John Piper in Oz August 2011

John Piper has confirmed he will visit Australia in August 2011 and speak at a number of events organised by Katoomba Christian Convention. Details.

Bible College of Victoria moves and changes name

From the Bible College of Victoria

“After over 30 years in Lilydale the Bible College of Victoria (formerly Melbourne Bible Institute) is moving.

The College has purchased a modern building in Wantirna, in the heart of Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs. Previously owned by beauty products company, Nutrimetics, the new campus is situated at the intersection of two main highways, the Burwood Highway and the Mountain Highway, and next to an exit off the new tollway, Eastlink.  “From being situated on the perimeter of the city of Melbourne, the College will now be located in a well-known, easily recognisable, and highly accessible site”, says BCV Principal, Mike Raiter. And with 300 car parks, and plenty of space there will be ample room to grow.  Read more

Saying what God said

Encouragement for expository preachers as Mike Bullmore, Bryan Chapell and David Helm chat about preaching – at The Gospel Coalition.

General Synod preview on ABC Radio

We understand that ACL Chairman Robert Tong will be interviewed by presenter John Cleary in the first hour of Sunday Nights on ABC Local Radio from 10:00pm this Sunday (September 12 2010).

“Next week the Anglican Church of Australia meets in Melbourne for its triennial General Synod. The leading role of the Sydney diocese in international church debates over women, gays, and Church Order make the Australian Synod one to watch. We preview the Synod, and highlight the issues to keep an eye on…”

Programme website here.

Qur’an burning: ‘an unnecessary, offensive and dangerous gesture’

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund has condemned the proposed burning of copies of the Qur’an on September 11. (Richard Blight at Padstow Anglican is among many others who agree.)

Barnabas Fund statement on the proposed burning of Qur’ans in Florida

A church in Gainsville, Florida, USA, the Dove World Outreach Centre, has announced that it will burn copies of the Qur’an on Saturday 11 September to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The stated purpose of this action is to raise awareness of the ideology and teaching of Islam and to warn against its dangers.

Barnabas Fund condemns the proposed action, for the following reasons:  Read more

No need for God? Mohler on Stephen Hawking

“Professor Hawking is out with a new book, and in The Grand Design, he, along with co-author Leonard Mlodinow, now presses his case against God — or at least against any role for God in the origin of the universe or the beginning of time. …”

Albert Mohler responds to some of the claims in Stephen Hawking’s new book, ‘The Grand Design’.

(As the book may come up in conversations, it’s worth taking some time to become aware of the issues.)

More encouragement to pray for military chaplains

Moore College graduate Peter Friend is currently responsible for all Australian military Chaplains in the Middle East.

The Defence Anglicans website has published his recent letter home. Read it to better include Peter and the other chaplains in your prayers.

The Australian Defence Force has Chaplains of all denominations currently in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries, as well as Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands and Pakistan (working in humanitarian Aid).

Prayers for the Archbishop of Kenya

All Africa news service reports:

“The wife of Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop Dr Eliud Wabukala has died. Caren Wabukala passed on suddenly after falling down the staircase at their Nairobi home on Sunday night…”

Another report from The Daily Nation.

Dr. Eliud W. Wabukala was elected the 5th Primate and Archbishop of Kenya in April 2009.

(Photo: Anglican Church of Kenya.)

St John’s Latimer Square among those damaged

St John’s Latimer Square (an evangelical church in the heart of Christchurch) is among the church buildings damaged in the Canterbury earthquake. Preliminary information from the Diocese of Christchurch here – and another view of St John’s here. (Photo: Diocese of Christchurch.)

Graeme Goldsworthy on The White Horse Inn

Graeme Goldsworthy was interviewed on last week’s White Horse Inn broadcast (29th August 2010).

Well worth a listen.

(In the next few days it will be archived on this page.)

With thanks for Silas Horton

The ACL Council gives thanks to God for the life of the Rev Silas Horton, servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, past President and then Emeritus Vice President of the League, who was called home on 31 August.

Silas was ordained by Archbishop Mowll in 1955 and served his curacy at St. Clement’s Mosman before becoming chaplain to Norfolk Island in 1956. He later served as Curate in Charge and Rector of a number of Sydney parishes, including Regent’s Park and Birrong, Beverly Hills and Roseville.

For many years he served on the Standing Committee of the diocese and also its Presentation Board. After his time at Roseville he led Anglicare’s Parish Support and Development division.

Silas was known for his tireless determination to preserve the Evangelical Anglican heritage of the diocese, to preach Christ and to serve him wholeheartedly. We extend our sympathy to Silas’ wife Corylanne and to his  family.

His funeral is to be held in St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Tuesday 7 September.

(Photo: Horton family via Ramon Williams.)

‘Same-sex adoption bill clears hurdle’

“A bill allowing same-sex couples to adopt in New South Wales has been passed in state parliament’s Lower House. …”

report from ABC News.
(Image: Google Streetview.)

Scottish Reformation Conference

The Presbyterian Theological Centre, Sydney is holding the Crowning Christ King Conference (September 10-11, 2010) to mark the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation –

“The Scottish Reformation of 1560 was driven by Christians who were passionate that Christ should be Lord in his church. They wanted the truth of the gospel to be clear, God to be worshipped and his people to live for him. Those events laid the foundation of Presbyterian Churches around the world. 450 years later the truth and passion of the Scottish Reformation is part of our heritage. We need the same passion that Christ should be Lord.”

Details at the PTC website (scroll down a bit).

Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

“To speak of hell is to speak of things so overwhelming that it cannot be done with ease.

Yet hell exists; this is the testimony of the Scriptures, of the apostles, and of the Lord Jesus himself. The emotionally intolerable is also the truth — and therein lies its awfulness.

It is incumbent on the Christian pastor to be familiar with it, to feel the weight of it, to preach it, and to counsel his flock in connection with its meaning and personal implications.”

– Sinclair Ferguson is one of the contributors to the latest 9Marks eJournal, just released.

Read online – or download as a PDF file – from 9Marks.

Why the Adoption act should not be changed

“A private members bill introduced by the Hon Clover Moore to allow same-sex couples to adopt children will go before the Lower House of the NSW Parliament this week.

The NSW Premier, Kristina Keneally has allowed a conscience vote by Government MPs and the Opposition Leader, Barry O’Farrell has allowed the same for Opposition MPs.

The bill has been amended to exempt faith-based organisations from having to facilitate adoptions for same-sex couples.

Although Anglicare Sydney welcomes this exemption, it still opposes the bill in principle and urges all MPs to vote against the bill because it diminishes children’s rights.

The Adoption Act makes it clear no adult presently has the right to adopt a child. The Act is based on what is in the best interest of the child. Introducing a right to adopt is contrary to the whole adoption regime.

And allowing same-sex couples to adopt children is not a test of civil rights – upholding the rights of children to have a father and mother when they have no say in the matter is.

Anglicare’s 12 reasons for opposing the Bill were sent to all State MPs. You can view them here.

With this issue now upon us, I strongly urge you to write to or email your local MP and request them to vote against Ms Moore’s Bill, with reference to ANGLICARE’s reasons.

Children’s rights are precious – they should never be a political football for others.”

– Peter Kell, CEO of Anglicare Sydney writes at

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