FiF UK reacts to recent news from Sydney
“Forward in Faith regrets the recent decision of the Synod of the diocese of Sydney with regard to lay and diaconal presidency at the Eucharist, both of which are clearly contrary to the foundational documents of Anglicanism.
It trusts that the Archbishop of Sydney will use those powers available to him to ensure that such innovations are not set forth, in order that further division is not thereby introduced into the life of the Communion.”
– a Statement from Forward in Faith UK.
However, the motion at Sydney Synod simply re-stated the Synod’s long-held opinion. There was no legislation involved. It seems many are reacting to exaggerated media reports. See Jeremy Halcrow’s report at
See also George Conger’s article for The Church of England Newspaper.
Designing for Christmas
Christmas is not far off – how will your church advertise what’s on?
There’s the Create Conference on November 15.
And as well, Phil Campbell at Mitchelton Presbyterian Church in Brisbane, shares his church’s Carols flier – and other good ideas – at Design4Church.
The key doctrine of Justification
Mike Reeves chats with John Piper about the subject of justification – for the UCCF’s Theology Network.
There’s a very helpful stress on the imputation of Christ’s righteousness.
It’s a 17MB mp3 download – from this page.