Evangelical worship

In their latest 28 minute chat, Phillip Jensen and Kel Richards discuss ‘Evangelical worship’.

Is our theology reflected in what we do in church?

See the video at phillipjensen.com. Stimulating, as always, and a good antidote to much of the ritual and mysticism that’s common in churches.

Francis Schaeffer centenary

Over at Between Two Worlds, Justin Taylor marks the centenary of the birth of Francis Schaeffer on January 30th 1912.

Alister Chapman on John Stott

From Oak Hill College in London: “Dr Alister Chapman teaches history at Westmont College in California. Alister has spent the past 10 years studying the teaching and life of John Stott. He recently came to Oak Hill to talk about John Stott’s role as a leader in evangelical Christianity and was interviewed by Peter Sanlon…”

see the 20 minute interview here.

Baptising in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

“I have found writing this blog series to be quite demanding. It has been demanding partly because it proposes something that is likely to be unacceptable to many. …”

– Barry Newman has begun a new series of articles and outlines where he thinks it will go. Should be interesting!

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Holocaust Memorial Day Message

See the Archbishop’s message here – or read the text.

Moore College approved as Self-Accrediting Institution

Moore College has been approved as a self-accrediting institution, which is great news. In announcing it, the considerable work of Alan Höhne in achieving this status is acknowledged. Read more here.

Carl Trueman reviews The Iron Lady

“Yet the greatness of the film lies not in its depiction of Mrs Thatcher’s life; indeed, it is not really a conventional biopic at all. It lies rather in its portrait of the merciless cruelty of old age and the omnipresent tragedy of mortality that lies at the heart of the human condition…”

At Reformation21. Worth pondering.

Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn on Gambling Reform

Stuart Robinson, Bishop of Canberra & Goulburn, has circulated this letter to his clergy –

“Australians need a Government that has the courage to pursue hard decisions…”

“Much of the media coverage this week has focused on the politics of the Government’s decision to sever their deal with Independent Tasmanian MP Andrew Wilkie.

Trust is certainly an important factor in leadership, but we must not forget that the Government’s job is to regulate the gambling industry to limit its impact on families and communities devastated by gambling addiction.  Read more

The Attributes of God

Tim Challies has produced a helpful PDF summary chart of The Attributes of God.

“When we talk about God’s attributes we do so to answer questions like Who is God? and What is God like? It is the way we seek to wrap our minds around just little fragments of who this God is…”

You can download the high resolution 8MB file here.

Oak Hill people

Oak Hill College in London has posted some more encouraging videos of Oak Hill people in various ministries.

‘Betraying problem gamblers’

“It is a serious moral problem to make a promise and then wilfully break it, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard has done,” says Melbourne Bishop Philip Huggins.

– Media release at Anglican Media Melbourne.

Phillip and Kel on Church ‘discipline’ and ‘pastoral care’

In the latest episode of The Chat Room, Phillip Jensen speaks with Kel Richards about Church discipline. But is that the best name for it? – and how do other denominations approach the question? 28 minutes of wise and thought-provoking discussion – at phillipjensen.com.

Church leaders in Wales attack presumed organ donation consent

“Church leaders in Wales have criticised ‘ill-judged’ proposals to introduce presumed consent rules on organ donation. …

They said the principles outlined in their document ‘seek to preserve the dignity and autonomy of every person whilst creating a proper framework in which the gift of human organs after death is precisely that – an act of solidarity, generosity and love.’…

Under the Welsh government proposal, everyone in Wales would automatically become a donor unless they opted out. … The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, has already called for the legislation to be scrapped.”

– Report from BBC News Wales.

New Presbyterian denomination in US

The Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians is a new body formed out of the increasingly-liberal Presbyterian Church of the USA (not to be confused with the PCA, to which Redeemer in NY belongs).

Gary Ware at Mount Gambier Presbyterian has some links.

Earlier related links:
Mexican Presbyterian Church breaks with PCUSA,
Presbyterian Church (USA) votes for gay ministers,
Vanishing Christianity — A Lesson from the Presbyterians.

Special day rates for Mission Convention

The Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn is offering a special day rate for locals to help them attend the Provincial Mission Convention, January 26-29. Details here.

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