Anglican Bishops reclaiming Biblical position

finla press briefingPledging to work against forces of “militant secularism and pluralism” within their Christian denomination, conservative Anglican leaders formed a new umbrella organization here at the weekend.

The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) — representing more than half of the world’s practicing Anglicans — wrapped up a weeklong meeting in Jerusalem, where more than 1,100 lay and clergy, including nearly 300 bishops, declared their allegiance to traditional biblical and church teachings and vowed to combat liberal trends, including the acceptance of homosexual leadership. …

– Report from Crosswalk. (Photo: Joy Gwaltney.)

Journey to the Promised Land

Abp Greg Venables“GAFCON is a movement, not just a conference.”

When the delegates starting arriving in Jerusalem, the words of the organisers rang true. They came from all over the world, not just because they were invited to a conference but because they felt now was the time to start something. …

– from Russell Powell at (Photo: Joy Gwaltney.)

Tears and cheers as Declaration released

GAFCON Final StatementThe Global Anglican Future Conference has overwhelmingly endorsed the Jerusalem Declaration and final communique, a document Archbishop Peter Jensen says will help bring order out of chaos. …

– Russell Powell reports for
GAFCON Statement here.

Also hear a 6 minute recording from Sunday afternoon’s press conference (Archbishops Henry Orombi, Peter Jensen and Emmanuel Kolini answer questions) – 4.2MB mp3 file (direct link), courtesy of

Dr J I Packer on lessons to be learned

Dr J I PackerThe audio files of Dr James Packer’s talk and question time at Holy Trinity, Eastbourne, last Tuesday are available at the Holy Trinity website.

Dr Packer spoke on “Lessons to be learned from the Canadian church experience” – and stated that the issues which prompted GAFCON are the most serious since the Reformation. Very helpful talk.

The meeting was widely reported when – 3 minutes into the question time – Dr Packer was asked what he would say to the Archbishop of Canterbury given the opportunity.

Links to the mp3 files – talk (55 min / 9.5MB) – question time (32 min / 5.6MB).
(Photo: Ed Hird.)

GAFCON Final Statement released

final statementThe GAFCON Final Statement has now been released on the final day of the Pilgrimage in Jerusalem –

“GAFCON is not just a moment in time, but a movement in the Spirit, and we hereby:

• launch the GAFCON movement as a fellowship of confessing Anglicans

• publish the Jerusalem Declaration as the basis of the fellowship

• encourage GAFCON Primates to form a Council. …”

– read the full statement and the associated Jerusalem Declaration here (380kb PDF – direct link). It’s also available on our website in the Reference documents section.

A press conference is expected in a few hours at 9:00pm Sydney time (1100GMT) Sunday.

GAFCON Slideshow Day 7

Russell Powell interviews Al StewartHere’s a slideshow of photos taken at GAFCON on Day 7 – Saturday.

You can also see our slideshows of Day 6, Day 4, Day 3 – and Monday’s photos from the Mount of Olives.

We’re very grateful to the GAFCON media team, and particularly Russell Powell, for the images and stories we’ve been able to share with you.

Russell is seen here interviewing Bishop Al Stewart – with Tim Robinson filming – overlooking the Sea of Galilee yesterday. (Photo: Zac Veron.)

My other Gafcon

Anne AtkinsThe one thing you have to realise in order to understand the Global Anglican Future Conference – if you are indeed burning to understand a Global Anglican Future, and dedicated to doing so properly – is that it is not really anything to do with sex. …

True, sex may have been one of the presenting issues. But that’s not what Gafcon is about. Gafcon is about the Gospel. It’s about what kind of a creature a Christian is, what nature of God we believe in, and who is the Lord we follow. …

– Anne Atkins (profile) writes in The Guardian.

GAFCON Statement expected Sunday

newsletterWe understand that the long-awaited Statement from GAFCON will be released shortly after 5:30pm Sydney time on Sunday (0730GMT) with a press conference around 9:00pm Sydney time (1100GMT). We’ll post details and any updates here as we receive them.

(Photo: Russell Powell.)

Where Jesus walked

The Sea of GalileeOn Saturday, the GAFCON pilgrims travelled to Galilee.

Russell Powell has this report at

Away from the conference venue – GAFCON pilgrims have had an emotional service on the water at Galilee in which six ferries were lashed together in the centre of the lake.

(Photo: David Sseppuuya)

PCUSA ‘plants seeds of self-destruction’

Presbyterian ‘More Light’The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted Friday to pave the way toward the ordination of practicing homosexual persons to the offices of deacon, elder, or minister. The series of votes begin to reverse the denomination’s position on sexual practices that it has held for its entire existence. …

– Report from Christian Newswire. (Photo: Danny Bolin and Presbyterian Church USA.)

Pilgrim’s Progress audio book reminder

John BunyanIf you were planning on downloading the free copy of the Pilgrim’s Progress Audio book from Christian Audio – but haven’t yet done so – their offer expires on Monday night. See this post.

GAFCON day whatever-it-is: Acceleration

Sola PanelThis afternoon, the draft Conference Statement was presented to the whole conference, and then discussed in detail by all the participants meeting in their different provincial groups. There is a strict media embargo on the text of the Statement, and those of us who are blogging have been sworn to secrecy. I will therefore say no more about it, except to promise that when the final text is released (on Sunday), you will want to read it. …

– Tony Payne at The Sola Panel.

Airport delay? – Share good news

VideoRussell Powell hears how one Nigerian Bishop took the opportunity to share some wonderful news on his way to GAFCON.

See the 4 minute 20 second video file courtesy of

GAFCON Slideshow Day 6

GAFCON Day 6 slideshowHere’s a slideshow of photos taken at GAFCON on Day 6 – Friday.

You can also see our slideshows of Day 4, Day 3 – and Monday’s photos from the Mount of Olives.

‘A sleeping giant awakes’ says Peter Jensen

Peter JensenSydney Archbishop Peter Jensen – chair of the GAFCON programme committee – speaking to a news briefing in Jerusalem – saying a sleeping giant has awoken in the church because of the actions of revisionist [i.e. liberal] leaders in North America. …

– from the GAFCON website.
930kb Mp3 audio clip here – courtesy GAFCON media team.
(Photo: Joy Gwaltney.)

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