After Darkness… Light

A six minute video from John Piper for Reformation Day (October 31st). It’s a brief look at the legacy of John Calvin – as well as a reminder of the aims of Desiring God.

‘Cloak and dagger’ Archbishop of Canterbury selection

“The committee choosing the next leader of the world’s 77 million Anglicans is facing growing discontent from within the Church amid clams that the long-running process has become a ‘cloak and dagger’ procedure.…

The first that the world’s 77 million Anglicans are expected to know of the identity of their new leader will be when the name is announced from Downing Street.”

– Opinion piece in today’s (UK) Telegraph.

Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Wabukala

Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Chairman of the FCA Primates Council, has released this Pastoral Letter:

“The Primates’ Council has just concluded its October 2012 meeting in Dar es Salaam where we witnessed the blessing of God in a number of key areas:

•  In the increase of our numbers
•  Through the achievements of our April meeting
•  By the testimonies of those who are joining with us
•  In the new funding provided for our communication efforts
•  Through our decision to meet again in a Global assembly
•  By the recognition that we are not alone in this spiritual battle …”

Read it all here.

Christianity and the Dark Side

“The coming of Halloween is a good time for Christians to remember that evil spirits are real and that the Devil will seize every opportunity to trumpet his own celebrity…”

Al Mohler looks at the American institution which is increasing being imported into Australia.

Australian Church Record, Nov 2012

The latest issue of The Australian Church Record is now available from their website.

This edition reflects on Sydney Synod, the Diocesan Mission, and the election of a new Archbishop.

Trust and obey?

“The survey reveals 64 percent of churchgoers agree with the statement: ‘A Christian must learn to deny himself/herself in order to serve Christ.’

Nineteen percent disagree with the statement.”

– Ed Stetzer has new research from the US.

Church Society urges C of E General Synod to reject Women Bishops measure

Church Society has written to members of the Church of England’s General Synod:

“…our Council and membership contain a substantial body of ordinands, younger clergy, lay leaders and laity all of whom subscribe fully to the Society’s position, such that their ministry within the Church of England will be threatened by the proposed Measure, if it is enacted. It would be immensely damaging to the Church of England and to our country if the ministries of such men and women were seemingly rejected by our beloved national church.

It would also put us significantly at odds with most of the provinces, and the vast majority of Anglicans, in the global Anglican Communion, who do not have female bishops.…”

– Read the full letter at

The pain threshold

“Is the New Testament pattern of normal Christian witness, ‘Always be ready to invite your neighbour to an evangelistic barbecue’? ‘Go into all the world and get them to hear someone else make disciples’?”

– Chris Green, Vice Principal of Oak Hill College in London, has a point. Read it here.


“Twice in the Bible we read of God ‘dwelling with us’.

The first looks back in time when ‘the word became flesh and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14) and the second looks ahead when ‘God will dwell with us’ (Revelation 1:3). We live in between the two, looking back to the first and forward to the second.

Modernity is an enticing idea. It suggests that all our hopes are located in the time that is ‘now’. But when you think about it modernity is whenever you live. When the wheel was invented it was modern times, or the dishwasher, or the iPad.

Modernity is always moving – on and on, faster and faster. Go to any electronics outlet and the products are different from just a few months back. Cameras do different things, likewise TVs, and computers. I have the sense of being left further and further behind, helpless to catch up. The machines seem to be getting more complicated. By the time I reach step 4, I have forgotten step 2. …”

– Bishop Paul Barnett suggests three responses to modernity – read it all at his blog.

FAQs on South Carolina and TEC

The Diocese of South Carolina has posted an FAQ to get you up to speed on what’s happening – with a timeline of events.

Global South to South Carolina: We’re praying for you

Letter from the Global South Primates Steering Committee to Bishop Mark Lawrence

“We thank God for your stand for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are proud that you are willing to suffer for the faith once delivered to the saints.”

Dear Bishop Mark Lawrence,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Several of the Global South Primates met recently as we gathered in Singapore for the Installation of Rt. Rev. Rennis Ponniah as the new Bishop of Singapore.

We were saddened, but not surprised, by the news of your inhibition and possible deposition by the TEC. We all want to assure you and the Diocese of South Carolina of our continuing prayers and support. We thank God for your stand for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are proud that you are willing to suffer for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Please be assured that we are with you, and that our Lord is also proud of you and our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of South Carolina.

May the Lord bless you!
Yours in Christ,
+ Mouneer Egypt

The Most Revd Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis
Primate of Jerusalem & the Middle East
Bishop of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa
Chairman, Global South Primates Steering Committee

+ Ian Mauritius
The Most Revd Ian Ernest
Primate of the Indian Ocean
Bishop of Mauritius
Hon. General Secretary, Global South Primates Steering Committee

Read more

Archbishop Philip Freier’s Melbourne Synod charge

Archbishop Philip Freier’s opening address to the 50th Melbourne Synod earlier this month is now available on YouTube, or as a PDF file.

(The full video of Archbishop Peter Jensen’s 2012 Sydney Presidential Address is now online as one higher quality file here, courtesy Audio Advice.)

‘Mediation call in gay clergy row’

“Dr Peter Jensen, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, has voiced support for the 500 worshippers at St George’s Tron in Glasgow and their minister Dr William Philip, who faces losing his home, and has called on the Kirk to halt its legal action. …”

– from Herald Scotland. (h/t

Earlier: Report: Glasgow Presbytery to ‘recover all property and assets’ from St George’s Tron.

Jesus Is …Beyond Fiction

“I cannot believe how often educated people pull out the claim that Jesus probably never existed. Except that it’s not PC to say so, it really deserves the title of Old Wives Tale!

Down in my neck of the woods, Gospel for the Gong has been running a ‘Jesus Is ________.’ month of mission. …”

– Sandy Grant shares some resources – as well as news of a terrific evangelistic initiative – at The Briefing.

Serving God’s words

Adrian Reynolds at The Proclamation Trust draws attention to the book ‘Serving God’s words’, published this time last year – a Festschrift to Peter Adam, with contributions by Don Carson, David Peterson, David Jackman, Peter Jensen, Gerald Bray, Michael Raiter, and others.

– Read the brief review here. Book available here.

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