grant“In many previous generations and still in some places today, Christians might be surprised that a pastor has to write in this way. But recently I had to remind the congregations I serve that there is something more important than charity. Read on to see what I meant…”

– Sandy Grant shares a letter he wrote to the congregations at St. Michael’s Cathedral, Wollongong.

Social Media and the Sufficiency of Scripture

australian-church-record-10“Social media has opened up a wonderful new way in which Christians can express spiritual unity despite physical distance. … When a Christian friend posts about his sick daughter, within minutes our non-Christian friends can see that a whole bunch of us are praying for healing and strength.

But Christians are no less prone to abusing God’s good gifts as anyone else.”

– Latest post from The Australian Church Record.

Legality and Validity

Dr Mark Thompson“Does something become legitimate by virtue of legislative enactment? Does the decision of a parliamentary majority or of a court of law suffice to settle the question of whether a course of action is appropriate, or legitimate or valid? Can Christians recognise the legal or constitutional reality of a situation without for a moment consenting to its reality in a deeper sense — something that legitimately exists in a world constituted by God’s word?

Two recent developments in Australia raise this question in stark terms for us.

The first is the conduct of same sex ‘marriage’ services in the Australian Capital Territory last weekend. …

The second development is the consecration of women as bishops in the Anglican Church of Australia.”

– Moore College Principal Mark Thompson writes an important post at Theological Theology. Challenging times ahead.

A Moral Revolution at Warp Speed

Albert Mohler“Six months. That’s how long it took to get from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Defense of Marriage Act to the decision of a Colorado judge ordering a Christian baker to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony. Just six months. …”

– Albert Mohler writes on the latest developments in the US.

Bishop Peter Chiswell 1934–2013

Bishop Peter ChiswellBishop Peter Chiswell – Bishop of Armidale from 1976 to 1999 – died in Armidale on Friday.

His funeral is to be held at St. Peter’s Cathedral Armidale tomorrow, Thursday 12th December 2013, at 11.00am.

Current Bishop, Rick Lewers, has written this tribute:

“The year I was born, 1958, Peter Chiswell graduated from Moore Theological College in Sydney and was ordained by the Bishop of Armidale, John S. Moyes. Peter’s ministry included appointments in Narrabri, Quirindi, Bingara, and Gunnedah before he was consecrated in Sydney by Archbishop Marcus Loane, then taking his place in Armidale’s St Peter’s Cathedral as Bishop in November, 1976.”

Franklin Graham requests prayer for his father

Billy Graham“My father turned 95 this past November 7, and I am pleased to say that my family was able to be with him as he celebrated another milestone in his long and productive life.

Joined by many colleagues and friends from around the nation and the world at this celebration, he spoke briefly of these friendships and did not fail to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ. This will forever be his legacy which is, as the Bible says, a testimony to the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Since that night a few short weeks ago, he has had another bout with a respiratory infection and was hospitalized briefly before returning home to recuperate. …”

– Franklin Graham requests prayer for his much-loved Dad.

Mike Ovey responds to the Pilling Report

Dr Mike Ovey“We humans have to live with grey. Sometimes we must weigh whether an action or life-choice is right or wrong. But so often, actions and life-choices are shades of grey rather than simply black or white. …”

– Oak Hill’s Principal, Dr Mike Ovey, responds to the Pilling Report –

Part 1 – God’s work versus God’s will?

Part 2 – Does sincerity grant a veto?

Two (more) reasons to give thanks for Moore College

Archie PoulosTwo (more) reasons to give thanks for – and to pray for – Moore College:

1. Now is the moment of opportunity for Moore graduates.

2. Moore College distance education goes viral.

Don Carson at The Castle

Don CarsonA couple of weeks ago, Professor Don Carson spoke on the First Letter of John – at The Castle in Northern Ireland.

The audio files of his talks have now been made available.

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