The Land of the Lost Weekend

Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen reminds us what this long weekend is all about –

“This long weekend celebrates Labour Day, but most 21st century Australians do not give it a second thought. We have forgotten the struggle of the 19th century when twelve hour shifts for six days a week was the normal lot of the worker.”

– Read it all at Phillip Jensen’s website.

Crown Nominations Commission — nothing to report

“This week’s meeting of the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) has been accompanied by much speculation about possible candidates and the likely timing of an announcement of the name of who will succeed Dr Rowan Williams as Archbishop of Canterbury  … There will be no comment on any speculation about candidates or about the CNC’s deliberations.”

– from the Anglican Communion News Service.

Did we get Jesus right? Jesus in the Canonical and Apocryphal Gospels

Another lecture given at The Lanier Theological Library in Houston has been released. It’s Dr Simon Gathercole (Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University) on “Did we get Jesus right? Jesus in the Canonical and Apocryphal Gospels.”

He looks at the message of the four Gospels, and then compares them with the later Apocryphal ‘Gospels’.

The talk runs for 49 minutes, followed by two responses and then questions. Worth watching and sharing, and a good answer to notions arising from The Da Vinci Code and similar.

See it on Vimeo.

Related: Dr Peter Williams, New Evidences the Gospels were Based on Eyewitness Accounts. (Vimeo)

Why I am a Complementarian

“God is graciously moving his universe towards the goal of all things being summed up under Christ (Eph 1:9-10). But this ultimate state of life has already begun, as the Father brings people to the Son, and unites them together under Christ as their head (Eph 4:1-16). …”

– Read Jane Tooher’s essay at the Moore College website.

The Man on the $20 note

“The John Flynn episode of ABC’s Compass … was on ABC Television 1’s Compass last Sunday night…”

– Gary Ware at Mount Gambier Presbyterian Church draws attention to this (somewhat secular) account of Presbyterian Missioner John Flynn. Good to learn a bit of history on the centenary of the founding of the Australian Inland Mission. Image: ABC TV.

Moore College Open Day September 29

“Each year Moore College holds an Open Day for you to come and meet current students and find out for yourself what Moore is all about. You are invited to Moore College Open Day 2012. The day will include a sample lecture from one of our faculty, a campus tour and plenty of opportunities for questions.”

Saturday 29 September 2012, 9.30 am – 2.30 pm. Details.

CMS Summer School 2013 registration

Registration for the NSW CMS Summer School is now open. Details here.

Myths about Christianity

On a recent episode of The White Horse Inn, Michael Horton interviewed History Professor Jeffrey Burton Russell on his new book, Exposing Myths about Christianity: A Guide to Answering 145 Viral Lies and Legends.

Worth listening to a historian’s perspective.

‘Christians in the QandA fiery furnace’

“It takes courage to stand up for one’s faith… even when you’re the Archbishop of Sydney confronting an audience of unbelievers and a panel of atheists on ABC’s Q & A program. …”

– Dale Stephenson of Crossway Church in Melbourne gives his take on that recent episode of Q&A – from Eternity Newspaper – at The Bible Society website.

‘Staying in His Lane’

“The appearance of Osteen and Chopra together was a priceless demonstration of the fact that the New Thought positive thinking philosophy that drives them both can be grafted onto either Christianity or Eastern religion. In the end, it all sounds the same. Chopra’s New Age spirituality and Osteen’s updated version of the word-faith movement end up as the same message, only with different trappings.

O’Brien then shifted the topic to homosexuality, as would be expected. …”

Albert Mohler writes on “the total theological bankruptcy of the word of faith movement and the gospel of positive thinking”.  (Image: CNN.)

Carl Trueman on being different

“Every now and then I find myself reminded of just how much the world has changed. One such moment came for me on Saturday. I was up in Boston…”

– Read Carl Trueman’s witty but serious thoughts on living for Christ in a changing world – at Reformation21.

Related: When even Joel Osteen is Treated as a bigot – Justin Taylor.

The Devolution of Marriage

“Weddings and marriage have been in the news a lot recently. Same sex marriage and revising the wedding vows are not unrelated issues but reflect the community’s confusion about the nature of marriage and the place of weddings.

Over the last 30 years Anglican wedding services have evolved steadily away from the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. This change in theology and liturgy has undermined the minister’s ability to teach the faith and help couples to understand marriage. …”

– from Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen’s weekly column.

Forced adoptions apology

Media Statement from Archbishop Peter Jensen:

“As Archbishop of the Diocese of Sydney and President of ANGLICARE Sydney, I apologise and express our sincere regret for actions that have contributed to the past and ongoing distress of these mothers and their children.

In so doing, we reiterate the Diocesan apology issued through the NSW Standing Committee on Social Issues in 2000.

I unreservedly endorse the view that although policies and procedures were followed at the time, it is clear there were practices that caused emotional pain and long-term negative repercussions.

We are working to implement the recommendations made by the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions. We are also currently putting into place a healing and restoration process with the women who are still experiencing emotional distress as a result of relinquishing their children.

On behalf of the Diocese, I would like express our sincere apology to mothers, fathers, children and other family members who suffered emotional pain or any kind of distress.

Dr Peter F Jensen

Archbishop of Sydney
21st September 2012.”

– Statement, with background, at

The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife? When sensationalism masquerades as scholarship

“The whole world changed on Tuesday. At least, that is what many would have us to believe. Smithsonian magazine, published by no less than the Smithsonian Institution, declared that the news released Tuesday was ‘apt to send jolts through the world of biblical scholarship–and beyond.’ Really? …”

Albert Mohler at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary takes a look at the latest alleged sensation.

See also The Far Less Sensational Truth about Jesus’ ‘Wife’ – by Michael Kruger, Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Garage Hymnal new EP launch

Garage Hymnal is launching their new EP, ‘Bird in a Winter Storm’ at 7:30 on Friday 9th November at St Barnabas’ Broadway.

Tickets available here.

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