On hearing and responding to Christ’s word

At the Better Gatherings website (run by the Archbishop of Sydney’s Liturgical Panel), there’s a helpful short article by Dr David Peterson – on considering what we do when we meet around Christ in church. You can read it here (be sure to check the other resources on the site!).

The value of a theological education

John Richardson wonders about the future of theological education for ordination candidates in the UK. It seems some are suggesting that ‘on the job’ learning instead is the way to go.

“For a lot of what passes for ministry is not a ‘theological’ ministry at all. ‘Pastoral’ ministry in the Church of England is ‘helping people with their problems’, not bringing people to the knowledge of God in Christ.”

In reflecting on this, he draws attention to a booklet he wrote in 1993, after a year at Moore College:

“What I found at Moore was a Christian community committed to the pursuit of intellectual excellence by every student, where it was assumed that the ordinary parish clergyman both should and could be conversant with the most ‘academic’ of theological thinking. I soon realized that in this country we have been setting our sights far too low.”

Read his post here, and then the booklet, A Little Knowledge (PDF).

UV Festival

Looking for a school holiday activity with Good News for the children? Check out the UV Festival at Chapter House on Wednesday 28th September – at Kidzlink.

Paul, Chronology and the Unity of 2 Corinthians

“It is generally agreed that Paul’s engagement with the church in Corinth was extensive and intensive, more so than with any Pauline congregation. This short paper addresses the question of the chronology of Paul’s relationship with the church in Corinth and the related issue of the unity of Second Corinthians. …”

– Bishop Paul Barnett has posted a very interesting and helpful paper he presented at the Society for the Study of Early Christianity at Macquarie University in August.

(Related: Society for the Study of Early Christianity website.)

We have all your stuff now, but we think you owe us more!

“I’d like to share with you a letter from the Bishop and Diocesan Council of The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) Diocese of the Rio Grande. But first, a little background so that you can appreciate the letter in all its fullness.

This time two years ago, approximately 80% of the parishioners of St. Mark’s on-the-Mesa (TEC) left the parish and formed Christ the King Anglican, Albuquerque, NM (Anglican Church in North America). When those parishioners left the parish, the Diocese of the Rio Grande, and the Episcopal Church, they left everything… they walked away and began a new life together as Anglican followers of Jesus Christ at Christ the King Anglican Church. …

Fast forward two years to August 31, 2011 (about three weeks ago). The congregation’s rector, the Rev. Roger Weber, former priest at St. Mark’s, received this letter from TEC Bishop Michael Vono of the Diocese of the Rio Grande…”

– Canon Phil Ashey of the American Anglican Council shares the tale of this extraordinary request made to a congregation which had left the TEC.

Forward on our knees

“From time to time, people ask me (often in a lugubrious, ‘I knew it would never happen’ tone of voice) how I feel, given that so far we have not seen 10 per cent of the population of our region attending Bible-based churches although our Mission is now more than eight years old. They seem to think that I may be terribly despondent.

The answer is that while I have always wanted to see many more people come to know Christ, I have such confidence in the wisdom and power of God not to be at all cast down. Among other things, we do not as yet know how the Lord will answer our prayers. …”

– Archbishop Peter Jensen reminds Sydney Anglicans that there’s only one way forward. (Image: SydneyAnglicans.net. The phrase about advancing ‘on your knees’ is attributed to Hudson Taylor.)

St. John’s Vancouver leaves the building, praying for God’s blessing on New Westminster

The latest from from St. John’s Vancouver is a reminder to keep our friends in Vancouver in your prayers –

“countercultural and counterintuitive”

1.) Media Release, and further below, David Short’s message for the Parish Life News for September 18 2011.

VANCOUVER, BC – September 22, 2011 – St. John’s Vancouver Anglican Church, the largest Anglican congregation in Canada, will begin Sunday services at a new location after moving from its historic location on Granville Street and Nanton Avenue. The congregation, through a lengthy legal action, chose to leave their buildings rather than compromise their beliefs.

St. John’s Vancouver, which had been meeting at the Granville Street location for almost 100 years, will begin Sunday services on September 25 at Oakridge Adventist Church, at West 37th Avenue and Baillie Street in Vancouver.  Read more

Introduction-to-Synod videos

Here are three brief videos from the ACL aimed at helping understand how local churches relate to the Diocese and the Synod of the Diocese as they serve and worship the Lord Jesus.

1.) Phil Colgan – What is the Standing Committee?
2.) Karin Sowada – How to prepare for Synod.
3.) Rick Smith – The Church and the Diocese.
4.) Archie Poulos – Connecting, Evangelising, Enfolding – Diocesan Mission Priorities.

(Our thanks to Mark Earngey for preparing these.)

Books Christians should read

Michael Horton of The White Horse Inn was asked for the names of five books (other than the Bible) all Christians should read. In 60 seconds, here’s his answer. You likely haven’t read some of these. (h/t Tim Challies.)

Hope for Life: Provincial Mission Convention 2012

Archbishop Peter Jensen, Metropolitan of NSW, is calling Anglicans in NSW and the ACT to a mission convention at Canberra Girls Grammar School, January 26 – 29 2012. The Archbishop will give the welcoming address.

Speakers include Canon Phil Potter (Diocese of Liverpool) and the Rev Mike Raiter (most recently Principal of the Melbourne School of Theology). Arthur Copeman (Archdeacon for Ministry Support and Church Planter, Diocese of Newcastle) and Tim Sheuer (Church Army) are among the Workshop leaders.

Early bird registration is until October 30, 2011.

Details from Anglicare Canberra & Goulburn. PDF application form.


‘Tasmanian Lower House set to back gay marriage’

From ABC News:

“Tasmania’s Lower House looks likely to become the first in Australia to vote in support of same-sex marriage. Labor has indicated it will support a motion from its state power-sharing partners the Greens, who have tried and failed to introduce state-based same-sex marriage legislation in the past…”

And a Media Release from the Diocese of Tasmania:


The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania, the Right Reverend John Harrower has spoken out in response to the motion tabled by Mr. Nick McKim in the House of Assembly today.

Bishop Harrower said, “I call upon the parliament to not support this motion.

“I have consistently upheld the Church’s affirmation of the definition under the Marriage Act that marriage is the union between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life.  Read more

John Richardson reviews ‘Sydney Anglicans and the Threat to World Anglicanism’

John Richardson has posted on his blog an article he wrote for New Directions. It’s another review of Muriel Porter’s book ‘Sydney Anglicans and the Threat to World Anglicanism’.

2011 ACL Pre-Synod meetings

The Synod of the Diocese of Sydney is a large gathering and its many procedures and functions can seem bewildering.

As a service to the Synod, the Anglican Church League is pleased to invite Synod members to these pre-Synod meetings to –

•    understand how Synod works
•    discover how to make a contribution
•    and hear about some of the key issues coming up at Synod this year.

Choose one of these locations:

Monday 26th September, 7:30pm
Naremburn Anglican Church (Merrenburn Avenue)

Tuesday 27th September, 7:30pm
St John’s Parramatta (195 Church Street)

Wednesday 28th September, 7:30pm
St Michael’s Wollongong (Church Street)

Join us for an evening which will help us to be more informed and purposeful as we together serve Jesus through the Synod.

‘Anglican Church of Canada worship returns to St. John’s Shaughnessy’

“The Venerable John Stephens, Archdeacon of Vancouver has arranged a rota of clergy to conduct Sunday services and musicians to lead the music in worship beginning Sunday, September 25th at 11am with a Celebration of Holy Communion. …”

from the Diocese of New Westminister website.

Related: Largest Anglican Church congregation in Canada leaves historic church home.

And from the St. John’s Vancouver website:

“We will pray that He will continue to use this space for His glory, and that many may come to know Him in it in the future.”

“On September 18, we will have regular services at 8am, 10am, and 6:30pm.  The 10am service will finish differently. Near the end of the 10am service we will thank God for his grace at giving us our home at St. John’s Shaughnessy for the better part of the last century. We will pray that He will continue to use this space for His glory, and that many may come to know Him in it in the future.  We will then depart the building together and drive to our new location at 5350 Baillie, arriving together.  We will thank God for his grace and provision and sing .  After this, at approximately noon, a light lunch will be served at our new location and there will be an opportunity to explore where ministries will be happening and enjoy our new home.”

Quiz Worx appeal

During September, the Quiz Worx team, who do terrific gospel ministry with kids, are seeking to raise funds to support their work.
(Check out their resources.)

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