Mohler on the Boy Scouts of America

Albert Mohler“The announcement this week that the Boy Scouts of America may soon rescind its national policy prohibiting the participation of openly homosexual members and leaders fell like a thunderclap. The B.S.A. national board is expected to approve the change early next week, just six months after that same board had announced that no change would be made…”

Albert Mohler writes on the capitulation of the Boy Scouts of America.

The temptation to keep quiet

Thabiti AnyabwileAt The Gospel Coalition, Thabiti Anyabwile shares an honest but encouraging story about personal evangelism. (h/t Tim Challies.)

Phillip Jensen on The Gospel Partnerships

Phillip JensenPhillip Jensen was interviewed for St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in 2011, and the video has just been posted online.

In the 8 minute clip, he speaks of the Gospel Partnerships in the UK – and the need for all the UK churches to get behind one central leader.

American Anglican Council calls on Presiding Bishop to retract her ‘over the top’ remarks

Presiding Bishop. Image: ENS.The American Anglican Council has called on TEC Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to retract statements made in her sermon in South Carolina on the weekend.

See Canon Phil Ashey’s comments – and the sermon to which he refers.

See also A S Haley’s analysis of the South Carolina ‘continuing‘ Episcopalians’ Convention. (Image: ENS.)

Launch of ‘Common Prayer’ — February 6th

Common Prayer launchThe Archbishop of Sydney’s Liturgical Panel and Anglican Press Australia are launching new Common Prayer: Resources for gospel-shaped gatherings on Wednesday February 6 at 4:00 pm.

The venue is the Chapter House at St Andrew’s Cathedral and an invitation has gone to all Rectors and members of ministry teams. RSVP Friday February 1 to Andrew Eisenhauer on 8268 3316.

(Copies of Common Prayer will be available for purchase on the day.)

Epiphany – Five Reflections from a Lifetime

Bishop Paul BarnettBishop Paul Barnett spoke at the Mere Anglicanism Conference in Charleston, South Carolina this morning.

He’s posted his fascinating and encouraging talk on his blog. Even without the accompanying slides, this is worth reading and passing on.

Using Biblical words in Biblical ways

Dr David Peterson“Two decades ago, one of my lecturers at Moore Theological College was a great example of the practice I spoke about on Wednesday: using biblical words and concepts in biblical ways.

David Peterson made us aware that inadequate attention was paid in much Christian theology to the use of holiness terminology in the New Testament and specifically regarding sanctification. …”

– Sandy Grant asks David Peterson about Sanctification – at The Briefing.

Court moves to protect Diocese of South Carolina

“No individual, organization, association or entity, whether incorporated or not, may use, assume, or adopt in any way, directly or indirectly, the registered names and the seal or mark of The Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina as are set out below or any names or seal that may be perceived to be those names and seal or mark.”

– A S Haley, ‘the Anglican Curmudgeon’ quotes the Temporary Restraining Order issued to protect the Diocese of South Carolina.

He explains:

“The order goes into effect immediately, so it will essentially force the remnant group meeting this Saturday to adopt a different name for the entity it will form, and by which it will be known. The governing documents which are scheduled for approval (a Constitution and Canons based on the former diocesan version before changes were approved in 2011 and 2012) will need to be changed to remove all references to “the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina” and “the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina.” The order will remain in effect until February 1, when a hearing will be held…”

Story here.

Keep yourself from idols

Preacher, Keep yourself from idolsAdrian Reynolds briefly reviews Derek Tidball’s book, Preacher, Keep yourself from Idols.

“Tidball’s book is neither radical nor novel; it will not teach you anything you didn’t already know nor will it take you long to read. However, unlike other books on idolatry, this one is targeted. It is like a laser-guided missile that strikes right at a minister’s heart.”

from Church Society (PDF).

Proclamation Trust audio

Proc TrustFrom Adrian Reynolds at The Proclamation Trust:

“We’ve decided that from now on ALL our online audio will be free.

That means that the last few EMAs [Evangelical Ministry Assemblies] are all now available online for download at no cost. Spread the word!”

EMA 2012 – Heart Matters
EMA 2011 – Preaching that connects
EMA 2010 – Not by might, nor by power.

And more here – thanks to Proc Trust.

Living in the Last Days

AFESAFES has the audio made available the audio and video from the most recent National Training Event. Check it out here.


Ichabod - the Glory has departedIn July 2009, we linked to this article by David Robertson, Minister of St. Peter’s Free Church in Dundee.

“More than a century of theological liberalism being taught in and through our churches has finally come home to roost. If anyone doubted how sick the Church in Scotland has become, the recent events in the Church of Scotland General Assembly have provided more than enough proof.”

– Three and a half years later, it’s worth re-reading as a reminder of the context of the departure of The Tron, and also as a reminder to pray for Scotland.

The article was an editorial in The Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland. (PDF – pages 3-5.)

Teaching Historical Sense

Carl Trueman“I was asked last week why some evangelicals convert to Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism.

Reasons vary, I am sure, but I commented that one theme I have noticed over the years is the fact that evangelicalism lacks historical roots. That is not to say that it has no history; rather it is to say that a consciousness of history is not part of the package. …”

– Carl Trueman has some excellent ideas you can use in your church – Ref21.

As Christ is to His church

St Helen'sSt. Helen’s Bishopsgate has published a four-minute video excerpt from William Taylor’s sermon on Marriage and Relationships last weekend, addressing Steve Chalke’s recent statements on same sex unions.

Richard Coekin also addressed the topic last Sunday morning at Dundonald Church in London. (“Is Steve Chalke wrong? Marriage Divorce & Celibacy.”)

Moore College ‘Big Day In’ — Sat 2nd Feb

Moore College“Moore College is holding its annual Big Day In on February 2 to welcome and orient new students to the college. …

Starting at Moore College you no doubt have a lot of questions and uncertainties, and the Big Day In is designed specifically to familarise you with the campus and culture.”

Details from Moore College.

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