Credo — Make Disciples of All Nations

“The March issue of Credo Magazine seeks to ignite a passion for missions. And what better timing as this year marks the 200th anniversary of Adoniram and Ann Judson setting sail aboard the Caravan to take the gospel to Burma.”

The latest issue of Credo Magazine is available to be viewed online or as a 38MB PDF file.

After-birth Abortion: Atheist Ethics at Work

“Whenever I mention Professor Singer’s views, I am assured that he is an extremist who in no way represents atheism itself. … However, Professor Singer is a leading ethicist and atheist, holding the chair of Bio-ethics at Princeton University and in 2004 voted as the Australian Humanist of the Year by the Council of Australian Humanist Societies. His views are those of reasoned atheism … His views are not held by him alone.”

– Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen writes in his weekly message for the Cathedral.

Peter Adam teaches from John’s Gospel

Late last year, Dr Peter Adam gave a series of six talks on John’s Gospel to the Anglican Military Chaplains’ annual retreat. His theme was ‘Taking Care’.

Thanks to Defence Anglicans for making the audio files available.

Memorial Service for Professor Patrick Collinson

There will be a Memorial Service for Prof. Patrick Collinson, C.B.E. (1929–2011) in Cambridge on Saturday 10th March. A number of Sydney folk would have been taught Reformation history by him when he was at Sydney University 1969-75. He died last September. Obituary in The Guardian, and tribute at Trinity College website.

‘Bishop defends gay priest appointment’ – updated

“The Anglican Bishop of Gippsland has defended his decision to appoint an openly gay priest to a local parish, saying he has acted appropriately…”

– Story and audio from ABC Gippsland. (February 27th 2012)

Related: ACL Statement on developments in the Diocese of Gippsland.

Update March 8th:
Bishop John McIntyre of Gippsland Responds, “I have no intention of responding…”

(Photo: Diocese of Gippsland.)

Just what’s needed: clarity in the debates over men and women

ACL President Dr Mark Thompson writes about a new book he’s reading:

“This is a book worth handing out to women in our churches en masse…

This book needs to be read by men too and especially those men responsible for teaching the Bible in our churches. In a world where women and men receive the most absurd messages about what it means to be human, what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman, here is real sanity…”

God’s Good Design: What the Bible really says about Men and Women will be available later this month from Matthias Media. (Photo: in tandem.)

The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion

– That’s the focus of the current edition of the 9Marks Journal, available for download here.

Something deadly this way comes

“This article in the Journal of Medical Ethics is a clear signal of just how much ground has been lost to the Culture of Death. A culture that grows accustomed to death in the womb will soon contemplate killing in the nursery. The very fact that this article was published in a peer-reviewed academic journal is an indication of the peril we face…”

– Albert Mohler speaks out on the JME paper.

Tell your children what Hitler did

“Tell these stories to your children. Tell them with passion. Tell them with tears. Send your children into the world with their eyes sharpened with the bright light of history.”

– John Piper thinks it’s time to recall the horrors of Nazi Germany.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Commentary from Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun.
Interview on Iowa radio. (starts 12:30 into clip.)

The Christian Leader as Evangelist — Dick Lucas

Dick Lucas spoke at the 1993 Evangelical Ministry Assembly on ‘The Christian Leader as Evangelist’. As always, very edifying. Audio from the Proclamation Trust.

(Dick spoke at St Helen’s in London on New Year’s Day on 2 Timothy 1 – you can see the video here. Well worth watching.)

No second casino for Sydney, say churches

Here’s a media release from the NSW Council of Churches:

The President of the NSW Council of Churches, Revd Dr Ross Clifford, has commended NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell on his measured approach to pressure for a second casino license for Sydney, and reiterated a call for an inquiry into the social implications of gambling in NSW.  Read more

Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012 and the Marriage Amendment Bill 2012

From the Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs:

“The Committee encourages all interested parties to participate in the following survey on the two Marriage Bills. … the closing date for responses is 20 April 2012.”


Watch the latest 28 minute episode of The Chat Room, with Kel Richards and Phillip Jensen.

Six Keys to Unlock Revelation

Bishop Paul Barnett offers six keys to help unlock the book of Revelation –
1. Discern its setting historically
2. Classify it Correctly
3. Learn the Layout
4. Crack the Code
5. Perceive the parallelism
6. Centre on Christ

– Read about them at his website. (Also the 1989 book Apocalypse Now and Then.)

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