Notes from the Future: Evangelical Liberalism in the UK

“The Lord Jesus called me into his kingdom in April 1974 in a Baptist church in Southampton, England. He had blessed me with a Christian family, and my conversion was very much a humble acceptance in my heart of truths I had long known in my head. Then, almost immediately after my conversion, I found myself (as a 15 year old) having to resist liberal theology from my fellow pupils at school, and even more so from my teachers.

I’ve used the word ‘liberal,’ though it felt very different from the liberalism I now see and sense…”

Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill College in London, writes in the current 9Marks eJournal. (Photo © Richard Hanson.)

The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

“Combine the problems of defining evangelical identity with the current cultural penchant for not excluding anybody and you have a heady recipe for total disaster. Say nice things about Jesus, have a warm feeling in your heart when somebody lights a candle, and be kind to your grandmother and—hey presto!—you belong; you too can be an evangelical …”

Carl Trueman writes on the danger particularly facing evangelical academics in the US (and elsewhere?) – in the current 9Marks eJournal.

Australia Day Convention III

At the third Australia Day Convention at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney, Phillip Jensen is speaking on Emotions in the Christian Life

Emotions are a powerful force in life.
Anger. Love. Sadness. Joy. Fear. Surprise.

And emotions can be a confusing part of the Christian life. What is their place? How should we treat them? Why do they seem to have so much power over us?

10:00am – 5:00pm Tuesday 26th January. Details here.

9Marks eJournal on the dangers of Liberalism

The latest 9Marks eJournal has been published online and is essential reading. Editor Jonathan Leeman writes –

“Michael Lawrence, Carl Trueman, Al Mohler, and Phil Johnson examine how liberalism happens and offer wise counsel for the academic and the pastor’s heart.

Greg Gilbert, Michael Ovey, Russell Moore, and I point to several specific areas where evangelicals appear to be walking on thin ice…

Greg Wills, Michael Horton, and Darryl Hart present notable lessons from history…”

– and there’s much more for your edification. It’s available from 9Marks. (We’ll highlight some key articles over the next few days.)

‘Moses Tay: A Prophet confronts Lambeth Pragmatism’

Charles Raven’s latest column —

“if you try to keep the light and darkness together, righteous and immoral together, to say we are a church, it’s disparaging the meaning of covenant” – Bishop Moses Tay

In his recent interview with the Christian Post Moses Tay, onetime Archbishop of Singapore, brings a sharp prophetic insight to bear on the Anglican Covenant and warns that it is a ‘whitewash’. ‘It cannot be of God’ he says ‘because if you try to keep the light and darkness together, righteous and immoral together, to say we are a church, it’s disparaging the meaning of covenant’.   Read more

Petition on the UK Equality Bill

UK readers will want to take note of the Petition regarding amendments to the Equality Bill to be voted on in the House of Lords this month. (You must be a British citizen or resident to sign the petition.)

Details at Anglican Mainstream.

Church Society response to “Being Faithful”

The following letter was sent by Church Society Council to all the members of the Theological Resource Group in late November 2009.

“We are grateful to you for your work, as part of the GAFCON Theological Resource Group on ‘Being Faithful’, the Commentary on the Jerusalem Declaration.  We note that it is commended to the wider church for further discernment. The Council of Church Society has therefore considered and discussed the report and wishes to draw a number of matters to your attention…”

– Chirch Society published this letter in late December.

10 ways to encourage a Missionary

At The Gospel Coalition blog, Mark Rogers shares the fruit of asking some missionaries what they find encouraging –

“One of the most encouraging/inspiring things we receive from people is a quick note via email to say that they are ‘thinking’ of us…”

Although it’s written from a US perspective, there are some good ideas here.
(h/t Justin Taylor.)

Preach through the Lectionary or books of the Bible?

The Diocese of Tasmania website has posted an article by David Roger-Smith on planning a preaching programme. Especially helpful for those whose practice is to preach on Lectionary readings –

“If you’ve never preached through or helped preached through a biblical book, it might seem a bit daunting, but we would encourage you to have a go. Start with small steps. Devote one school term this year to preaching through a biblical book rather than from the Lectionary readings.”

Download it as a PDF file here from the updated Preaching page.

What you can do in three pages a day

three-pages-a-dayStephen Altrogge asks, “What would happen if you resolved that, in addition to your Bible, you would read three pages of a spiritual book every day?”

He lists some practical suggestions on what you could read at The Blazing Center.

(Most of the books mentioned would be available at Moore Books or Reformers’ Bookshop in Sydney.)

New ACNA website

acna-new-websiteThe Anglican Church in North America has launched a new website.

Diocese of Recife membership doubles

Bishop Robinson CavalcantiEncouraging news from the Diocese of Recife

“Recent statistics show that the Diocese of Recife, under the Primatial Authority of the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of America, continues to grow. The number of confirmed members and regular communicants has more than doubled since its traumatic axing from the liberal Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB) five years ago.  Read more

The persecuted church

Bishop Bill Atwood has written this for the American Anglican Council’s weekly newsletter:

When President Nixon went to Yalta in 1973 (in what is present day Ukraine), I flew the White House staff and secret service on my Air Force plane. Of course the senior staff and the President flew on Air Force One.  Read more

Mike Raiter and Radical Discipleship

Mike RaiterMike Raiter, Principal of the Bible College of Victoria, opened God’s word, starting in Luke chapter 9, at this week’s CMS Summer School at Katomba.

CMS has graciously made Mike’s first talk available for download.

It, and the whole series, were a great blessing, challenge and encouragement to all who were present. The other talks are available for purchase from CMS NSW.

This Life I Live — new hymn free download

Morrow MusicAt the 2010 CMS Summer School held in Katoomba this week, a new hymn by Michael Morrow was taught. ‘This Life I Live’ is a beautiful song ‘celebrating the fact that we who died with Christ now live for him, and live in hope of a glorious resurrection’.

‘The Life I Live’ is not yet available on CD, but you can hear it and download the mp3 file and sheet music at Morrow Music.

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