Bishop Lawrence writes about Disciplinary Board Decision

“For now given no more allegations from anonymous sources within the diocese it is my hope we can all get back to focusing our full attention on proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit and to Glory of God the Father that the Church here in the Diocese of South Carolina may add daily to its number those who are being saved.…”

– Bishop of South Carolina, Mark Lawrence, writes to his diocese about the dropping of ‘Disciplinary proceedings’ against him.

Earlier: Allegations of ‘abandonment’ against Bishop of South Carolina

‘The Love Feasts’

Barry Newman’s latest topic for thoughtful examination is ‘the love feasts’ –

“What exactly did Jude have in mind when he wrote, ‘These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm – shepherds who feed only themselves’ (NIV Jude 12)? In particular what did he mean by ‘love feasts’? This blog series will attempt to examine these and related questions…”

– see the first few posts on the topic at Barry’s blog.

At the Centre of the Storm — accounting for Biblical Theology in the 21st Century

Mark Thompson shares news of a new MA course at Moore College, starting in 2012.

From Reformation to Revival

Lee Gatiss has been speaking in Cambridge at the ‘Saturday School of Theology’ on the theme ‘From Reformation to Revival’.

The audio of the first two sessions is now available, with the third to come. Below are the descriptions of each session:  Read more

Australia Day Convention 2012

Well, this series of promo videos for the 2012 Australia Day Convention is a bit different (as noted at Ref21).

The next speaker (in the absence of ‘Special Agent PDJ’) will be revealed on Sunday. But who is the mystery man in the centre of the photo?

CMS UK looking for new leader

“The Executive Leader is responsible for leading the community and its organisation in pursuing the vision of a world transformed by the love of Jesus, and the fulfilment of the aims of making disciples, resourcing leaders and transforming communities…”

Details from CMS UK (PDF fie).

‘No more bets at the Glasgow bookies’

More from Carl Trueman – this time on the ongoing train-wreck of the Church of Scotland –

“The official line in the C of S is that the matter of homosexuality has not yet been decided but it is very clear from the above quotation, especially given the context, which way the matter has already practically concluded. It may take a year or two before the procedural shouting dies down but I would assume that the Glasgow bookies are no longer offering odds on the outcome.

That is why men such as Peter Dickson, James Torrens and others are now putting everything they have on the line and leaving…”

– Read it all – including some very sobering matters for prayer – at Reformation21.

Carl Trueman on preaching and the Trinity

Carl Trueman spoke on the Trinity earlier this month at the Proclamation Trust’s Autumn Joint Ministers Conference in Leicestershire.

He began his series by pointing out how crucial it is that Christians have a good grasp of the doctrine of the Trinity. The first talk includes a fascinating overview of the doctrine of the Trinity in the early centuries. His second talk was on the link between preaching and the Trinity.

The Proc Trust has posted the videos of his talks. Most edifying. Direct links to talks – Talk 1 , Talk 2Talk 3.

David Jones on Church Planting

Here’s a challenging talk on evangelism and church planting – from David Jones, church planter, pastor, and Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. He spoke recently in Adelaide.

The audio quality is not great, but the video file is very much worth watching. (Image: Pilgrim Hill.)

Make Disciples!

Bishop Paul Barnett reflects on Matthew 28:16-20 and disciple-making. Here are a few quotes:

“Christ was a disciple maker. His disciples were disciple makers. You and I are to be disciple makers. This is not just for clergy, it’s for all of us.”

“Disciple making is an infection that is caught as much as it is taught. It challenges our Christian faith to be real, joyous and others centred.”

“Congregations should free up their ministers’ time so they can do the research so as to properly teach and instruct their congregations. That is their main job.”

Read it all here.

Questions for Mark Dever

Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC was recently asked a series of short questions by

Questions include: What should I look for in a local church?
What books would you recommend on the topic of Church history?
Is heaven going to be a renewal of this earth?

Find them here.


Richard Bewes and Alec Motyer in conversation

Recently Richard Bewes and Alec Motyer were in Inverness, where they were interviewed by David Meredith, Minister of the Free Church of Scotland.

The video interview runs for 47 minutes, and covers their friendship, Keswick, preaching, Christ in all the Scriptures, and much more. (h/t Reformation21.) See also interviews with John Blanchard, Sinclair Ferguson and Helen Roseveare.

The Sydney Family Album — 8, Howard Mowll

“It really is rather hard to overplay the contribution of Howard Mowll to the shape and character of the contemporary Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

His election as Archbishop in April 1933 was a critical moment in the diocese’s history, a decision for its evangelical heritage rather than the more eclectic theology others were advocating at the time. His tenure of the office during World War II and the equally critical post-war years set directions, embedded principles and fostered a new generation of leaders who enabled Sydney Anglicanism to remain unambiguously Protestant and evangelical while engaging seriously with the challenges of a new era…”

Mark Thompson continues his series on those who shaped Sydney Diocese.

Some recent books on Church History

“It remains as important as ever for the church not to lose sight of where it has come from, to be inspired by the great examples of the past as well warned by the mistakes that we are in danger of repeating.”

Lee Gatiss reviews seven recent books on church history to see how solid and how useful they might be for the church, in Churchman.

Themelios — November 2011

Issue 3 of Volume 36 of Themelios is now available as a free download from The Gospel Coalition website.

Contributions include an editorial on Spiritual Disciplines by Don Carson, and An Evaluation of the 2011 Edition of the NIV, by Rodney Decker. There’s also a host of book reviews. Worth taking the time to read.

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