How then shall we Tweet?

How then shall we Tweet?The Australian Church Record announces it will aim to help “fend off the keyboard cowards and take on the trolls” in upcoming posts encouraging godly conduct on social media.

“In the coming months … We will be publishing ten pieces of honest biblical wisdom for the social media circus.”

CMS Summer School 2014 Promo Video

CMS Summer School 2014CMS has uploaded a 55 second video you can use to promote the 2014 Summer School at Katoomba.

And don’t forget – families are asked to apply online by 16th September.

Quiz Worx Appeal 2013

QuizworxOur friends at Quizworx need your help.

Newcastle Synod meets to elect new Bishop

Bishop Greg Thompson“The Anglican Diocese of Newcastle is today meeting to vote on a new bishop, after a previous vote failed to reach consensus. Five candidates, including a woman, nominated for the last vote in March, to replace the retired bishop Brian Farran. This time round the Northern Territory bishop Greg Thompson is the only candidate vying for the role. …”

– Report from ABC News.

Back to basics for Anglican Church

NZ SRTM derived“A Hamilton vicar wants to take the Anglican Church back to basics and get leaders preaching from the same song sheet.

Vicar of West Hamilton Anglican Parish, the Rev Michael Hewat, is ‘concerned’ at the fact some church leaders say they do not believe in the resurrection and the virgin birth. …

‘The fact is that if the church is not preaching the Gospel then people are not going to come along,’ Mr Hewat said. He hopes to take the church back to basics today with a day-long seminar Restoring Confidence in the Gospel.”

– Report from the Waikato Times.

St. Aidan’s Windsor, Ontario loses appeal; request prayer

St. Aidan’s, Windsor, OntarioCanon Tom Carman, rector of St Aidan’s in Windsor, Ontario (an Anglican Network in Canada parish), reports:

“In its decision, the Court of Appeal, upheld the conclusions of the trial court judge, Justice Little, on both the matter of St Aidan’s property and the St Aidan’s bequeathment and finance fund. In addition, the Diocese of Huron was awarded partial costs in the amount of $100,000. …”

– More at Anglican Essentials Canada blog.

David Platt interviews Mark Dever on Evangelism and Discipleship

David Platt and Mark DeverA 50-minute interview in 8 parts – via The Gospel Coalition.

Sermons from the 2013 Presbyterian General Assembly of Australia

David CookThe Sermons from the Presbyterian General Assembly of Australia 2013 (just concluded) are now available to hear and download.

All encouraging and challenging, including –

Take the time to listen, and to pray for our Presbyterian brothers and sisters around the country, as they, too, seek to reach men and women with the gospel.
(Photo: David Cook.)

New Bishop of Durham announced

Bishop Paul Butler“The Diocese of Durham has announced this morning on their website the new Bishop of Durham Designate:

‘The announcement by Downing Street this morning confirms that the Bishop of Durham Designate is The Rt Revd Paul Butler … currently Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham…” – Report from EV News.

9Marks Journal — Evangelism. Part 1

9Marks“What does it mean to think through evangelism in a church-centered way?”

That’s the theme of the latest 9Marks Journal (September–October 2013), just released in several formats, for your edification.

‘ECUSA has no rule against Dioceses withdrawing’

Bishop Keith L Ackerman, Bish“We have a decision from the trial court in Quincy: Adams County Circuit Court Judge Thomas J. Ortbal entered on September 9, 2013 his Findings, Opinion and Order following a bench trial that stretched over three weeks last April and May. The opinion is about as thorough an analysis as we have to date of the ‘hierarchical’ polity of ECUSA when it comes to matters involving its member dioceses.”

– A S Haley (The Anglican Curmudgeon) looks at a decision involving TEC’s legal action against its former Diocese of Quincy.More at Stand Firm.

Photo: Former Bishop of Quincy Keith Ackerman, under whom the diocesan Synod voted to leave TEC and join the Province of the Southern Cone.

With much thanks for Dudley Foord

Bishop Dudley FoordWe are very sad to hear that our dear brother Dudley Foord has died in Sydney. And yet, in the midst of our sadness we rejoice that to be with Christ “is far better” (Philippians 1:23).

Until his death, Bishop Foord remained an Emeritus Vice-President of the Anglican Church League, reflecting his commitment to the work of the League and the esteem of our members for him.

There are tributes at The Briefing and

In 1988, Dudley gave this address to the ACL’s Annual General Meeting – Reaching Out In Difficult Situations.

Bad news and Good news in the Church of England

The Rev Andrew Symes“First, the bad news. There are more examples of heresy in the hierarchy…”

– Andrew Symes of Anglican Mainstream writes for the American Anglican Council’s International Update.

Happy Birthday to Dick Lucas

Dick LucasAs Adrian Reynolds of the Proclamation Trust observes, today is Dick Lucas’ eighty-eighth birthday.

Let’s give thanks for this dear brother who has been such a blessing to so many.

A Ministry to Macquarie Fields

Macquarie Fields“I’ve never met a minister so proud to show me his wheelbarrow.

It’s been built out of spare parts: old bin ends, recycled wheels. The men who made it had a project—something to build together—as well as a way to bond, and a way to stave off boredom in a community where boredom leads to far worse things. Not only that, but the wheelbarrow itself will go on sale, and the money used to fund the ministry. …”

Eternity Newspaper writes about the Break the Cycle ministry at Macquarie Fields.

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