Should Christians practice Yoga?

“Some questions we ask today would simply baffle our ancestors. When Christians ask whether believers should practice yoga, they are asking a question that betrays the strangeness of our current cultural moment…”

– Albert Mohler looks at the modern sanitisation of Yoga.

The power of proximity

“Already I’ve been struck by the value that General Synod provides for proximity. That is, it brings together some of the key players and leaders of all the different dioceses in the Anglican Church of Australia. We are together with time and space forcing us to deal with things we could otherwise put off for years or just ignore for ever…”

– Over at, Bishop Robert Forsyth blogs on General Synod so far.

And Anglican Media Melbourne reports

“The General Synod, meeting at Melbourne Grammar School, adopted a resolution asking the synods of all 23 Australian dioceses to consider whether the Anglican Church of Australia should adopt the Anglican Communion Covenant and to report to the Standing Committee of the General Synod by December 2012. The resolution asked the Standing Committee to report to the next meeting of the Church’s national parliament in 2013.”

General Synod days 1 & 2

David Ould gives his take on the first two days of General Synod, meeting in Melbourne since Saturday.

(Here’s the official General Synod site.)

Tim Keller’s ‘The Reason for God’ DVD

Barry Cooper, from the Christianity Explored team has posted online a trailer for Tim Keller’s forthcoming The Reason for God DVD. Looks to be very useful.

(h/t Justin Taylor, who has an outline of the sessions.)

2010 Moore College Open Day

Don’t forget the Moore College Open Day and Spring Carnival on September 25.

Growing capacity for Mission and Ministry

“The unrevoked commission of our risen Lord is to multiply disciples wherever we are (Matthew 28:16-20). Literally Jesus said: ‘as you go, make disciples’. This is for all of us in the places where God has put us.

God wants more and disciples whose baptism demonstrates a real turning from self to Christ and whose lives are changed by obeying his word. God wants faithful followers of Christ to transform his world. The risen Christ not only commissions us to continue his mission in the world but also gives gifted people to build the church…”

– Bishop Trevor Edwards gave a presentation on “Growing Capacity for Mission and Ministry” at the Synod of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn last weekend. His notes are now online.

North West Network — September 2010

“How does a Diocese celebrate a Centenary without it becoming simply a matter of navel-gazing?”, asks Bishop David Mulready.

Find out in the latest North West Network, now available from the DNWA website. (1.2MB PDF file.)

‘Most beautiful school’ lost to Quran anger violence

“The Bishop of Amritsar has called on the President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil to protect Christians in northern India after a mob burned down the oldest school in Kashmir and also attacked other Christian institutions. …

The whole three-storey wooden structure with 26 classrooms, computer labs and a library containing, among other books, copies of the Quran was completely destroyed on Monday after being set on fire by a large mob that marched on the school after hearing reports of a man desecrating the Quran in America. None of the staff were injured; they all managed to escape the blaze.”

– report from The Anglican Communion News Service.


“At least 17 people were killed and 131 injured today in different parts of the Valley when securitymen opened fire to break up violent protests, triggered by reports of the alleged desecration of the Koran in the United States.”

Carl Trueman teaching on preaching

Colin Adams at Unashamed Workman writes:

“Carl Trueman lectures on the theme ‘The Preacher as a Prophet’.  I would add a hearty ‘Amen’ to Trueman’s main thesis:  Preaching is ”confronting people with God”, not merely conveying information. This lecture deserves a much wider audience than the 40 or so people who originally heard it.”

Important sermons and articles worth reading

“A few days ago I was thinking back to a few classic sermons and essays that have made a significant impact on my own thinking and ministry. They are the sorts of pieces that can get lost in the shuffle in the midst of book recommendations, classic and contemporary. …

So I thought it might be helpful to ask some pastors and theologians what they would recommend as sermons or essays that have had a special impact on them, or that they would seriously urge students and pastors to consider reading.”

– Justin Taylor at Between Two Worlds has a very useful list here, with links.

How much has ECUSA spent on lawsuits?

A.S. Haley, The Anglican Curmudgeon, attempts to work out how much the Episcopal Church has spent so far on lawsuits and ‘disciplinary actions’.

Womens Katoomba Convention special offer

From friends at the Women’s Katoomba Convention:

“The first Womens Katoomba Convention for 2010 has just finished.

If you haven’t booked yet, why not come up next Saturday (part of our shortened Night ‘n’ Day Convention). You will get the climax of the Convention and only miss one session. KCC have put together a special offer for Saturday visitors.

Those who came to the first weekend reported they were enormously encouraged and challenged by the Bible teaching.”

Read about the special offer at the KCC website.

The Commission of The Risen Jesus

“We gather in this Cathedral today to ordain five persons as priests in the church of God. In due course they will be reminded in the liturgy of their weighty responsibilities and duties in the household of faith and we will hear their solemn vows and undertakings to fulfil the same. We will join in prayer that God will make them equal to their task. But first we must all listen again to the words of the risen Christ…”

– Two weeks ago, Bishop Trevor Edwards preached on John 20:21 at an ordination in the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn. Read his sermon here.

Diocesan mergers ahead in the US and Canada

“Aging congregations and falling attendance may force the mergers of the dioceses of Montreal and Quebec, the Montreal Anglican reports. …

Last year Bishop Drainville [Quebec] told the Canadian House of Bishops his diocese was ‘teetering on the verge of extinction.’  Of the diocese’s 82 congregations, 50 were childless and 35 congregations had an average age of 75.”

George Conger reports for The Church of England Newspaper.
(h/t Anglican Essentials Canada blog.)
See also the June 2010 Montreal Anglican PDF.

‘Australian 9/11 survivor remembers’

“Australian Hans Kunnen [well known to many Sydney Anglicans] was among those who were able to escape from the Twin Towers during the 9/11 attacks. He talks to Saturday AM about that day and how he will be commemorating it.”

ABC Radio.

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