Living Out

Living Out“We’re a group of Christians who experience same-sex attraction, and we want to share our stories, answer your questions, and recommend resources about Christianity and same-sex attraction.”

– David Ould draws attention to what he describes as “a wonderful website full of stories of Christians who seek to live godly lives while being honest about their experience of same-sex attraction”.

At Ref21, Paul Levy writes, “This looks to be a great resource for the church and is worthy of our prayers and support, do visit the site and pass it on.”

See it at Living Out.

Bishop Charlie Masters’ Advent letter

Bishop Charlie Masters“Advent, this year beginning conveniently on December 1st, is the first and best argument for observing the Church Year. Surely there is no other reality or central teaching of the Bible, more forgotten or functionally dismissed, by even serious Christians, than the doctrine of the return of Christ.

Thankfully, Romans 13, the first Epistle for the First Sunday of Advent, almost like an alarm clock interrupts the peaceful repose which is our lives and begins the church year with these words; ‘And do this, understanding the present time: the hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.’ (Romans 13:11). …”

– Charlie Masters, Bishop of the Anglican Network in Canada sends his Advent greetings via the Anglican Essentials Canada blog.

Reform’s Chairman ‘deeply ashamed’ of the ‘very divisive’ Pilling Report

Reform Chairman Prebendary Rod Thomas“Reform Chairman Prebendary Rod Thomas said today that he was “deeply ashamed” that the Pilling Report was opening up divisive discussions about the church’s stance on human sexuality.

He said: “Anglican evangelicals want to encourage the best possible provision of pastoral care for everyone involved in parish life. The calling of Christians is to a transformed life. True pastoral care in the case of those experiencing same-sex attraction will be to help them live Christianly. The report does not do this in its recommendations for “pastoral accommodation”. Reform profoundly regrets this insensitivity to real pastoral need.

Speaking at the close of the pan-evangelical ReNew conference, attended by over 250 senior Anglican leaders, Rod Thomas said that the report’s proposals were “very divisive and distressing”. He warmly endorsed the Bishop of Birkenhead’s dissenting statement with its understanding that the trajectory of the report “…undermined the discipleship and pastoral care of many faithful Christians”.

The Reform Council gave initial consideration to the report today. It concluded that the inevitable result of the report’s recommendations would be that pressure will increase for changes to the church’s understanding of marriage and of God’s purposes for human flourishing as outlined in the Bible. The Council reiterated its belief that the Anglican approach to doctrine and ethics can only be based on Scripture and therefore was not open to negotiation in facilitated conversations.”

– Source: Reform.

See also: The Bishop of Birkenhead’s dissenting statement.
Anglican Mainstream statement.

Church Society responds to the Pilling Report on sexuality

Church Society logo“Church Society welcomes the publication of the Report of the House of Bishops Working Group on Human Sexuality, so that it can be discussed openly and publicly by the whole church.

Like the apostle Jude, in the Bible, we would prefer to discuss the good news of Jesus Christ and the salvation he offers to all, but feel constrained to respond to the teaching of those who are changing the gospel into an affirmation of immoral behaviour.

We call on the church to read the report prayerfully, and to weigh its teaching and recommendations carefully in the light of scripture’s very clear teaching on sexuality, to which the Church of England is committed in its canons, doctrinal formularies, Synodical statements, and the resolutions of the Lambeth Conference. We particularly commend to people the “dissenting statement” in the report from the Bishop of Birkenhead, and thank him for its clarity and care. A further statement will be made in due course.” – Lee Gatiss, Director of Church Society.

Click here for full Pilling Report and CofE statement (CofE website).”

– from Church Society’s EV news.

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Diocese of Sydney crestAnglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Statement November 28, 2013

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

The Steering Committee for the Sydney Diocesan response to the Royal Commission on Child Sexual Abuse says a file review of material relating to child abuse complaints stretching back to the 1930’s is almost complete.

“The Committee has commissioned a thorough review of all complaints, notifications and files which are relevant to the Royal Commission. This has been done carefully and has involved reviewing a significant amount of material” said Steering Committee spokesman Dr Robert Tong.

“Some media reports have misrepresented evidence given to the Royal Commission by equating the number of files with complaints or current investigations. Some outlets reported that there were 600 current investigations of complaints. This is not correct.” he said.  Read more

Extinction in a generation?

Bp George Carey“Have a read of this report from the Daily Telegraph: ‘Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, warns Christianity “a generation away from extinction” in Britain. Clergy are now gripped by a “feeling of defeat”, congregations are worn down by “heaviness” while the public simply greets both with “rolled eyes and a yawn of boredom”, he said.’

Lord Carey goes on to say how in particular ‘we’ have let down young people and that we must deploy ministers to get children and youth back into church.

There’s much here to admire. Lord Carey may no longer be Archbishop of Canterbury, but it still takes courage for such an establishment figure to point out just how bad things are. But he’s quite right: Christianity is a generation away from extinction in the United Kingdom. This is something both very old and very new. Let me explain. …”

Oak Hill College Principal Mike Ovey writes.

Jesus Brings video promo

Kara HartleyWorth taking two minutes 30 seconds to watch.

Click the image to play the video.

Christian B&B loses Supreme Court appeal

Peter and Hazelmary Bull“The UK Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal by a Christian B&B that only allows married couples to share a double bed.

Owners Peter and Hazelmary Bull had been successfully sued by gay couple Martyn Hall and Steven Preddy, and ordered to pay £3,600 in damages. …”

– from The Christian Institute. (Some background… PDF.)

Exult in the Saviour’s Birth

Matt BoswellSongwriter Matt Boswell shares a new song for Advent. Don Carson wrote the words, and Matt wrote the music.

It’s generously available as a free download from The Gospel Coalition.

‘Archbishop Glenn Davies: At ease in his world and it’s still in fashion’

Dr Glenn Davies“Archbishop Glenn Davies makes no apologies for his conservative stand on the ordination of women, gay marriage and sex outside marriage. …”

The Sydney Morning Herald has this piece today on Archbishop Glenn Davies.

CMS Summer School 2014 promo video

Andrew ReidCMS has released a 4 minute video introducing Andrew Reid who is giving the Bible studies on Exodus at CMS Summer School Katoomba in January.

Governor-General backs ‘gay marriage’

The Hon Quentin Bryce“Governor-General Quentin Bryce has publicly backed both Australia becoming a republic and gay marriage in a landmark speech in Sydney…”

– Report from ABC News. (Photo: Governor-General website.)

Camelot and Narnia and the myths of our time

President John Kennedy at Rice University, 1962“There are still those who feel a stirring in their heart before an image of the young couple with the movie star good looks frolicking with their children on the beach at Hyannis Port or in the Oval Office. But even the most devoted of Kennedy supporters these days must admit that the story is at best a tarnished and tawdry version of the original.”

– In this opinion-piece for the ABC, Simon Smart looks at the legacies of President John Kennedy and C.S. Lewis, both of whom died 50 years ago today. (Photo: NASA.)

Tasmanian Parliament decriminalises abortion

Tasmania“Tasmania has joined Victoria and the ACT in removing abortion from its criminal laws after seven months of deliberations in Parliament. …

Anti-abortion campaigners in Tasmania are warning some doctors may resign over the law.”

– report from ABC News.

And in NSW: Zoe’s Law to protect foetuses passes NSW Lower House.

Evangelical Theological Society 65th Annual Meeting

Dr Mark Thompson“I have been spending the last couple of days in Baltimore at the 65th ETS Annual Conference. This year’s theme has been Evangelicalism, Inerrancy, and ETS. It has been a fascinating time with upwards of 2400 people in attendance. It has also been a great opportunity to meet with old friends and to make new ones and to discuss an important aspect of the evangelical doctrine of Scripture. I am very glad I’ve come. …

It has been great to see spirited, well-informed, humble and scholarly accounts of the absolute truthfulness and trustworthiness of Scripture. It was also terrific to hear testimonies from around the world (certainly not just the USA — Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Australia too) of the importance of biblical inerrancy and the necessity of giving a clear and unambiguous account of this doctrine to a fresh generation of Christian men and women.”

– Moore College Principal Mark Thompson writes at Theological Theology.

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